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释义 〔Seleucia〕An ancient city of Mesopotamia on the Tigris River south-southeast of modern Baghdad. Founded c. 300b.c. , it was an important commercial center and the chief city of the empire founded by Seleucus I. 塞琉西亚:美索不达米亚的一座古城,位于今巴格达东南偏南的底格里斯河畔。建于公元前 300年左右,是塞琉卡斯一世缔造的王国的一个重要的商业中心和主要城市 〔Seleucid〕A Hellenistic dynasty founded by Seleucus I after the death of Alexander the Great. It ruled much of Asia Minor from 312 to 64b.c. 塞琉卡斯王朝:塞琉古一世在亚历山大大帝死后建立的希腊王朝。从公元前 312到64年统治小亚细亚的大部分地区 〔audacious〕an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas.对两部詹姆斯一世时期戏剧的创造性阐述〔Donne〕English metaphysical poet and divine who served as chaplain to James I and dean of Saint Paul's Cathedral (after 1621). His works includeDivine Poems (1607). 多恩,约翰:(1572-1631) 英国玄学派诗人和神学家,曾任詹姆斯一世的宫廷附属教堂牧师、圣保罗大教堂教长(1621年以后)。著作包括《灵诗》 (1607年) 〔Cecil〕English statesman who helped secure the throne for James I after the death of Elizabeth I (1603).塞西尔,罗伯特:(1563?-1612) 英国政治家,伊丽莎白一世去世(1603年)后帮助詹姆斯一世稳定王位〔Burgundy〕A Portuguese dynasty (1139-1383) beginning with Alfonso I, who made Portugal an independent kingdom.勃艮第:从使葡萄牙成为一个独立王国的阿立索一世开始的葡萄牙朝代(1139-1383年)〔Scone〕A village of central Scotland northeast of Perth. The old part of the village was the coronation site of Scottish kings until 1651. The Stone of Scone, or Stone of Destiny, which served as a throne during the coronation rites, was taken to England by Edward I in the late 13th century and today rests in Westminster Abbey beneath the chair used during the crowning of British monarchs. 斯昆:一个位于苏格兰中部、佩思东北部的村庄。直到1651年这个村庄的旧部都是苏格兰国王的加冕地。这个村庄在作为加冕地期间,一块当作御座的命运之石在13世纪晚期被爱德华一世带入英格兰,今天它被放置在威斯敏斯特教堂内一张英国封建君主曾用于加冕的椅子下面〔Schleswig〕A historical region and former duchy of northern Germany and southern Denmark in southern Jutland. The duchy was created in 1115 and passed, along with the duchy of Holstein, to Christian I of Denmark in 1460. After subdivisions caused by complex hereditary holdings, the duchies were once more reunited under the Danish crown in 1773. Denmark, Prussia, and Austria contended for the region until 1866, when it was annexed by Prussia. In 1920 the northern part of Schleswig was returned to Denmark by plebiscite. The southern portion became part of the West German state of Schleswig-Holstein after World War II.什勒斯威格:历史上的一个地区,先前为北部德国和南部丹麦在日德兰半岛南部的公爵领地。它产生于1115年,1460年于荷尔斯泰因领地一起归属给丹麦基督一世。经复杂的由遗产所有引起的分割后,它于1773年再次合并归还给丹麦王室。丹麦、普鲁士和奥地利为这一地区展开竞争,直到1866年它被普鲁士吞并。1920年经公民投票,什勒斯威格的北部归还丹麦,南部地区在二战后成为西德所属什勒斯威格-荷尔斯泰因州的一部分〔Ascham〕English scholar who as Latin secretary to Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I advocated the use of the vernacular in literature.阿斯克姆,罗杰:(1515-1568) 英国学者,曾为爱德华六世,玛丽一世和伊丽莎白一世的拉丁语秘书,倡导在文学中使用方言〔Hohenzollern〕German royal family who ruled Brandenburg from 1415 and later extended their control to Prussia (1525). Under Frederick I (ruled 1701-1713) the family's possessions were unified as the kingdom of Prussia. From 1871 to 1918 Hohenzollern monarchs ruled the German Empire.霍恩索伦:自1415年起控制勃兰登堡的皇族,后开始控制普鲁士(1525年)。