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单词 一篇文章
释义 〔shirttail〕A brief addition at the end of a newspaper article.附注:报刊上一篇文章后的一个短小说明〔crocodile〕The crocodile may owe its name to its resemblance to a much smaller creature, a lizard that lived in the stone walls of Ionia.This lizard's name,krokodilos, is thought to be a compound of krokē, "pebble, gravel,” and drilos, which is only attested as meaning "circumcised man" but is assumed to mean "worm" as well. According to Herodotus, Ionians in Egypt noted the resemblance, probably humorously, between basking crocodiles and their own "worm of the stones.”The modern form of Englishcrocodile represents a return to the Classical Latin spelling crocodīlus, Latin having borrowed the word from Greek.But other spellings occurred in Classical Greek and Latin, and one of these Latin spellings,cocodrillus, passed into Medieval Latin and Old French (cocodril ) and then into English, so that our earliest possible use of the word, in a work perhaps composed before 1300, is spelledcokedrille. It was not until the 16th century that the word came to have its present spelling.The various spellings met with in the history ofcrocodile reflect the same sort of variations that occurred in the history of alligator. 鳄鱼可能是因为与一种比它小得多的生物,即生长在爱奥尼亚的石墙中的蜥蜴外表相似而得名。这种蜥蜴的名字krokodilos 被认为是由 kroke (意为“卵石,砾石”)一词和 drilos 这一(只被证明有“受割的人”的意思但又被假定有“蠕虫”的意思的)词组成的复合词。 希罗多德认为,埃及境内的爱奥尼亚人可能出于幽默而记下了晒太阳的鳄鱼和他们本地的“石头中的蠕虫”之间的类似点。英语的crocodile 的现代形式反映了古拉丁语拼法 crocodilus 的回归, 拉丁语中的这个词是从希腊语中引入的。但是出现在古希腊语和古拉丁语中的其它拼法以及其中一种拉丁语拼法,cocodrillus , 却进入到中世纪拉丁语和古法语(cocodril )中,然后又进入到英语中, 所以出现在可能写于1300年以前的一篇文章中的我们最早有可能使用该词时的拼法是cokedrille 。 直到16世纪,这个词才变成现在这种拼法。在crocodile 一词的演变历史中的多种拼法也反映了在 alligator 一词的演变历史中的相似变化 〔predicament〕The reporter wrote an article about the woeful plight of homeless people. Aquandary is a state of uncertainty or perplexity, especially about what course of action to take: 这位记者写了一篇文章报道无家可归者的不幸处境。 Quandary 是不确定和困惑的状态, 尤指对将采取的何种行动: 〔postscript〕Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or an article.附言,续篇:如一本书或一篇文章正文后的附加信息〔afraid〕The notion of removal from a state of peace happens to be the basis for constructing.exfredāre, literally "to remove from peace,” the Vulgar Latin ancestor of our wordafraid. This Vulgar Latin word is made up of the Latin prefixex-, "out of,” and a Vulgar Latin verb of the form .fridāre or .fretāre, which came from Germanic.frithuz, "peace.” The Old French wordesfraier, "to disturb,” which subsequently developed from .exfredāre, came into Middle English asaffraien, a verb whose earliest recorded sense, found in a text composed possibly around 1300, is "to frighten, disturb.” Affray, the descendant of affraien, is little used in contemporary writing and speech, but the same cannot be said of the descendant of the past participle ofaffraien, our adjective afraid. 离开平静的状态,这个概念恰好是exfredare 一词的构词基础。 这个词字面意思为“离开平静”,是afraid 一词的俗拉丁语始祖。 这个俗拉丁语词汇由意为“离开”的拉丁语前缀ex- 和俗拉丁语动词形式的 fridare 或 fretare 组成, 这一俗拉丁语动词形式又源自日耳曼语frithuz, 意为“平静”。 古法语单词esfraier, 意为“打扰”是随后从 exfredare 发展而来的, 其以affraien 的动词形式传入中古英语,这个词最早的有记载的意义为“吓唬,打扰”,见载于约1300年的一篇文章中。 