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单词 不一样
释义 〔dissimilate〕To make unlike or dissimilar.使成为不一样,使成为不同〔syllepsis〕A construction in which a word governs two or more other words but agrees in number, gender, or case with only one, or has a different meaning when applied to each of the words, as inHe lost his coat and his temper. 一笔两叙法,兼用法:一个词兼顾两个或多个其他词,但在数、性或格上只与其中之一保持一致,或当该词与它兼顾的词中的每一个词搭配时意思都不一样,如在He lost his coat and his temper 中(意为“他丢了上衣,发了脾气”) 〔differ〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to be unlike or dissimilar": 这些动词中心意思都含有“不相同或不一样”意思: 〔ticket〕The resemblance in form between the wordsticket and etiquette is not accidental. Both words have the same ultimate source, Old Frenchestiquet, but each was borrowed into English at a different time and with a different meaning.Old Frenchestiquet meant "a note, label.” Having been changed in form toetiquet in French, the word was adopted into English in the 16th century (first recorded in 1528)in a form,tiket, without the initiale. The earliest uses of the word in English were in the senses "a short written notice,” "a notice posted in a public place,” and "a written certification.”The word is first recorded with reference to something like a ticket of admission in 1673.In French, meanwhile, the word (in the formetiquette in the 18th century) came to mean "ceremonial"; court ceremonies were noted down or labeled in a book known asl'étiquette. The French word was borrowed again into English, this time in its French form, which is first recorded in 1750.ticket 与 etiquette 这两个词在形式上相似并非偶然。 它们从根本讲都源于古法语中的estiquet 这个词, 但它们被借用到英语中的时间不同且意思也不一样。古法语中的estiquet 的意思是“注解,标签”, 它在法语中变成了etiquet , 16世纪时它被吸收到了英语中(最早的文字记载是在1528年),形式是tiket, , 没有了字首的e. 。 这个词在早期英语中的意思是“写得很短的通知”、“贴在公共场所的通告”和“文字证明”。这个词最早的文字记载意为1673年时使用的一种类似入场券的东西。同时在法语中,这个词(18世纪时的形式是etiquette )的意思是“仪式的”; 在一本叫I'etiqutte 的书里被记载为宫廷仪式。 最早的文字记载在1750年,这个法语词再一次被借用于英语,这次使用了它的法语形式〔dissimilar〕Unlike; different.不一样的;不同的〔nonidentical〕Not being the same; different.不一样的;不相同的〔different〕The campus is different than it was 20 years ago (or 校园和二十年前不一样了(或 〔usance〕The length of time, established by custom and varying between countries, that is allowed for payment of a foreign bill of exchange.支付外国汇票的习惯期限(各国不一样〔dissimilarity〕The quality of being distinct or unlike; difference.不一样;不同:品质不一样或不相象;不同〔disagree〕our figures disagree.See Synonyms at differ 我们的身材不一样 参见 differ〔different〕The campus is different from how it was 20 years ago). 校园和二十年前的样子不一样了)。 〔whiffletree〕Whiffletree, a term primarily used in the northeast United States, is derived from an older termwhippletree, which is used in the Upper Northern states farther to the west.The fact thatwhiffletree, the newer term, is used in the Northeast, the older dialect area, illustrates the process of linguistic change. Even as the older wordwhippletree was spreading westward into a new dialect area, it was evolving into something different—whiffletree —in the area where it originated, as if the older dialect area were somehow trying to keep a step ahead.Whiffletree, 一个起初在美国东北部使用的词, 是从一个更古老的词whippletree 而来, 该词用在距西部更远些的北部各州等地。Whiffletree 这个更新些的词用在东北部——这个较老的方言区的事实证明了语言变化的过程。 即使当老一些的词whippletree 向西扩展进入一个新的方言区时, 它也牵涉到了一些不一样的东西——whiffletree 在它的起源地区, 就好象老一些的方言区在试图采取步骤向前〔dissimilate〕To become unlike or dissimilar.成为不一样,成为不同〔smothery〕"Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't"(Mark Twain)“其它地方看起来都十分拥挤和令人窒息,但救生艇不一样”(马克·吐温)〔dissimilitude〕from dissimilis [different] 源自 dissimilis [不同的,不一样的] 〔unlike〕For twins, they are very unlike.作为一对双胞胎,他们很不一样〔chroma〕The aspect of color in the Munsell color system by which a sample appears to differ from a gray of the same lightness or brightness and that corresponds to saturation of the perceived color.色品,色度:曼塞尔色系中的色图,例如相同明度和亮度的灰色会由于可见色的饱和度不同而不一样〔different〕Unlike in form, quality, amount, or nature; dissimilar:不同的,不一样的:在形式、特性、数量或本质上不相象的;不同的:




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