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释义 〔denouement〕The events following the climax of a drama or novel in which such a resolution or clarification takes place.在有上述结局的戏剧或小说中,高潮过后的事件〔dogberry〕The fruit of either of these plants.上述两种植物的果实〔imagination〕The mental image so formed.形象:经过上述过程在脑海中形成的影像〔inquest〕A jury making such an inquiry.验尸陪审团:进行上述调查的陪审团〔ditto〕The same as stated above or before.同上,同前:与上述或前述相同〔billboard〕The advertisement or message posted on such a panel.广告:贴在上述平板上的广告或消息〔indigestion〕Discomfort or illness resulting from this inability or difficulty.消化不良:由于上述消化吸收能力欠缺或困难而引起的不适或疾病〔intermezzo〕An independent instrumental composition having the character of such a movement.独立的器乐短曲:具有上述乐章特点的独立的器乐作品〔bench〕The office of such a person.上述人的办公室〔hierarchy〕The group so categorized.等级森严的组织:按上述办法划分的集团〔smile〕To have or form a smile.微笑:具有或作出上述动作〔clinic〕A place where such instruction occurs.临床研讨处:讲授上述处置方法的地方〔he〕Beginning early in the 20th century, however,the traditional usage has come under increasing criticismfor reflecting and perpetuating gender discrimination. ·Defenders of the traditional usage have argued that the masculine pronounshe, his, and him can be used generically to refer to men and women. This analysis of the generic use ofhe is linguistically doubtful.Ifhe were truly a gender-neutral form, we would expect that it could be used to refer to the members of any group containing both men and women.But in fact the English masculine form is an odd choice when it refers to a female member of such a group.There is something plainly disconcerting about sentences such as 可是从20世纪早期起,传统用法不断受到指责,因为它反映并长久维持性别歧视。传统用法辩护者认为阳性代词he,his 和 him 可以用来指代男人和女人的总称。 有关he 的属性用法的分析, 从语言学角度上来说,是有疑问的。如果he 果真是一个中性形式, 我们猜想它可以用来指代任何包含有男人和女人的群体中的成员。但事实上,在英语中用阳性形式来指代上述一群体中的女性成员构成一种很奇特的选择。如下面这个句子中明显存在使人困窘之处: 〔airport〕Such an installation in which the landing area is on water.航空港:可在水中停靠的上述设施〔rather〕The use ofhad in these constructions may now be more infrequent than it once was but is still encountered in reputable writing: 在上述结构中使用had 现在没有过去常用, 但即使在十分著名的文章中,还能发现这种用法: 〔said〕Named or mentioned before; aforementioned:上述的:已列举或提到过的;前述的:〔above〕Appearing earlier in the same text:上述的,前述的:出现在特定课文前面的:〔Angora〕A yarn or fabric made from either of these fibers.安哥拉山羊毛线,安哥拉山兔毛线,安哥拉山羊毛织物,安哥拉山兔毛织物:由上述纤维织物制成的纺线或织物〔bill〕The law enacted from such a draft:诉状:从上述草案制定的法律:〔above〕flaws in the above interpretation.上述解释的不足之处〔trope〕An instance of this use; a figure of speech.比喻用语:上述用法的一个实例;比喻〔ballad〕The music for such a poem.民歌:为上述诗歌而作的音乐〔spectrum〕A graphic or photographic representation of such a distribution.光谱相片:上述分布之图解或拍摄的相片〔calculator〕A person who operates such a machine or otherwise makes calculations.计算者:操纵上述机器或执行计算的人〔breathing〕The presence or absence of aspiration indicated by these marks.上述符号所表示的送气音的存在或不存在〔Hualapai〕A member of this people.华拉柏人:上述土著人中之一员〔compression〕The engine cycle during which this process occurs.压缩周期:上述机器压缩过程的周期〔photomontage〕The composite picture produced by this technique.集锦照片:通过上述技术制作的合成照片〔mallee〕A thicket or growth of these plants.澳洲油桉丛:上述这种植物的一丛或一群〔bias〕The tendency of such a ball to swerve.拐弯球路:上述球突然转弯的倾向〔illumination〕An example of this art.装饰:使用上述艺术方式的例子〔spiritism〕The practices or doctrines of those holding such a belief.招魂术:持有上述观点的人所进行的招魂活动或他们的信条〔house〕The audience or patrons of such an establishment:观众,顾客:上述场合的观众或顾客:〔gate〕The structure surrounding such an opening, such as the monumental or fortified entrance to a palace or walled city.城门:一种构造,围绕着上述的出口或入口,比如一个山区或一设防的出口通向一宫殿或一有城墙的城市〔forenamed〕Named previously; aforementioned.上述的:先前提到过的;前面提到的(常用于法律文件)〔said〕The adjectivesaid is seldom appropriate to any but legal or business writing, where it is equivalent to aforesaid : the said tenant (named in a lease); said property. In similar general contextssaid is usually unnecessary, andthe tenant or the property will suffice. 形容词said 除了法律或商业用语外很少用,在法律和商业用语中它等于 aforesaid(上述的) : the said tenant(该承租人) (用于租约); said property(上述财产)。 在类似的普通语境中said 通常不必要, 只说the tenant 或 the propety 就够了 〔clutch〕The apparatus, such as a lever or pedal, that activates one of these devices.离合器杆或踏板:一种起动上述设备的部件,如杠杆或踏板〔wart〕A similar growth or protuberance, as on a plant.瘤,树瘤:一种与上述硬块相似的生长物或凸出物,如出现于植物之上〔bilious〕Appearing as if affected by such a disorder; sickly.患胆病的:似由上述不适影响表现出的;有病的〔house〕The hall or chamber in which such an assembly meets.议院,议事堂:上述会议举行的大厅或会堂




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