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释义 | 〔economy〕Managing an economy has at least an etymological justification.The wordeconomy can probably be traced back to the Greek word oikonomos, "one who manages a household,” derived fromoikos, "house,” and nemein, "to manage.” Fromoikonomos was derived oikonomia, which had not only the sense "management of a houseold or family" but also senses such as "thrift,” "direction,” "administration,” "arrangement,” and "public revenue of a state.”The first recorded sense of our wordeconomy, found in a work possibly composed in 1440, is "the management of economic affairs,” in this case, of a monastery. Economy is later recorded in other senses shared byoikonomia in Greek, including "thrift" and "administration.”What is probably our most frequently used current sense, "the economic system of a country or an area,” seems not to have developed until the 19th or 20th century.管理经济可以从词源上得到确认。economy 一词的来源很可能追溯到希腊文中的 oikonomos 即“管家”, 这又是从oikos 意为“房子”,以及 nemein 意为“管理”两词演化而来。 从oikonomos 派生出的 oikonomia 意思不仅有“家庭管理”, 而且有“节约”、“指示”、“行政”、“安排”及“国家岁入”等含义。Economy 这个词的意思最早记载在约1440年出版的一篇作品上,意思是僧院的“经济事件管理”。 Economy 在此之后记载下来的意思与希腊语的oikonomia 有相似之处, 包括“节约”和“行政”,直到19世纪或20世纪,今天最常用的意思才开始出现,即“国家或地区的经济体系”〔rambunctious〕The origins oframbunctious are not clearly established, a situation that may be better understood after looking at the evidence.The development that is generally accepted is from the wordrobustious, derived fromrobust and first recorded in a work written before 1548, torumbustious, first recorded in 1778, to rambunctious, first recorded in 1830, all three words having more or less the same meaning.But how didrobustious lead to rumbustious ? It has been suggested that the wordrumble played a part in this, although the wordrumbustion, meaning "the alcoholic beverage rum,” might also have been involved. The first form in whichrambunctious is recorded is rumbunctious, showing howrumbustious was involved in the alteration of robustious to rambunctious, but how the sound indicated bys became that indicated by nc or why the first u became a is a mystery. Rambunctious 的词源并没有十分清楚地确定, 看一下证据就能更好地理解这一点。通常认为它的发展过程是源于robustious 这个词, 它来自robust 并最早记载于1548年以前的一篇作品中, 至于rumbustious 则首次见载于1778年, rumbunctious 的最早的文字记载是在1830年, 这三个词的意思大致相同。但是robustious 怎样演变到 rumbustious 的呢? 有人认为,rumble 这个词起了一定的作用, 尽管rumbustion 意为“含酒精饮料甜酒,”但可能也参与了其演变。 Rambunctious 有记载的最早形式是 rumbunctious , 这表明了rumbustious 这个词如何参与了从 robustious 到 rambunctious 的演变, 但s 所代表的声音是如何变成 nc 所代表的声音的或为什么第一个 u 变成了 a 仍然还是谜 |
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