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释义 〔cappuccino〕The history of the wordcappuccino exemplifies how words can develop new senses because of resemblances that the original coiners of the terms might not have dreamed possible.The Capuchin order of friars, established after 1525,played an important role in bringing Catholicism back to Reformation Europe.Its Italian name came from the long, pointed cowl,orcappuccino, derived fromcappuccio, "hood,” that was worn as part of the order's habit.The French version ofcappuccino was capuchin (now capucin ), from which came EnglishCapuchin. The name of this pious order was later used as the name (first recorded in English in 1785) for a type of monkey with a tuft of black, cowllike hair.In Italiancappuccino went on to develop another sense, "espresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream,”so called because the color of the coffee resembled the color of the habit of a Capuchin friar.The first use ofcappuccino in English is recorded in 1948 in a work about San Francisco. cappuccino 一词的历史很好地说明了词语如何可以因一些相似性而发展出新的意思, 而这些词的创造者也许做梦都没想过这些相似性是可能的。嘉布遣会建于1525年后,在将天主教带回经历宗教改革的欧洲的过程中发挥了重要作用。它的意大利语名称来自一种长而尖的蒙斗篷,或称cappuccino, 这个词又来自coppuccio, 意为“风帽”, 蒙头斗篷是这一派修士所穿衣服的一部分。Cappuccino 在法语中成了 capuchin (现在是 capucin ), 英语中的Capuchin 就来自这个法语词。 这一虔诚教派的名字后来被用来作一种带一撮黑色的、蒙面斗篷似毛发的驴子的名字(于1785年首次用英语记录)。在意大利语中,cappuccino 接着又发展出一个新的意思, 意为“混以或加入煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓别啡,”这样叫是因为这种咖啡的颜色类似于嘉布遣会修士所穿衣服的颜色。Cappuccino 在英语中的第一次使用记载于1948年一本关于旧金山的著作中 〔muff〕A cluster of feathers on the side of the face of certain breeds of fowl.一撮毛:某些家禽脸侧的一撮羽毛〔nilgai〕A large, long-legged antelope(Boselaphus tragocamelus) of India, the male of which has short, sturdy horns and a tuft of long hair under the chin. 鹿牛羚:印度产的一种大型长腿羚羊(鹿牛羚 羚羊属) ,雄兽生有短且强健的角且下鄂部下面有一撮长毛 〔goatee〕When assessing American contributions to the English language and to fashion,let us not forget thegoatee. Early comments on this style of beard appear first in American writings,making this word an Americanism.Although the style raises few eyebrows now,the early comments were not favorable:"One chap's . . . rigged out like a show monkey, with a little tag of hair hangin down under his chin jest like our old billy goat, that's a leetle too smart for this latitude, I think.”This 1842 description, found in William Tappan Thompson'sMajor Jones's Courtship, also reveals the etymology of the word.The first actual recorded occurrence of the word, found in Daniel Lee and Joseph H. Frost'sTen Years in Oregon, published in 1844,also sounds disapproving:"A few individuals . . . leave what is called, by some of their politer neighbors, a ‘goaty’ under the chin.”当评价美国人对英语和其习惯的影响时,让我们不要忘记goatee 这个词。 关于这种样式胡子的早期评论出现于美国作品,这使这个词具有美国特色。尽管这个样式现在很少有人异议,但早期的评论却是反对的:“一个小伙子…打扮得象一只表演的猴子,留着一簇蓬乱的胡子,象一只大公羊,我认为这有点太滑稽了”。这是1842年威廉·塔潘·汤普森在《乔恩上校的求婚》 中的描写, 它也表明了这个词的词源。关于这个词最初的真实记录见于丹尼尔·李和约瑟夫·H·福斯特的《在俄勒冈的十年》 , 出版于1844年,它也持反对态度:“一些人…留着一撮被他们礼貌的邻人称作‘山羊胡子’般的胡须”〔chaw〕The use ofchaw for chew , in both the verb and the noun, is remarkably wide in its U.S. distribution,occurring in pronunciations from New England south to the Gulf States,throughout the Midwest,and westward to Colorado and California.Chaw has a wide range of senses in regional expressions. One meaning of the verb is "to bawl someone out": He chawed her good. A Southern sense is "to get the best of someone in a bantering contest" or simply "to embarrass": "That compliment sort of chawed me" (Publication of the American Dialect Society).The nounchaw can mean "a twist of chewing tobacco" or "an attachment or hold (on someone)”; for example, a flirtatious girl in South Midland states is "tryin' to git a chaw on a feller" (Dialect Notes).In areas where Irish immigrants were seeking work at the turn of the century,chaw was a derogatory term for an Irishman. 在名词以及动词形式上以chaw 代替 chew 的用法, 在美国分得尤为普遍,就发音上来说出现在从新英格兰南到海湾各州,整个中西部地区,以及往西直到科罗拉多和加利福尼亚。Chaw 在地区用法上意义范围很广。 动词的一个意义是“痛骂,大声训斥”: 他把她狠狠了骂了一顿。 在南部它指“在互相取笑中占了某人的上风”或者简单地指“使难堪”: “那句称赞让我有些难堪” (美国方言协会出版物)。Chaw 用作名词可以指“一撮咀嚼的烟草”或者“(对某人的)爱慕或占有”; 例如,一个中南部的卖弄风情的女人 “设法让一个小伙子迷上她” (方言笔记)。在本世纪初爱尔兰移民们寻找工作的地区,chaw 是对爱尔兰人的贬称 〔earlock〕A lock of curled hair that hangs in front of the ear.耳前的发穗,鬓发:挂在耳前的一撮卷发〔tussock〕A tuft of hair or feathers.丛簇:一绺头发或一撮羽毛〔dag〕A lock of matted or dung-coated wool.粪污毛块:一撮蓬乱或有粪污覆盖的养毛〔tag〕A dirty, matted lock of wool.一撮纠结的羊毛:一绺脏的、纠结在一起的羊毛




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