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单词 一段
释义 〔intussuscept〕To take within, as in telescoping one part of the intestine into another; invaginate.使缩入:拿到…里,如使肠的一段叠缩入另一段;使肠套叠〔negotiate〕negotiate a difficult musical passage.完成一段艰困的乐章〔Cinderella〕One that unexpectedly achieves recognition or success after a period of obscurity and neglect.灰姑娘:经过一段被冷落和忽视的时期后,意外获得承认和成功的人〔term〕A period of time that is assigned to a person to serve:任期:某人任期内的一段期限:〔cantabile〕A cantabile passage or movement.一段如歌唱般的乐曲或乐章〔link〕links of sausage; one link in a molecular chain.香肠串;分子链的一段〔quote〕As a transitive verbquote is appropriately used to describe the use of an exact wording drawn from another source. When the original source is paraphrased or alluded to,the more general termcite is usually preferable. · The nounquote is well established as a truncation of quotation, though many critics regard it as unduly journalistic or breezy.As such, it is best avoided in formal literary discussions.The use of the noun was acceptable to only 38 percent of the Usage Panel in the sentenceHe began the chapter with a quote from the Bible. But the usage is less objectionable in informal contexts or in reference to less august sources;the word was acceptable to 53 percent of the Panel in the sentenceHe lightened up his talk by throwing in quotes from Marx Brothers movies. · The nounquote is sometimes used as a synonym for "dictum, saying,” as inHis career is just one more validation of Andy Warhol's quote that "in the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes.” This example was unacceptable to 76 percent of the Usage Panel.作为一个及物动词,用quote 一词来指从另一出处中抄取完全一样的用语是很恰当的。 当原文出处被意译或是间接提及时,一个意义更广泛的词cite 更可取。 quote 这名词形式是由 quatation 削减而来,也已被普遍接受, 虽然许多批评家认为这个词染有不恰当的记者文风或不太正式。因此,在正式的文学讨论中最好避免使用。在用法专题使用小组的调查中,只有38%的人认为这个名词在这章的开始他引用了《圣经》中的一段 文字 这个句子中的用法是可行的。 但在不正式的语境下或提及的出处不很严肃时,对于这种用法的反对意见要少一些。在他插入了一段引自马克斯兄弟电影中的 话 来活跃谈话气氛 这个句子中, 53%的小组成员认为这个词可以接受。 Quote 这个名词有时也可用作“格言、名言”的同义词, 如在他的一生再一次证实了安迪·霍尔的 格言 “将来,每个人都将享有十五分钟的知名度” 这个句子中, 用法专题使用小组中76%的成员认为这个例句无法接受〔microsleep〕A period of sleep that lasts up to a few seconds, usually experienced by people who have narcolepsy or are severely deprived of sleep.微睡:一段只持续数秒的睡眠,通常发生于罹患发作性睡病或是严重失眠的人身上〔extract〕A passage from a literary work; an excerpt.摘录:从文学作品中摘录下来的一段;摘录〔apiece〕pece [piece] * see piece pece [一部分,一段] * 参见 piece〔ribband〕A length of flexible wood or metal used to hold the ribs of a ship in place while the exterior planking or plating is being applied.肋骨牵条:一段柔性木材或金属,在安装外部板材或外层时用以保持船的肋骨在合适位置〔threshold〕A piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door; a doorsill.门槛:在门下放置的一段木条或石条;门槛〔jittery〕a jittery ride over rough terrain.在崎岖地带的一段颠簸路程〔number〕One of the separate offerings in a program of music or other entertainment:一项,一个节目:音乐或其它娱乐表演中的独立的一段〔unquote〕Used by a speaker to indicate the end of a quotation.引用作结:被一名发言者用来表示一段引文的结束〔vanilla〕"We went through a period of vanilla cars"(Charles Jordan)“我们经历了一段乏味的乘车时期”(查尔斯·乔丹)〔indicate〕a comment testifying ignorance;显露出无知的一段评论;〔hole〕One of the divisions of a golf course, from tee to cup.