Affray 为 affraien 的派生词,其很少在当代文章以及口语中使用, 但这不等于说明affraien 的过去分词的派生词,现在的形容词 afraid 也很少使用 〔pun〕The origin of the wordpun is lost in obscurity, perhaps deservedly so in the eyes of those who consider the pun the feeblest form of wit. The wordpun is first recorded in a work of 1662 written by John Dryden. In a slightly later passage of 1676we find the wordpun in the company of the words pundigrion and punnet with the same sense. Punnet is probably a diminutive of pun, as are the laterpunlet (used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1819) and punkin (Henry James, 1866). Butpundigrion, although recorded later, may have been around earlier than pun and might be its source.Pundrigrion in turn might be an alteration of the obsolete Italian word puntiglio, "fine point,” which we have in English aspunctilio. In any case,the wordpun has given birth to some derivatives of its own, including punnigram, modeled onepigram, and punnology. 可能在那些认为双关语是智慧的最虚弱表现形式的人眼里,pun 的本源难以考证是当然的。 1662年在约翰·德莱登的一篇文章中最早出现了pun 这个词。 其后不久1676年的一篇文章中,pun 同 pundigrion 和 punnet 具有相同的意思而列在一起。 Punnet 可能是 pun 的一个词尾, 后来的punlet (1819年萨缪尔·泰勒·柯利芝使用)和 punkin (亨利·詹姆斯于1866年使用)可能也是如此。 但尽管pundigrion 比 pun 的记载晚,却很可能比它略早出现, 且可能是它的来源。Pundrigrion 按顺序来说可能是已废弃的意大利语 puntiglio 的变形,意为“妙处”, 英语中相应的词是punctilio。 不论如何,pun 自身还衍生了一些词,包括 punnigram , 它是模仿epigram 和 punnology 而成的 〔umpire〕The anguished, hostile cry "Kill the ump" could have been "kill the nump" had it not been for the linguistic process known as false splitting or juncture loss.In the case ofumpire we can almost see the process in action if we study the Middle English Dictionary entry for noumpere, the Middle English ancestor of our word. Noumpere comes from the Old French nonper, made up ofnon, "not,” and per, "equal,” as is someone who is requested to act as arbiter of a dispute between two people; that is, the arbiter is not paired with one of them.In Middle English the earliest recorded form isnoumper (about 1350). The earliest dated form without ann in the entry is owmpere ( a Middle English variant spelling),in a text composed in 1440.How then was lost can be seen if we compare the sequence a noounpier in a text written in 1426-1427 with the sequence an Oumper from a text written probably around 1475. Then of noumpere became attached to the indefinite article, giving usan instead of a and, eventually,umpire instead of .numpire. 要不是因为被称为假分裂或失去连音的语言学过程,"Kill the ump"(杀掉裁判)这样痛苦,仇恨的呐喊可能会成为"kill the nmup"。在umpire 这一例子中,如果我们研究一下 中古英语词典 中 noumpere 这一词条,即该词在中古英语中的原型,便会了解这一语言学现象的过程。 Noumpere 来自于古法语 nonper, 由non, “不”,和 per, “平等的”组成,表示一个应要求就两人之间的争议做出仲裁的人; 也就是说,不与任何一人合作的公断人。中古英语的最先记录形式是noumper (约1350年)。 词条中没有n 的最早形式是 owmpere ( 中古英语的变体拼写),出现于1440年所做的一篇文章。通过比较两个顺序可以看出n 是我们被省略的:一个是 a noounpier ,出现于写于1426年至1427年间的一篇文章;另一个是 an Oumper 摘自可能写于1475年的文章。 noumpere 中的 n 变得和不定冠词连在一起, 成为an 而非 n , 最后就出现了umpire 而不是 ·numpire 〔script〕Middle English skript [a piece of writing] 中古英语 skript [一篇文章] 〔prison〕The wordprison has its origins not in the notions of what such a place is but rather in the notion of how one gets there. Prison can be traced back to the Latin word prēnsiō, "the action or power of making an arrest.” This in turn is derived from the verbprehendere or prendere, which meant "to take hold of, take into custody, arrest.”Prēnsiō then dives into the obscurity of the time when Romance languages such as French were being formed from Vulgar Latin and resurfaces in the Old French of the 12th century with the formprison and the senses "capture" and "place of imprisonment.”This new sense could have already been developed in Latinand not been recorded,but we have to wait until the 12th century to see it,the sense "captivity" being added in the same century.From Old French as well as the Medieval Latin wordpriso, "prison,” derived from Old French, came our Middle English word prisoun, first recorded in a work written before 1121in the sense "imprisonment.”The sense "place of imprisonment" is recorded shortly afterward in a text copied down before 1225but perhaps actually written in the Old English period before the Norman Conquest.Prison 这个单词的来源不在于它是一个什么样的地方而在于一个人是怎么进去的。 