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单词 一针见血
释义 〔target〕observations that were right on target.一针见血切中要害的话〔trenchant〕a trenchant comment.一针见血的评论〔mordant〕an inquisitor's mordant questioning.审讯者一针见血的提问〔joke〕a speech that was full of witticisms. Aquip is a clever, pointed, often sarcastic remark: 充满诙谐语句的演说。 quip 指一句机智的、一针见血的、常常是讽刺性的语句: 〔sharpshooting〕Accurate, often unexpected verbal or written attack.一针见血:精确的,通常未预料的言辞或书面抨击〔sarcastic〕 Caustic means corrosive and bitingly trenchant: Caustic 表示尖刻的或一针见血的: 〔nerve〕The criticism touched a nerve.这评论一针见血〔blunt〕"Onscreen, John Wayne was a blunt talker and straight shooter"(Time)See Synonyms at gruff “在荧屏上,约翰·韦恩是一个直言不讳、一针见血的人”(时代) 参见 gruff〔mordant〕Incisive and trenchant:一针见血的和犀利的:〔shot〕A pointed or critical remark.一针见血的或批评性的话




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