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单词 一大堆
释义 〔rattle〕rattled off a list of complaints.说出一大堆抱怨的话〔ruck〕The undistinguished crowd or ordinary run of persons or things.一大堆:一群无法分辨的人或事物〔incalculable〕a mass of incalculable figures.一大堆无法计算的数字〔passel〕"The President faces a passel of domestic issues"(Christian Science Monitor)“总统面对着一大堆国内问题”(基督教科学箴言报)〔release〕released the balloons; released a flood of questions.放走气球;提出一大堆问题〔flex〕“‘Resolution’ has none of that modern flex we favor, with generous, built-in amounts of ‘maybe’”(Melvin Maddocks)“‘果断’没有我们所推崇的现代弹性的意味,即说一大堆暗含‘也许’的话”(梅尔文·马多克斯)〔bring〕She always takes a pile of books home with her from school. 她总是在放学后带回家一大堆书。 〔attack〕made an optimistic attack on the pile of paperwork.乐观地着手一大堆的案头工作〔welter〕A confused mass; a jumble:混乱的一大堆;混乱的一堆:〔birth〕Until recently, the use ofbirth as a verb meaning "to bear (a child)” has been confined to Southern speech: "Heap o' good it do a woman to birth a mess o' young uns and raise 'em and then have 'em all go off to oncet" (Marjorie K. Rawlings).Recently, however, the nonstandard Southern usage has coincided with widespread usage of verbs derived from nouns, such asparent, network, and microwave. Birth in this new usage is most commonly found in its present participial form and is used as an adjective in the compound birthing room. 以前birth 意为生育(孩子)的动词用法仅限于南方语言: 一个女人生养一大堆孩子,然后他们都一起离开家庭,这对于她来说有很大好处。” (玛乔里·K·罗林斯)。但是最近,这种不标准的南方用法与广泛使用名词作动词的用法相吻合,如作父母,连网络 和 传送微波。 Birth这种新的用法常见于现在分词形式并用于合成词中的形容词 育婴室 〔throng〕A large group of things; a host.一大堆东西;一窝〔concourse〕A great crowd; a throng.一大群;一大堆〔flock〕had a flock of questions.See Usage Note at collective noun 有一大堆问题 参见 collective noun〔hide〕buried the point of the article in a mass of details. Tocloak is to conceal something, such as a thought, a plan, or an intention, by masking or disguising it: 把文章的主旨埋在一大堆细节中。 Cloak 的意思是通过伪装或掩盖来隐藏某物(如思想、计划、意图): 〔slieve〕A mountain.山,山岳,一大堆,大量〔kind〕The use of the plural demonstrativesthese and those with kind and sort, as inthese kind (or sort ) of films, has been a traditional bugbear of American grammarians. By and large,British grammarians have been more tolerant,and the construction can be found in the works of British writers from Pope to Dickens to Churchill.Grammatically, the question boils down towhetherkind and sort should be treated as head nouns (analogous to species or variety, for example) or whether they have become semantically weakened to the status of a sort of phrasal quantifierthat functions like an adjective,analogous in some ways tobunch and number in expressions such asa bunch of friends, a number of reasons. Ifkind and sort are unambiguously nouns, one would expect to see only singular demonstratives and singular verbs accompanying them: 复数形式的指示代词these 和 those 与 kind 和 sort 的用法, 如these kind (或 sort ) of films, 成为美国语法专家长期感到头痛的问题。 总的说来,英国语法专家对此更能容忍,这一句法结构可以在从蒲柏到狄更斯以至丘吉尔这些英国作家的著作中找到。在语法上,问题归结起来是,是否kind 和 sort 应当作中心词名词(例如,与 species 或 variety 类似), 或者是否他们语义上减弱到一种数量词短语的地位,其功能像一个形容词,某些方面类似于bunch 和 number , 其表述例如一群朋友,一大堆理由。 如果kind 和 sort 是明确的名词, 人们应该希望只看到单数指示代词和与之相伴的单数动词: 〔mountain〕a mountain of laundry.一大堆要洗的衣服〔talk〕much talk and no action.光有一大堆空话而无实际行动〔hash〕A jumble; a hodgepodge.杂乱的一大堆;杂烩菜〔topless〕a collection of topless jars.一大堆无顶的瓶瓶罐罐〔heap〕We have heaps of homework tonight.今晚我们有一大堆作业〔barrage〕a barrage of criticism.接二连三的一大堆批评




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