Prison 可追溯到意思是“进行逮捕的行动或力量”的拉丁词 prensio。 这个词也是从动词prehendere 或 prendere 派生出来的, 意思是“捉住,逮捕,拘留。”Prensio 这个词在罗马语系中的语言(如法语)逐渐从通俗拉丁语形成时被人们忘却了, 12世纪又以prison 的形式在古法语中重新露面, 其含义是“捉住”和“囚禁人的地方。”这个新的含义很可能在拉丁语中已得到了发展,只是没有被记录下来,但是我们直到12世纪才看到它,在同一世纪“囚禁,俘虏”的意思被加了进去。从古法语、同时也是从源于古法语的中世纪拉丁语词priso “监狱,监禁”中产生了中古英语单词 prison, 这个词最早的记录是在一部著于1121年的作品中,意思是“监禁,拘留。”“监禁或囚禁的地方”这层意思在稍后出现的、在1225年以前被抄录下来的一篇文章中出现,但可能实际写作的时间是在诺曼征服之前的古英语时期〔roorback〕After Baron von Roorback , imaginary author of Roorback's Tour Through the Western and Southern States , from which a passage was purportedly quoted in an attempt to disparage presidential candidate James K. Polk in 1844 源自巴龙·沃恩 Roorback , 穿越西部和南部各州的旅行 一书的假想作者,该书中有意引用了一篇文章,企图诋毁1844年度的总统候选人詹姆斯·K·波克 〔beefeater〕Tourists in England who have seen the warders of the Tower of London and the Yeomen of the Guard know that these men dressed in 15th-century uniforms are calledbeefeaters. Not all tourists are aware, however, that the original use of the term (recorded in 1610) was pejorative,referring to a well-fed servant.In a work published before 1628 the word was also said to have been used contemptuously by the French for an Englishman or an English soldier.The wordbeefeater has thus risen in the world, for the well-fed, well-muscled beefeaters of today (this use was first recorded in 1671) are considered by many to be a national treasure. 到英国旅游见到过伦敦塔的皇家侍卫都知道这些身着15世纪制服的人叫伦敦塔卫士。 但并不是所有的游客都注意到了,这个词最早用作轻蔑语(载于1610年),是指吃得很好的仆人。在1628年前发表的一篇文章中,这个词也被法国人用来蔑称英国人或英国士兵。由于今天营养充足,肌肉发达的皇家侍卫(该意最早使用刊载于1671年)被许多人认为是英国的国宝,伦敦塔卫士 一词于是开始广为流传 〔endnote〕A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.附注:列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书〔trump〕The history of the wordtrump gives meaning to this seemingly nonsensical word and also relates to the history of the game of bridge.Trump is an alteration of the word triumph used in special senses that are now obsolete. These senses, first recorded in a sermon of 1529 by the English prelate Hugh Latimer, are "a card game" and "trump" as it is used in card games.In the same 1529 textone may find the first instances oftrump, used in the same two senses as triumph. Fromtrump and other games came the card game whist, which in turn developed into bridge.The termtrump survived even though the game of trump did not. trump 一词的历史赋予这一看似荒唐的词以意义, 同时它也与桥牌的历史相联系。在triump 的一些现已过时的特殊意义中 trump 可与之换用。 这些意义便是牌戏中所用的“牌戏”和“王牌”,它们首次记载于英格兰高级教士拉蒂默1529年的一篇布道中。在1529年的同一篇文章中,我们可找到trump 被用于 triump 的这两个意义的例子。 从trump 和其它游戏产生了牌戏, 而后又发展成为桥牌。尽管特拉普这一牌戏已不复存在,但trump 一词留存至今 〔ballyhoo〕The origin ofballyhoo has been the subject of much speculation. This spelling has actually graced four different words:ballyhoo, "sensational advertising"; ballyhoo, a spelling of balao, a kind of fish; ballyhoo, a part of the name ballyhoo bird, about which more later; andballyhoo, a sailor's epithet for a disliked ship. This lastballyhoo (first recorded in 1836) was thought to be related to, or the same as, the word ballahou, from Spanishbalahú, "a type of schooner common in the Antilles.” First recorded in 1867,ballahou, besides being a term for a specific kind of ship, was also used contemptuously of inferior ships.But the connection between these sailing terms or the name of the fish and our wordballyhoo, first recorded in 1901, has not been established. There may, however, be a tie betweenballyhoo and the creature called a ballyhoo bird. According to a July 1880 article inHarper's, the bird had four wings and two heads and could whistle through one bill while singing through the other.Anyone who has ever hunted a snipe will know what hunting ballyhoo birds was like.