在弗里德里希一世(1701-1713年在位)期间,这个家族占有的国土统称为普鲁士王国,从1871年到1918年这个皇族的国王统治了德国帝国〔Tudor〕English ruling dynasty (1485-1603), including Henry VII and his descendants Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.都铎王朝:英格兰统治王朝(1485-1603年),包括亨利七世及其后代亨利八世、爱德华六世、玛丽一世和伊丽莎白一世〔Medici〕Italian noble family that produced three popes (Leo X, Clement VII, and Leo XI) and two queens of France (Catherine de Médicis and Marie de Médicis).Cosimo "the Elder" (1389-1464) was the first of the family to rule Florence. Lorenzo "the Magnificent" (1449-1492) was an outstanding patron of learning and the arts, whose clients included Michelangelo and Botticelli. 美第奇家族:出了三个教皇(利奥十世,克莱蒙七世及利奥十一世及两个法国皇后凯瑟琳·美第奇和玛丽·美第奇)的意大利贵族家庭。“大”科西莫 (1389-1464年)是这个家庭中第一个统治佛罗伦萨的人。“高贵的” 洛伦索 (1449-1492年)是一位杰出的学者与艺术家的赞助人,受到其赞助的包括米开朗基罗和波提比利 〔Persia〕Also Per.sian Empire [-zhən, -shən] A vast empire of southwest Asia founded by Cyrus II after 546b.c. and brought to the height of its power and glory by Darius I and his son Xerxes. Alexander the Great conquered the empire in 334 b.c. A later empire was established by the Sassanids ( a.d. 226-637). 也作 Per.sian Empire [-zhən, -shən] 波斯:西南亚一个强大的帝国,公元前 546年后由居鲁士二世建立。到了大流士一世和他儿子色雷斯时期,帝国达到全盛时期 。 公元前 334年亚历山大大帝征服了波斯 。后来的帝国由萨桑王朝建立( 公元 226-637年) 〔Chatham〕A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. Elizabeth I established the first dockyard here in 1588. Population, 142,800.查莎姆:英国东南部的自治城市,位于伦敦东部。1588年伊丽莎白一世在这里修建了第一家造船厂。人口142,800〔Hilliard〕English painter who founded a school of miniature painting under the patronage of Elizabeth I and James I.希利亚德,尼古拉:(1547-1619) 英国画家,得到伊丽莎白一世和詹姆斯一世的资助,创建了小型画的一个流派〔Seneca〕Roman Stoic philosopher, writer, and tutor of Nero. His works include treatises on rhetoric and governance and numerous plays that influenced Renaissance and Elizabethan drama.塞内加,卢西乌斯·安奈乌斯:(4) 罗马斯多葛派哲学家、作家、尼禄的私人教师,他的作品包括关于修辞学和统治的论文和大量的戏剧,曾影响了文艺复兴和伊丽莎白女王一世时代的戏剧〔Godoy〕Spanish politician whose alliance with Napoleon I against Great Britain led to the defeat of French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805).戈多伊,曼纽尔·德:(1767-1851) 西班牙政治家,他同拿破仑一世结盟反对大英帝国,致使法国和西班牙海军1805年在特拉法尔加失败〔fount〕Damascus—the fount of modern Arab nationalism.圣达马苏斯一世--现代阿拉伯民族主义的发起人〔Metternich〕Austrian politician who helped form the Quadruple Alliance that ultimately defeated Napoleon I.梅特涅,克莱蒙·温泽尔·内波姆·洛泰尔·冯:(1773-1859) 奥地利政治家,帮助组织神圣同盟,最终打败拿破仑一世〔jeroboam〕After Jeroboam I (died c. 901 b.c. ), king of northern Israel 源自 耶罗博姆一世 (卒于 公元前 901年)的名字,北部以色列国王 〔Bonaparte〕Corsican family, all brothers of Napoleon I, includingJoseph (1768-1844), king of Naples (1806-1808) and Spain (1808-1813); Lucien (1775-1840), who disapproved of Napoleon's policies; Louis (1778-1846), who was king of Holland (1806-1810) and fought with Napoleon in Italy (1796-1797) and Egypt (1798-1799); and Jérôme (1784-1860), who was king of Westphalia (1807-1813), fought at Waterloo (1815), became marshal of France (1850), and was president of the senate under Napoleon III. 波拿巴:科西嘉家族,拿破仑一世的全部弟兄,包括约瑟夫 (1768-1844年),曾任那不勒斯国王(1806-1808年)和西班牙国王(1808-1813年); 卢西恩 (1775-1840年),反对拿破仑的政策; 路易斯 (1778-1864年),曾任荷兰国王(1806-1810年),并曾协同拿破仑在意大利(1796-1797年)和埃及(1798-1799年)作战; 耶洛姆 (1784-1860年),曾任威斯特伐利亚国王(1807-1813年),参与滑铁卢战役(1815年),是法国元帅(1850年)和拿破仑三世的议会主席 〔forgive〕"God may pardon you, but I never can" (Elizabeth I).Toexcuse is to pass over a mistake or fault without demanding punishment or redress: “上帝可能饶恕你,但我不能” (伊丽莎白一世)。