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单词 一群
释义 〔mutant〕gangs of disaffected mutant teenagers.一群对现实不满、形容怪异的年轻人〔troupe〕A company or group, especially of touring actors, singers, or dancers.See Synonyms at band 2一群:一伙或一群,尤指巡回的演员,歌舞演员团体 参见 band2〔pod〕A school of marine mammals, such as seals, whales, or dolphins.See Synonyms at flock 1海生哺乳动物:一群海生哺乳动物,如一群海豹、鲸或海豚 参见 flock1〔highbinder〕After the Highbinders , a group of ruffians in New York City c. 1806 源自 暴徒 ,纽约城1806年的一群流氓 〔draft〕A team of animals used to pull loads.驮重物的兽群队伍:用来拉重物的一群牲口〔gang〕A herd, especially of buffalo or elk.See Synonyms at flock 1一群野牛,一群驼鹿 参见 flock1〔entourage〕A group of attendants or associates; a retinue.随行人员:一群陪同和随行的人;随从〔canter〕Most of those who have majored in English literature,and many more besides,know that Chaucer'sCanterbury Tales were told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury to visit the shrine of England's famous martyr Thomas à Becket.Many pilgrims other than Chaucer's visited Canterbury on horse,and phrases such asCanterbury gallop, Canterbury pace, and Canterbury trot described the easy gait at which they rode to their destination. The first recorded instance of one of these phrases,Canterbury pace, is found in a work published before 1636. However, in a work written in 1631 we find a shortened form,the nounCanterbury, meaning "a canter,” and later, in 1673,the verbCanterbury, meaning "to canter.” This verb, or perhaps the noun,was further shortened, giving us the verbcanter, first recorded in 1706,and the nouncanter, first recorded in 1755. 专业是英语文学史的绝大多数人,还有许多其他的人,都知道乔叟的 坎特伯雷故事集 是由一群朝圣者在坎特伯雷的路上讲述的, 他们去那里是为了瞻仰英格兰著名的殉道士托马斯· 贝科特的神殿。除了乔叟笔下的这些朝圣者外的许多其他朝圣者也骑着马前去。一些短语,例如Canterbury gallop,Canterbury pace 和 Canterbury trot 描述了这些朝圣者在骑往他们的目的地时的缓和步态。 这些短语最早见于记录的例子Canterbury pace 发现于1636年之前出版的一部著作中。 然而,在写于1631年的一部著作中我们找到了一个缩略的形式,名词Canterbuty, 意即“慢跑”; 后来在1673年,又有了动词Canterbury, 意为“慢跑。” 这一动词,或者也许是这个名词,后来又被进一步缩写成canter, 该动词最早被记录于1706年,而名词canter 则被最早记录于1755年 〔gentleman〕gentlemen Used as a form of address for a group of men. gentlemen 各位先生:对一群男子的称呼〔kind〕The use of the plural demonstrativesthese and those with kind and sort, as inthese kind (or sort ) of films, has been a traditional bugbear of American grammarians. By and large,British grammarians have been more tolerant,and the construction can be found in the works of British writers from Pope to Dickens to Churchill.Grammatically, the question boils down towhetherkind and sort should be treated as head nouns (analogous to species or variety, for example) or whether they have become semantically weakened to the status of a sort of phrasal quantifierthat functions like an adjective,analogous in some ways tobunch and number in expressions such asa bunch of friends, a number of reasons. Ifkind and sort are unambiguously nouns, one would expect to see only singular demonstratives and singular verbs accompanying them: 复数形式的指示代词these 和 those 与 kind 和 sort 的用法, 如these kind (或 sort ) of films, 成为美国语法专家长期感到头痛的问题。 总的说来,英国语法专家对此更能容忍,这一句法结构可以在从蒲柏到狄更斯以至丘吉尔这些英国作家的著作中找到。在语法上,问题归结起来是,是否kind 和 sort 应当作中心词名词(例如,与 species 或 variety 类似), 或者是否他们语义上减弱到一种数量词短语的地位,其功能像一个形容词,某些方面类似于bunch 和 number , 其表述例如一群朋友,一大堆理由。 如果kind 和 sort 是明确的名词, 人们应该希望只看到单数指示代词和与之相伴的单数动词: 〔hermitage〕The habitation of a hermit or group of hermits.