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单词 hole
释义 hole AHD[hōl] D.J.[həʊl]K.K.[hol]n.(名词)
    1. A cavity in a solid.洞:固体上的洞
    1. An opening or a perforation:开口或小孔:a hole in the clouds.云彩的缺口
    2. Sports An opening in a defensive formation, especially the area of a baseball infield between the third base player and the shortstop.【体育运动】 缺口,漏洞:尤指棒球场上第三垒球手和游击手之间防卫阵形中的缺口
    3. A fault or flaw:错误或缺陷:There are holes in your argument.你的论证中有漏洞
    1. A deep place in a body of water.水体深处
    1. An animal's hollowed-out habitation, such as a burrow.洞穴:动物中空的洞穴,如地洞
    1. An ugly, squalid, or depressing dwelling.蜗居:丑陋、肮脏或气氛压抑的居住地
    1. A deep or isolated place of confinement; a dungeon.地牢,土牢:深而隔离的拘留地;地牢
    1. An awkward situation; a predicament.进退两难的处境;困境
    1. Sports 【体育运动】
    1. The small pit lined with a cup into which a golf ball must be hit.高尔夫球洞:有一个杯子的小洞,高尔夫必须被的打入其中
    2. One of the divisions of a golf course, from tee to cup.路线:从高尔夫球座到球洞的一段
    1. Physics A vacant position in a crystal left by the absence of an electron, especially a position in a semiconductor that acts as a carrier of positive electric charge. Also called In this sense, also called electron hole 【物理学】 空穴:在晶体中由于没有电子而造成的空位,尤指在半导体中可当作正极使用的空位 也作 在此意义上也可称作 electron hole
v.(动词)holed,, holes及物动词)
    1. To put a hole in.在…挖孔
    1. To put or propel into a hole.把…打入或放入孔内
  1. To make a hole in something.凿洞:在某物中打孔
Phrasal Verbs常用词组hole out 【体育运动】
  1. To hit a golf ball into the hole.把高尔夫球击入洞中
hole up
    1. To hibernate in or as if in a hole.在洞中蛰居
    1. Informal To take refuge in or as if in a hideout.【非正式用语】 在洞穴中避难或躲藏
Idioms习惯用语hole in one【体育运动】
  1. The driving of a golf ball from the tee into the hole in only one stroke.一杆击中:一杆就把高尔夫球从球座击入洞中
in the hole
    1. Having a score below zero.得一负点
    1. In debt.负债
    1. At a disadvantage.处于劣势
    1. Middle English 中古英语
    1. from Old English hol * see kel- 1源自 古英语 hol * 参见 kel- 1
References参考词汇hole, hollow, cavity, pocket
    1. These nouns refer to an unfilled or empty space.这些名词指未填的或空白的地方。
    1. Hole is applicable to an opening in or a perforation through a solid body: Hole 适用于指固体上的开口或小孔: dug a hole in the earth and planted the seed;在地上挖个洞并撒上种子;a hole in the bow of the ship made by a torpedo.鱼雷在船头击出一个洞。
    1. Hollow denotes an unfilled area in a solid body or a dent or depression on a surface: Hollow 指固体中未填的洞或表面上的凹痕或陷入: a hollow in the ground where ivy grows;地上的洼地里长着长春藤;marble steps with hollows worn by footsteps. Acavity is a hollow or hollow area within a solid body or object: 大理石阶梯有人走出的脚印。 Cavity 指固体或事物内部的凹洞: a cavity in a molar;臼齿里的空洞;the cranial cavity.脑腔。
    1. Pocket is applied to a cavity in the earth, as one containing a mineral deposit,or to an isolated cavity or area that contains foreign or contrasting matter: Pocket 适用于指地层里可贮藏矿产的中空的洞,或指含有相异或有矛盾物质的隔离的空穴或地区: pockets of manganese in the rock;岩石中含有锰的矿层;a plane that plunged into a pocket of turbulence;飞机摔入了漩涡中心;pockets of unemployment in an otherwise affluent society. 本显得很富裕的社会中一些失业的不利情况




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