路线:从高尔夫球座到球洞的一段〔piece〕A thing considered as a unit or an element of a larger thing, quantity, or class; a portion:一部分,一段:被认为是较大物体、数量或类别的一个单位或元素的东西;一部分:〔last〕After a considerable length of time; finally.终于:一段相当长的时间之后;最终〔telos〕The end of a goal-oriented process.终极目的:一段有既定目标的过程的最后终点〔lento〕A lento passage or movement.一段缓慢的乐曲或乐章〔quarantine〕A period of time during which a vehicle, person, or material suspected of carrying a contagious disease is detained at a port of entry under enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country.检疫期,隔离期:当运输工具、人或材料被怀疑带有传染性疾病,被扣留在港口进行强行隔离的一段期限,以防止疾病传入某个国家〔phase〕"A phase of my life was closing tonight, a new one opening tomorrow" (Charlotte Brontë).“我生命的一段历程于今晚结束,明天将开始新的一程” (夏洛特·勃朗蒂)。〔brass〕The section of a band or an orchestra composed of brass instruments.黄铜管乐:由黄铜乐器演奏的一段乐曲或管弦乐〔retreat〕A period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude.引退期间:一段隐居、退隐或独居的时期〔voluntary〕A short piece of music, often improvised on a solo instrument, played as an introduction to a larger work.即兴曲:一段短音乐,常为乐器即兴独奏,作为大型作品的序曲〔last〕To persist or endure for the entire length of; survive:经受住:坚持住或忍受足够长的一段;维持生命:〔longueur〕A tedious passage in a work of literature or performing art:冗长乏味的章节:文学作品或表演艺术中乏味的一段〔TelePrompTer〕"With[the President], an old hand at reading from the teleprompter, the gestures nearly always matched the rhetoric" (Boston Globe)"Although he was cheered loudly by most delegates, leftist hecklers and a faulty teleprompter gave him some anxious moments"(Chicago Tribune)“与[总统], 一个阅读读稿机的老手,姿势几乎总能与言语匹配” (波士顿环球)“尽管他赢得了大多数选民的热烈掌声,但左派的责难和错误百出的读稿机使他经历了一段焦虑的时刻。(芝加哥论坛报)〔sliver〕A slender piece cut, split, or broken off; a splinter:细片:切下、劈下或折下的细长的一段;碎片:〔binge〕had a fling between commencement and graduate school;在毕业典礼之后到上研究生院之前有一段放纵的时光;〔counterpoint〕A composition or piece that incorporates or consists of contrapuntal writing.对位法作品:具有或由对位法作品构成的作词或一段〔train〕A string of gunpowder that acts as a fuse for exploding a charge.导火线:一段黑色火药线,用作引爆炸药的引信〔comment〕A written note intended as an explanation, an illustration, or a criticism of a passage in a book or other writing; an annotation.注释,评论:打算作为一本书或其他书面形式里一段解释、说明或批评的文字记录;注解〔filmstrip〕A length of film containing photographs, diagrams, or other graphic matter prepared for still projection. Also called stripfilm 幻灯胶片,电影胶片:为静止投影而准备的含有相片、图表或其它图表性东西的一段胶片 也作 stripfilm〔bloom〕A bar of steel prepared for rolling.块钢:用作碾平的一段钢材〔time〕Periods or a period designated for a given activity:规定时间:指定进行特定活动的一段或多段时间:〔Ordovician〕Of, relating to, or designating the geologic time, system of rocks, and sedimentary deposits of the second period of the Paleozoic Era, characterized by the appearance of primitive fishes. See table at geologic time 奥陶纪(系)的:属于、有关或指奥陶纪(系)的,奥陶纪(系)是指古生代第二纪的一段地质时间、岩石系统及沉积物,该纪以早期鱼的出现为特征 参见 geologic time〔prepuberty〕The period of life immediately before puberty, often marked by accelerated physical growth.青春期前时期:青春期前不久的一段生活,特征常为快速的身体生长




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