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单词 一步
释义 〔lemon〕Although we know neither where the lemon was first grownnor when it first came to Europe,we do know from its name alone that it came to us from the Middle East,because we can trace its etymological path.One of the earliest if not the earliest occurrences of our word is found in a Middle English customs document of 1420-1421.The Middle English word, which was of the formlimon, goes back to Old Frenchlimon, showing that yet another delicacy passed into England through France.The Old French word probably came from Italianlimone, another step on the route that leads back to the Arabic wordlaymūn or līmūn, which comes from the Persian wordlīmūn. 虽然我们既不知道柠檬是在哪儿被最早种植的,也不知道它是什么时候传到欧洲的,但是我们却能单从它的名字确切地判断出它是从中东地区传到我们的,因为我们可以追溯出它的语源的发展道路。如果不是最早出现的话,最早的发现记录于1420年至1421年之间的一份中古英语海关文件中。这个中古英语单词的形式是limon , 可以追溯到古代法语中的limon 一词, 它表明又一种美味佳肴由法国传入了英国。这个古代法语单词很可能来源于意大利单词limone , 这就更朝前一步地回到了阿拉伯语中的laymun 或 limun , 这一单词来源于波斯语limun 〔helpmate〕The existence of the two wordshelpmeet and helpmate meaning exactly the same thing is a comedy of errors. God's promise to Adam, in Genesis 2:18 as rendered in the King James version of the Bible (1611), was to give him "an help [helper] meet [fit or suitable] for him.”In 1673 the poet John Dryden used the phrase "help-meet for man,”with a hyphen betweenhelp and meet. This was one step on the way toward the establishment of the phrase "help meet" as an independent word.Another was the use of "help meet"without "for man"to mean a suitable helper,usually a spouse, as Eve had been to Adam.Despite such usages,however, for the most parthelpmeet was not thought of as a word in its own right until the 19th century. Nonetheless the phrase "help meet" probably played a role in the creation of the synonymous compoundhelpmate, from ( help and mate ), first recorded in 1715. Helpmeet 和 helpmate 这两个意义完全相同的词的存在缘于一起错误的喜剧。 据英王詹姆士一世钦定《圣经》英译本(1611年)《创业记》2:18的记载,上帝允诺亚当给他“一个适合他的助手”。1673年,诗人约翰·德莱顿使用了“男人的助手”这个短语,并且在help 和 meet 中间加了一个连字符成为help-meet。 这是短语"help meet"成为一个独立的单词道路上所迈出的第一步。另一步就是单独使用"help meet",去掉了"for man"这个成分,意思是适合的伙伴,通常指象夏娃之于亚当那样的伴侣。尽管有以上这些用法,但是,总的说来,helpmeet 这个说法直到19世纪才凭借自身的资格成为一个单词。 但不管怎么说,同义合成词helpmate 来源于( help 加 mate )的创造过程中(这个词首次记录于1715年),短语"help meet"很可能扮演了一定的角色 〔connection〕In this connection, the agreement can be seen as a step toward peace.在此环境下,该协议可视为是迈向和平的一步〔jump〕A step or level:一步,一个水平:〔appel〕A quick stamp of the foot used in fencing as a feint to produce an opening.快步佯攻:击剑中为俟机快攻而迅速向前跨出一步的假进攻动作〔pace〕The distance spanned by a step or stride, especially:步幅:一步或一大步所跨的距离,尤指:〔loiter〕loitered all the way home.一步一停地挪回家〔run〕To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride.跑,奔:每跨一步时双脚同时离开地面地快速移动〔tread〕An instance of treading; a step.踩:踩的实例;一步〔complete〕 Complete suggests the final stage in bringing an undertaking to fruition: Complete 暗指取得成功的最后一步〔possible〕"Only the initiated know and honor those [scientists] whose patient integrity and devotion to exact observation have made the last step possible" (Hans Zinsser).“只有受教者才知道并且称赞这些 他们的有耐性的诚恳及对精确观察的投入使最后一步成为可能” (汉斯·辛瑟)。〔jump〕jumped town a step ahead of the police.比警察先一步逃离城镇〔step〕The single complete movement of raising one foot and putting it down in another spot, as in walking.一步:提起一只脚将它放于另一点的一次完整动作,如在行走中〔pace〕A step made in walking; a stride.一步:行走时跨出的一步;一大步〔footstep〕The distance covered by a step:步长:一步所覆盖的距离:〔sideways〕took a step sideways; a sideways glance.向旁边跨了一步;斜着眼看了一下〔breakthrough〕A major achievement or success that permits further progress, as in technology.重大成就:允许进一步发展的主要成就或成功,如在技术上〔recover〕"a false step that he was never able to retrieve" (John Morley). “他再也不能挽回的错误的一步” (约翰·莫利)。 〔blunder〕twisted her ankle and lurched home;扭伤了脚踝,她一步一扭地走回家;〔misstep〕A misplaced or awkward step.失足:把脚放错地方或错误的一步〔blunder〕floundered up the muddy mountain trail;一步一滑爬上泥泞的山间小道;〔step〕The distance traversed by moving one foot ahead of the other.一步的距离:放置一脚在另一脚前面跨过的距离〔if〕If they had only come earlier!如果他们早来一步该多好啊!




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