隐士住处:一位或一群隐士住的地方〔varletry〕A crowd of attendants or menials.侍从:一群侍从或奴仆〔directory〕A group or body of directors.董事会:一群或一组董事〔charter〕The hiring or leasing of an aircraft, a vessel, or other vehicle, especially for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers.包租,包船,包机:雇佣或出租飞机、轮船或其他交通工具,尤指一群旅游者使用的特权、临时住所〔band〕To form a group; unite:团结:形成一群;联合:〔band〕To assemble or unite in a group.使团结:集合或联合成一群〔Hashemite〕A member of a princely Arab family claiming direct descent from the prophet Muhammad.哈希姆系:一群自称为穆罕默德先知的直系子孙后代的阿拉伯王系家族成员〔reach〕They reached us by telephone. Our newsletter reaches a very specialized readership.他们通过电话找到了我们。我们的新闻来函专栏拥有一群特殊的读者〔herd〕To gather and place into a group or mass:使成群:召集或把…放入一组或一群〔unity〕These nouns denote the condition of accord resulting from an identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or sympathies among the members of a group.这些名词表示一致的条件,得自识别或符合一群的成员中的兴趣、目的或同情,〔constituency〕A group of supporters or patrons.支持者:一群支持者或赞助者〔exocentric〕Of or relating to a group of syntactically related words, none of which is functionally equivalent to the function of the whole group. For example, none of the words in the phraseon the table is an adverb, yet they combine to form a phrase having adverbial function. 外向结构的,离心结构的:一群在语句构造上有关的字的或是与其相关的,其中的每一个字在功能上皆与该群文字整体的功能不相同,举例而言,on the table 词组中的文字都不是副词,可是它们所组合起来的词组却有副词的功能 〔crowd〕a mob of hard-rock enthusiasts;一群摇滚乐的热心听众;〔body〕A group of individuals regarded as an entity; a corporation.一群,团体:一批视作整体的一群;社团〔cavalier〕Cavalier Of or relating to a group of 17th-century English poets associated with the court of Charles I. Cavalier 英国诗人的:与查理一世的朝廷有联系的一群17世纪英国诗人的或与之相关的〔parcel〕A group or company; a pack:一群,一批:一群或一个团伙;一类:〔herd〕To come together in a herd:聚在一起:聚成一群〔congregate〕To bring or come together in a group, crowd, or assembly.See Synonyms at gather 聚集:聚集成一组、一群或集会 参见 gather〔gregarious〕Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind:群居的:有与同类合成一群倾向的:〔pool〕A group of journalists who cover an event and then by agreement share their reports with participating news media:记者团:报导某一事件然后再根据协议与参予的新闻机构分享报导的一群记者:〔hall〕The group of students using such a building:学生:一群正在使用这样一所建筑的学生:〔influential〕a select group of media influentials.一群经过挑选的媒介巨头〔Kuna〕A member of a Central American Indian people formerly inhabiting central Panama, now living primarily in the San Blas Islands and adjacent coastal areas of northeast Panama.库那人:一群过去居住于巴拿马中部而现在主要居住于圣巴雷斯岛及巴拿马东北部相连接的海岸区域的中美洲印第安人〔clone〕A group of genetically identical cells descended from a single common ancestor, such as a bacterial colony whose members arose from a single original cell as a result of binary fission.无性系:由一共同母体而繁生的一群遗传因子完全相同的细胞,例如一菌落的成员来源于二分核分裂的单一母细胞〔class〕A set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category.种类:认为具有某种共同属性或特点的成员组成的一群、一套或一类;一种或一类〔cohort〕A group or band of people.一群一群或一帮人〔sord〕A flight of mallards.See Synonyms at flock 1一群绿头鸭 参见 flock1〔gang〕A group of laborers organized together on one job or under one foreperson:团体,帮:一群在一种工作或一个领导者之下组织起来的劳动者:〔ranch〕from Spanish [hut, group of people who eat together] 源自 西班牙语 [棚舍,一群在一起吃饭的人] 〔catfight〕A fight between or among cats.猫战:两只或一群猫之间的战斗




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