Excuse 指的是容许错误或过失而不惩罚或弥补: 〔Austerlitz〕A town of southern Czechoslovakia. Nearby, on December 2, 1805, Napoleon decisively defeated the Russian and Austrian armies of Czar Alexander I and Emperor Francis II.奥斯特利茨:捷克斯洛伐克南部的城镇。1805年12月2日,拿破仑在附近决定性地击败了沙皇亚历山大一世及弗兰西斯二世的俄国和奥地利联军〔Beauharnais〕Empress of the French (1804-1809) as the wife of Napoleon I. Married first to Alexandre de Beauharnais, she wed Napoleon Bonaparte in 1796. The marriage was annulled (1809) because of her alleged infertility.博阿内,约瑟芬·德:(1763-1814) 法国皇后(1804-1809年),拿破仑一世的妻子。她先与亚历山大·德·博阿内结婚,1769年与拿破仑·波拿巴结婚。据称因她不能生育这个婚姻被解除(1809年)〔Bourbonnais〕A historical region and former province of central France in the Massif Central. It was held by the counts (later dukes) of Bourbon until 1527, when Francis I added it to the French crown lands.波旁奈依:一历史区域,原法国中部高地中心一省。1527年前一直由波旁伯爵(后为公爵)统治,同年弗兰西斯一世将其并入王室领地〔Jena〕A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Napoleon I decisively defeated the Prussians here on October 14, 1806. Population, 106,555.耶拿:德国中部的城市,位于莱比锡西南。拿破仑一世于1806年10月14日在此大败普鲁士军队。人口106,555〔Bayard〕French military hero known for his fearlessness and chivalry in the Italian campaigns of Charles VII, Louis XII, and Francis I. He was called"le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche.” 拜亚尔:法国的战斗英雄,以其大无畏和骑士精神而闻名于世,他在查尔斯七世、路易斯十二世、弗朗西斯一世的意大利战役中充分体现了他的无所畏惧。他被称作"le chevalier sans peur et sans reproche" 〔Lombardy〕A region of northern Italy bordering on Switzerland. First inhabited by a Gallic people, it became the center of the kingdom of the Lombards in the sixth centurya.d. and part of Charlemagne's empire in 774. The Lombard League of cities defeated Emperor Frederick I in 1176. 伦巴底:意大利北部的一个地区,与瑞士接壤。最早的居民是高卢人。公元 6世纪成为伦巴底人所建王国的中心,774年成为夏尔马聂帝国的一部分。1176年伦巴底城市联盟击败了弗雷德里克一世皇帝 〔Rome〕The capital and largest city of Italy, in the west-central part of the country on the Tiber River. Traditionally founded by Romulus and Remus, it was ruled first by Etruscans, who were overthrown c. 500b.c. The Roman Republic gradually extended its territory and expanded its influence, giving way to the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus (27 b.c. - a.d. 14). As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323). Alaric I conquered the city in 410, leading to a lengthy period of devastation by barbarian tribes. In the Middle Ages the city revived as the spiritual and temporal power of the papacy increased. During the 1800's Rome was held at various times by the French until it became the capital of Italy in 1871. Vatican City remains an independent enclave within the confines of Rome. Population, 2,830,569. 罗马:意大利的首都及最大城市,在该国中西部,濒临台伯河。传统上认为罗马由罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯创建,伊特鲁里亚人最先统治罗马,并于公元前 500年被推翻。罗马共和国逐渐扩展领土和扩大势力,在奥古斯都( 公元前 27年- 公元 14年)统治时期成为罗马帝国。罗马作为帝国的首都,被认为是世界的中心,当康斯坦丁把国都迁往拜占庭后(323年),罗马衰落了。阿拉里克一世于410年征服了罗马从而使野蛮部落给罗马带来长期毁灭性的灾难。中世纪时,随着教皇宗教和世俗权力的上升,罗马又恢复了生机。19世纪期间,罗马不时受到法国人的统治,直至1871成为意大利的首都。梵蒂冈仍为罗马境内独立的外国领地。