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释义 〔flamenco〕The origin of the wordflamenco is to be sought variously in the realms of ornithology and northern Europe. Spanish contains two homographs spelledflamenco, one of which means "Flemish, Andalusian Gypsy,”and the other, "flamingo.” Flamenco in the former sense comes from the Middle Dutch wordVlāming, meaning "Fleming.” Flamenco, "flamingo,” comes ultimately from Latinflamma, "flame,” referring to the fiery red plumage of the bird.Is the dance named for its flamingolike fieriness or its Flemishness?It would seem that some kind of association between Gypsies and people of Flemish extraction explains the use offlamenco, "Fleming, Andalusian Gypsy,” as the name of a dance originally associated with the Andalusian Gypsies.The English wordflamenco, borrowed from Spanish, is first recorded in 1896.Flamenco 一词的词源可以在鸟类学和北欧的领域中大量找到。 西班牙语中有两个拼写为flamenco 的同形异义词, 其中的一个意义为“佛兰芒人,安达鲁西亚吉普赛人,”另一个意义为“红鹤”。 Flamenco 原有的意义来源于中古荷兰语Vlaming, 意思是“佛兰芒人。” Flamenco 作“红鹤”意思讲时,最初是来自拉丁语的flamma, 意为“火焰,” 指这种鸟火红的羽毛。这种舞的命名是由于它象红鹤般的猛烈呢,还是由于它与佛兰芒人有关?吉普赛人与佛兰芒血统的人之间的某种联系似乎解释了flamenco “佛兰芒人,安达鲁西亚吉普赛人”的这种用法, 即作为最初与安达鲁西亚吉普赛人有关的一种舞的名称。源于西班牙语借用而来的英语词flamenco, 最早记载于1896年〔chaw〕The use ofchaw for chew , in both the verb and the noun, is remarkably wide in its U.S. distribution,occurring in pronunciations from New England south to the Gulf States,throughout the Midwest,and westward to Colorado and California.Chaw has a wide range of senses in regional expressions. One meaning of the verb is "to bawl someone out": He chawed her good. A Southern sense is "to get the best of someone in a bantering contest" or simply "to embarrass": "That compliment sort of chawed me" (Publication of the American Dialect Society).The nounchaw can mean "a twist of chewing tobacco" or "an attachment or hold (on someone)”; for example, a flirtatious girl in South Midland states is "tryin' to git a chaw on a feller" (Dialect Notes).In areas where Irish immigrants were seeking work at the turn of the century,chaw was a derogatory term for an Irishman. 在名词以及动词形式上以chaw 代替 chew 的用法, 在美国分得尤为普遍,就发音上来说出现在从新英格兰南到海湾各州,整个中西部地区,以及往西直到科罗拉多和加利福尼亚。Chaw 在地区用法上意义范围很广。 动词的一个意义是“痛骂,大声训斥”: 他把她狠狠了骂了一顿。 在南部它指“在互相取笑中占了某人的上风”或者简单地指“使难堪”: “那句称赞让我有些难堪” (美国方言协会出版物)。Chaw 用作名词可以指“一撮咀嚼的烟草”或者“(对某人的)爱慕或占有”; 例如,一个中南部的卖弄风情的女人 “设法让一个小伙子迷上她” (方言笔记)。在本世纪初爱尔兰移民们寻找工作的地区,chaw 是对爱尔兰人的贬称 〔quote〕As a transitive verbquote is appropriately used to describe the use of an exact wording drawn from another source. When the original source is paraphrased or alluded to,the more general termcite is usually preferable. · The nounquote is well established as a truncation of quotation, though many critics regard it as unduly journalistic or breezy.As such, it is best avoided in formal literary discussions.The use of the noun was acceptable to only 38 percent of the Usage Panel in the sentenceHe began the chapter with a quote from the Bible. But the usage is less objectionable in informal contexts or in reference to less august sources;the word was acceptable to 53 percent of the Panel in the sentenceHe lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies. · The nounquote is sometimes used as a synonym for "dictum, saying,” as inHis career is just one more validation of Andy Warhol's quote that "in the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This example was unacceptable to 76 percent of the Usage Panel.作为一个及物动词,用quote 一词来指从另一出处中抄取完全一样的用语是很恰当的。 当原文出处被意译或是间接提及时,一个意义更广泛的词cite 更可取。 quote 这名词形式是由 quatation 削减而来,也已被普遍接受, 虽然许多批评家认为这个词染有不恰当的记者文风或不太正式。因此,在正式的文学讨论中最好避免使用。在用法专题使用小组的调查中,只有38%的人认为这个名词在这章的开始他引用了《圣经》中的一段 文字 这个句子中的用法是可行的。 但在不正式的语境下或提及的出处不很严肃时,对于这种用法的反对意见要少一些。在他插入了一段引自马克斯兄弟电影中的 话 来活跃谈话气氛 这个句子中, 53%的小组成员认为这个词可以接受。 Quote 这个名词有时也可用作“格言、名言”的同义词, 如在他的一生再一次证实了安迪·霍尔的 格言 “将来,每个人都将享有十五分钟的知名度” 这个句子中, 用法专题使用小组中76%的成员认为这个例句无法接受




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