单词ballyhoo 的来源一直存在种种推测。 这个词的拼写实际上包含有四个不同的词:ballyhoo, 意为“耸人听闻的广告”; ballyhoo, 是 balao 的一种拼写,是一种鱼; ballyhoo, 是 ballyhoo bird 的一部分,其出现更晚; 还有一个是ballyhoo, 是水手对不喜欢的船的称呼。 这最后一个ballyhoo (最早记载于1836年)被认为与 ballahou 有关或相同, 该词来自西班牙语balahu, 意为“流行于安的列斯群岛的一种纵帆船。” 首次记载于1867年,ballahou 一词除表示一种特殊的船外, 还表示同时代的劣等船。但这些与航海有关的词或鱼类名称的词与我们所使用的、首次记载于1901年的一词ballyhoo 之间尚未建立联系。 然而也许ballyhoo 一词与被称为 ballyhoo bird 的生物之间有某种联系。 根据1880年7月哈帕斯 杂志中一篇文章的描写, 这种鸟有四翅双头,可以用其中一张嘴吹哨,同时用另一张嘴唱歌。任何曾经猎过鹬鸟的人将会知道捕猎“巴里嗬”鸟是怎样的一种情景〔provoke〕"I have seldom been so . . . stirred by any piece of writing" (Mark Twain). “我很少…被一篇文章所感动” (马克·吐温)。 〔ghostwrite〕To write (a speech, for example) as a ghostwriter.See Usage Note at author 作为代笔人替别人写(例如一篇文章) 参见 author〔epitome〕A brief summary, as of a book or an article; an abstract.梗概:一本书或一篇文章的大致总结;摘要〔menu〕An enormous menu might be considered an oxymoronif one were to restrict the word etymologically.Menu can be traced back to the Latin word minūtus, meaning "small in size, amount, or degree"and also "possessing or involving minute knowledge.”Latinminūtus became Old French menut and Modern French menu, "small, fine, trifling, minute.” The French adjective came to be used as a nounwith the sense of "detail, details collectively,” and "detailed list.”As such, it was used in the phrasemenu de repas, "list of items of a meal,” which was shortened tomenu. This word was borrowed into English,being first recorded in 1837.The French word had been borrowed before,perhaps only briefly,as a shortening of the French phrasemenu peuple, "the common people.” This usage, however, is recorded in only one text, in 1658.“一个庞大的菜单”这一说法可能会被看成是一种矛盾的修辞法,如果人们从语源学角度对这个词进行限制的话。Menu 这个词的词源可上溯到拉丁词 minutus, 意为“尺寸、数量或程度小的”,或者“具备或涉及到精细知识的。”这个拉丁词minutus 而后又成为古法语单词 menut 和现代法语单词 menu, 意为“小的、精巧的、琐碎的、详细的。” 这个法语形容词逐渐被用作名词,意为“细节、诸多细节”及“详细的名单”。就这样,它被用于词组menu de repas, 意为“一张菜肴明细单”, 后来这个词组又被简略为menu。 这个简略词被引入英语中,最早出现于1837年。这个法语单词以前也曾被英语借用过,但也许只用了很短一段时间,而且是作为意为“普通民众”的法语词组menu peuple 的简略词。 然而这一用法仅在1658年的一篇文章中出现过〔item〕The worditem seems to us to be very much a noun, whether it refers to an article in a collection or a bit of information.But it began its life in English (first recorded before 1398) as an adverbmeaning "moreover, also, in addition.”Item as typically used in front of each object listed in an inventory, as we might putalso. This use in English simply reflects a meaning of the word in Latin.However, it is easy to see howitem could be taken to stand for the thing that it preceded, and so we get, for example, the sense "an article included in an enumeration.”The first such usages are found in the 16th century,while the sense "a bit of information" is not found until the 19th century.In the 20th century we added a computer sense,a further addition toitem. 单词item 对我们来说只是一个名词, 它可以指一个文集中的一篇文章或者是一些信息。但是它的起源却是一个副词(最早见于1398年以前),意思为“此外,而且,同样”。Item 最典型是用在商品目录的每一个物品的前面, 就象我们使用also 一样。 这种用法反映在拉丁词语上仅有一个含义。然而,明白item 是怎样被用来代表它前面的事物是很容易的, 所以我们得到了像“文集中的一篇文章”等这种含义。这种用法最早见于16世纪,而含义“一些信息”一直到19世纪才被发现使用。在20世纪时,我们加了一个计算的含义,进一步形成了今天的item




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