人口2,830,569 〔Decembrist〕A participant in the unsuccessful conspiracy to overthrow Czar Nicholas I of Russia in December 1825.俄国十二月党人:1825年12月企图推翻沙皇尼古拉一世未遂的武装起义者〔Jamestown〕A former village of southeast Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in America. It was founded in May 1607 and named for the reigning monarch, James I. The "Starving Time" of 1609 to 1610 nearly wiped out the colony, and only the timely arrival of Baron De La Warr with supplies convinced the survivors to remain. Jamestown became the capital of Virginia after 1619 but was almost entirely destroyed during Bacon's Rebellion (1676) and further declined after the removal of the capital to Williamsburg (1698-1700).詹姆斯敦:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的原村落,第一个英国人在美国的固定居住点。建立于1607年5月,被指定为属詹姆士一世的君主统治。1609年到1610年的“饥饿时代”几乎将这个殖民地抹去,但巴龙·德·拉·沃带着补给的及时到来给幸存者带来了信心。1619年后詹姆士镇成为了弗吉尼亚州的首府,但是在1676年的巴尔干叛乱中它几乎被毁,随后在首府迁往威廉斯堡后日渐衰落〔Dudley〕English courtier, politician, and favorite of Elizabeth I. Pardoned for his involvement in the plot to secure the throne for Lady Jane Grey (1553), he sought the hand of Elizabeth, who refused him, partly because his wife, Amy Robsart, had died (1560) under suspicious circumstances.达德利,罗伯特:(1532?-1588) 英国宫廷侍臣、政治家。他是伊丽莎白一世的宠臣,1553年涉嫌参与简·格雷夫人夺取王位的阴谋,但被赦免,随后他向伊丽莎白求婚并遭到拒绝,部分原因是他的妻子爱米·伯沙特死得可疑(1560年)〔Gondomar〕Spanish ambassador to England (1613-1618 and 1619-1622) who persuaded James I to abandon his ties to the French and Protestants.贡多马尔:西班牙驻英国大使(1613-1618和1619-1622年),他曾说服詹姆斯一世同法国以及新教徒断绝往来〔labarum〕The banner adopted by Constantine I after his conversion to Christianity.罗马帝国后期军旗:康斯坦丁一世皈依基督教以后采用的军旗〔Cecil〕English statesman and chief adviser to Elizabeth I. He persuaded the queen to execute Mary Queen of Scots.西塞尔,威廉:(1520-1598) 英国政治家,伊丽莎白一世的首席顾问。他说服女王处决了苏格兰的玛丽女王〔Luton〕A borough of southeast England north-northwest of London. A millinery industry was established here during the reign of James I. Population, 164,200.卢顿:英格兰东南部自治城市,位于伦敦西北偏北,詹姆斯一世在位期间发展了妇女头饰制造业。人口164,200〔Leipzig〕A city of east-central Germany south-southwest of Berlin. Originally a Slavic settlement called Lipsk, it developed by the early Middle Ages into a major commercial and cultural center. At the so-called Battle of the Nations (October 16-19, 1813), Austrian, Russian, and Prussian forces decisively defeated Napoleon I. Population, 558,994.莱比锡:德国中部偏东一城市,位于柏林的西南偏南。最初是斯拉夫人的居住地,被称作果比斯克,到中世纪早期时,就已发展成为一个重要的商业和文化中心。在所谓的“多国战争”(1813年10月16日至19日)中,奥地利、俄国和普鲁士联军决定性地击败了拿破仑一世。人口558,994〔Antioch〕Also An.ta.kya [än-täkʹyä] A city of southern Turkey on the Orontes River near the Mediterranean Sea. Founded c. 300b.c. by Seleucus I, it was an important military and commercial center in the Roman era and an early center of Christianity. Population, 94,942. 也作 An.ta.kya [än-täkʹyä] 安提克:土耳其南部一城市,位于地中海附近的奥伦提斯河沿岸。公元前 300年由塞琉古一世所建,在罗马时期是重要的军事和商业中心,也是基督教的一个早期中心。人口94,942 〔Soult〕French military leader who served as marshal under Napoleon I.苏尔特,尼古拉斯·让·德·迪厄:(1769-1851) 法国军方领导人,在拿破仑一世麾下任元帅〔Berengaria〕Castilian-born queen of England as the wife of Richard I.贝伦加丽娅:卡斯蒂裔英国王后,理查德一世的妻子




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