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单词 不停
释义 〔nonstop〕Made or done without stops:不停的:不停止地制或做的:〔assiduous〕Unceasing; persistent:不停的;不懈的:〔continual〕the constant chatter of the monkeys in the zoo;动物园里猴子不停的吱吱声;〔ceaseless〕Without stop or pause; constant.See Synonyms at continual 不停的:未停止或中断的;持续的 参见 continual〔express〕Direct, rapid, and usually nonstop:直达的:直接的,快速的且常常不停的:〔missionary〕Tending to propagandize or use insistent persuasion:倾向于宣传或使用不停劝说的:〔rankle〕A persistent resentment, a festering sore, and a little snake are all coiled together in the history of the wordrankle. "A little snake" is the sense of the Latin worddracunculus to whichrankle can be traced, dracunculus being a diminutive of dracō, "snake.” The Latin word passed into Old French, asdraoncle, having probably already developed the sense "festering sore,”because some of these sores resembled little snakes in their shape or bite.The verbdraoncler, "to fester,” was then formed in Old French. The noun and verb developed alternate forms without thed-, and both were borrowed into Middle English, the nounrancle being recorded in a work written around 1190, the verbranclen, in a work probably composed about 1300. Both words had literal senses having to do with festering sores.The noun is not recorded after the 16th century,but the verb went on to develop the figurative senseshaving to do with resentment and bitterness with which we are all too familiar.Rankle 这个词有不停的埋怨、折磨人的疼痛以及小蛇这三个意思。 “小蛇”是拉丁语dracunculus 的词义, 该词同时也是rankle 的词源, dracunculus 是意为“蛇”的 daaco 的小词尾。 该拉丁词进入古法语成为draoncle 时, 可能已有“折磨人的痛苦”这一词义,因为这种痛苦类似于小蛇的形状和撕咬。意为“骚扰,折磨”的动词draoncle 形成于法语中。 名词和动词去掉d- 后发展了各自的形式并都被借入中古英语, 名词rancle 第一次记载于1190年的一部作品中, 动词ranclen 记载于大约作于1300年的一部作品中。 两个词的本义都与“折磨人的疼痛”有关。名词在16世纪后就不见使用了,但动词却不断发展,后来便有了我们熟知的与抱怨和恼怒相关的比喻义了〔across〕The footbridge swayed when I ran across.当我跑过天桥时,桥晃个不停〔frustrate〕A persistent wind frustrated my attempt to rake the lawn.持续不停的风阻碍了我整理草坪的打算〔accrete〕To make larger or greater, as by increased growth.增长:因不停的生长而使增大〔run〕He is always running on about his tax problems.对于他税务方面的问题,他总是讲个不停〔howler〕a dog that turned out to be a persistent howler.一只终日不停号叫的狗〔increase〕The landowner enlarged her property by repeated purchases.土地拥有者不停购买以扩充她的财产。〔run〕To talk volubly, persistently, and usually inconsequentially:喋喋不休地讲:讲个不停,通常前后不一致地讲个没完:




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