释义 |
il·lu·sion AHD[ĭ-lo͞o′zhən] D.J.[ɪˈluːʒən]K.K.[ɪˈluʒən]n.(名词) top: In a Hering figure, straight horizontal rules appear curved.bottom: In Gestalt theory boxes, a gray box against a black background appears lighter than the same gray box against a white background.Clarinda/Academy Artworks- An erroneous perception of reality.错觉,假象:对现实错误的看法
- An erroneous concept or belief.错误的观念:错误的观念或信仰
- The condition of being deceived by a false perception or belief.被错觉蒙蔽的现象:被错误看法或信仰欺骗后所呈现的状态
- Something, such as a fantastic plan or desire, that causes an erroneous belief or perception.幻觉:导致错误的信仰或观点的错误根源,例如一个古怪的计划或欲望
- Illusionism in art.魔术手法:艺术上的错觉艺术手法
- A fine transparent cloth, used for dresses or trimmings.绢网,薄纱:用于衣服或装饰的透明的高质量的布
- Middle English 中古英语
- from Old French 源自 古法语
- from Late Latin illūsiō illūsiōn- 源自 后期拉丁语 illūsiō illūsiōn-
- from Latin [a mocking, irony] 源自 拉丁语 [愚弄,命运的嘲弄]
- from illūsus [past participle of] illūdere [to mock] 源自 illūsus illūdere的过去分词 [愚弄]
- in- [against] * see in- 2in- [反对] * 参见 in-2
- lūdere [to play] * see leid- lūdere [玩弄] * 参见 leid-
illuʹsional 或 illuʹsionar'y AHD[-zhə-nĕr'ē] (形容词)illuʹsionless adj.(形容词) |