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单词 lift
释义 lift AHD[lĭft] D.J.[lɪft]K.K.[lɪft]v.(动词)lift.ed,, lifts及物动词)
    1. To direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise:提,抬:从一个较低的位置弄到或搬到一个较高的位置:lift one's eyes; lifted the suitcase.抬起双眼;提起衣箱
    2. To transport by air:空运:The helicopter lifted the entire team to the meet.直升飞机把全队空运到运动会现场
    1. To revoke by taking back; rescind:撤销;解除:lifted the embargo.取消禁运
    2. To bring an end to (a blockade or siege) by removing forces.撤消封锁:通过撤走武装力量而终止(封锁或包围)
    1. To cease (artillery fire) in an area.停火:在某一地区停止(炮火)
    1. To raise in condition, rank, or esteem.提高地位,级别,声望
    2. To uplift; elate:鼓舞;振奋:Your telephone call really lifted my spirits.你的电话提起了我的精神
    1. To remove (plants) from the ground for transplanting.移植:把(植物)从地上挖起以便移值
    1. To project or sound in loud, clear tones:提高声音:提高(嗓门),使听起来清晰宏亮:lifted their voices in song.唱歌时提高了嗓门
    1. Informal To steal; pilfer:【非正式用语】 剽窃;窃取:A thief lifted my wallet.小偷扒走了我的钱夹
    1. Informal To copy from something already published; plagiarize:【非正式用语】 抄袭:从已发表的东西上照抄;剽取:lifted whole paragraphs from the encyclopedia.整段都是从百科全书上照抄的
    1. To pay off or clear (a debt or mortgage, for example).清偿:付清(例如债务或房租)
    1. To perform cosmetic surgery on (the face), especially in order to remove wrinkles or sagging skin.整容:做面部整容手术,尤指为了去皱纹或消除松弛的皮肤
    1. Sports To hit (a golf ball) very high into the air.【体育运动】 挑(球):将(高尔夫球)高高地打到空中
    2. To pick up (a golf ball) to place it in a better lie.选放:捡起(高尔夫球)放在更好的球位
    1. To rise; ascend.上升;升起
    2. To yield to upward pressure:可高举:These windows lift easily.这些窗户很容易举起
    1. To disappear or disperse by or as if by rising:消散:通过或好象通过上升而消失或消散:By afternoon the smog had lifted.到下午雾气散尽
    2. To stop temporarily:暂时停留:The rain lifted by morning.到清晨大雨暂停
    1. To become elevated; soar:受到鼓舞;感到高兴:Their spirits lifted when help came.当救援来到时,他们的情绪受到了鼓舞
    1. The act or process of rising or raising to a higher position.上升:上升到或上升到较高位置的动作或过程
    1. Power or force available for raising:提升力:能使物体升高的力或力量:the lift of a pump.泵的提升力
    1. An amount or a weight raised or capable of being raised at one time; a load.承载量:一次能举起的量或重量;装载量
    1. The extent or height to which something is raised or rises; the amount of elevation.提升高度:某物升高或被提高的高度或程度;提高的量
    2. The distance or space through which something is raised or rises.扬程:某物升高或被提高所经过的距离或空间
    1. A rise or an elevation in the level of the ground.上升:在地平面上的上升或升高
    1. An elevation of the spirits:振奋:兴致或情绪提高:The good news gave us a lift.好消息让我们精神振奋
    1. A raised, high, or erect position, as of a part of the body:翘起:升高的、高的或直立的位置,如身体的某一部分:the lift of his chin.他翘起的下巴
    1. A machine or device designed to pick up, raise, or carry something.起重机,千斤顶:用来抬高、升高或搬运某物的机器或装置
    1. One of the layers of leather, rubber, or other material making up the heel of a shoe.鞋跟材质:一层用于制造鞋跟的皮、橡胶或其他材料
    1. Chiefly British A passenger or cargo elevator.【多用于英国】 电梯:载客或载货电梯
    1. A ride in a vehicle given to help someone reach a destination:搭便车:让某人搭乘运输工具以到达某人目的地:gave my friend a lift into town.让我朋友搭便车进城
    1. Assistance or help:帮助,援助:gave her a lift with her heavy packages.帮她抬那些沉重的包裹
    1. A set of pumps used in a mine.一组唧筒:矿井中使用的一套泵
    1. The component of the total aerodynamic force acting on an airfoil or on an entire aircraft or winged missile perpendicular to the relative wind and normally exerted in an upward direction, opposing the pull of gravity.空气浮力:作用于机翼或整个机身或带翼导弹的整个空气动力学的力的组成部分,与相对风垂直,作用方向向上,与地球引力作用方向相反
Phrasal Verbs常用词组lift off
  1. To begin flight:发射:The spacecraft lifted off at noon.航天飞机中午发射
Idioms习惯用语lift fire
  1. To increase the range of artillery fire by elevating the muzzle of a piece.增大射程:升高炮口以增加大炮火力射程
    1. Middle English liften 中古英语 liften
    1. from Old Norse lypta 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 lypta
Related Forms继承用法liftʹable adj.(形容词)liftʹer n.(名词)References参考词汇lift, raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost
    1. These verbs mean to move something from a lower to a higher level or position.这些动词的意思是使某物从较低移到较高水平或位置。
    1. Lift sometimes stresses the expenditure of effort: Lift 有时强调花费的努力: a trunk too heavy to lift;太重而提不动的旅行箱;requires three men to lift the piano.要三个人才能抬起这架钢琴。
    1. Raise often implies movement to an approximately vertical position: Raise 经常指移动到基本上垂直的位置: raised the window slightly;轻轻抬起窗户;raising a monument to the war dead.为战争中的死难者立一座纪念碑。
    1. Rear is frequently interchangeable withraise : Rear 经常可以与raise 互换: rear a ladder;立起一架梯子;rear a flagpole.竖起一根旗杆。"Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains" (Macaulay).“她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓” (麦考利)。
    1. Elevate is sometimes synonymous with the preceding terms ( Elevate 有时是前几个词的同义词( used two pillows to keep his head elevated), but it more often suggests exalting, ennobling, or raising morally or intellectually: 用两个枕头来抬高他的脑袋), 但它更经常地含有使崇高、使高贵或在道德上或智力上提高的意思: "A generous and elevated mind is distinguished by nothing more certainly than an eminent degree of curiosity" (Samuel Johnson).“一颗慷慨、高贵的心灵最显著的特征当然是具有强烈的求知欲” (萨缪·约翰逊)。
    1. Hoist is applied principally to the lifting of heavy objects,often by mechanical means: Hoist 主要指举起重物,经常是通过机械方式: hoist a sunken ship;吊起一艘沉船;uses a crane to hoist the construction beams. Toheave is to lift or raise with great effort or force: 用起重机吊起建筑物的横梁。 Heave 的意思是用力举起或抬起: heaved the pack onto his back.用力把包扛在背上。
    1. Boost suggests upward movement effected by or as if by pushing from below: Boost 含有从下面推或好象从下面推的动作实现的向上运动的意思: boosted the child into the saddle;把孩子托上马鞍;boost sales;提高销售额;boost morale. See also Synonyms at steal 提高士气 参见同义词 steal




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