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单词 一小撮
释义 〔opinion〕"A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own,have rendered the great Government of the United States helpless and contemptible" (Woodrow Wilson).“那些只代表他们自己的意见而不是其它公民意见的一小撮人,已经使伟大的美国政府处于一种无助和被人小瞧的地步” (伍德洛·威尔逊)。〔responsible〕In recent years,many people have objected to the use of the phraseclaim responsibility with reference to the authors of terrorist acts, as inA small separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion, in which 30 passengers were killed. It is true that the phrase is not entirely felicitous,in as much as it does not convey the speaker's conviction that the action is deplorable.But alternatives such asadmit or take the blame cannot be recommended either, since they would imply misleadingly that the instigators had themselves acknowledged that the action was wrongful.近年来,许多人反对使用与恐怖主义活动制造者相关的词组claim responsibility , 如一小撮分离主义者声称对那次致使30位旅客丧生的爆炸负责 。 这个词组确实是不得体的,因为它没有表达说话者对悲惨行为的谴责。但也不能推荐如admit 和 take the blame 等替代词, 因为它们可能使人误导以为煽动者自己也承认行动是错误的




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