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单词 不可
释义 〔unspeakable〕Not to be spoken:不可说的:不应被讲出来的:〔unfathomable〕Difficult or impossible to understand; incomprehensible:深不可测的;深奥的:难以或不可能了解的;不能理解的:〔neutrophil〕Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells.嗜中性染料的:不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞〔gambit〕Critics familiar with the nature of chess gambitshave sometimes maintained that the word should not be used in an extended sense except to refer to maneuvers that involve the tactical sacrifice of some advantage.Butgambit is well established in the general sense of "maneuver" and in the related sense of "a remark intended to open a conversation,” which usually carries no implication of sacrifice.通晓国际象棋中开局让棋实质的批评家们,有时坚持这个词除了指为获得一定利益而进行策略性牺牲的计谋外,不可用于扩展的意义。但是gambit 的一般性含义“策略”已成既定模式, 其在表示“为了打开话题而说的话语”中的相关意义通常与牺牲毫无关联〔law〕Something, such as an order or a dictum, having absolute or unquestioned authority:(命令,格言)具有绝对的权威:具有绝对的或不可置疑的权威的事物,如命令或法官的意见:〔jam〕To cause (moving parts, for example) to lock into an unworkable position:使…卡住,使…故障:使(如移动部分)卡住造成不可工作的状态:〔caloric〕A hypothetically indestructible, uncreatable, highly elastic, self-repellent, all-pervading fluid formerly thought responsible for the production, possession, and transfer of heat.热质:曾被认为是使热量产生、贮存和传输的一种假想的不可破坏的、不可创造的、有高度弹性的、自斥的且到处都有的流体〔sucker〕One that is indiscriminately attracted to something specified:容易着迷的人:被一特定类型事物不可抗吸引住了的人:〔nautiloid〕A mollusk of the subclass Nautiloidea, which includes the nautiluses and numerous extinct species known only from fossils.鹦鹉螺软体动物:鹦鹉螺目亚纲的一种软体动物,包括鹦鹉螺和不可数计的仅从化石得知的绝迹的种类〔still〕"th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time" (Shakespeare); “时间的不可听见的无声脚步” (莎士比亚); 〔inexpiable〕inexpiable crimes.不可抵赎的罪行〔unalienable〕Not to be separated, given away, or taken away; inalienable:不可剥夺的:不可分割的,不可放弃的或不可剥夺的:〔entail〕Something transmitted as if by unalterable inheritance.遗产,继承:如通过不可更变的继承而移转某物〔certain〕an inescapable conclusion;不可逃避的结局;〔pariah〕In the wordpariah, which can be used for anyone who is a social outcast, independent of social position,we have a reminder of a much more rigid social system,where only certain people could be pariahs.The caste system of India placed members of the pariah caste very low in society;until 1949 they were also known asuntouchables. The wordpariah, however, which we have extended in meaning, came into English from Tamil paṛaiyar, the plural of paṛaiyan, the caste name, which literally means “(hereditary) drummer"and comes from the wordpaṛai, the name of a drum used at certain festivals. The word is first recorded in English in 1613.Its use in English and its extension in use probably owe much to the close relationship that developed between Great Britain and India.Indeed, many of the British servants in India were from the pariah caste.pariah 一词能用于任何一个被社会遗弃的人, 不管他的社会地位如何,在这个词中,对我们有一个更严酷的社会体制的暗示,在这种体制下,仅仅某些特定的人才能成为被社会遗弃的人。印度的社会体制把被遗弃者的社会地位订得很低,直到1949年这些人还仍旧被称作是不可接触者 。 然而,我们已经扩展了含义的pariah 一词从泰米尔语 paraiyar 即 paraiyan 的复数转入英语中来, 字面含义是“(世袭)鼓手”,源于一种特定节日用的鼓名parai 。 1613年这个词首次在英语中有所记录。它在英文中的运用和用法的扩展可能很大程度是由于大不列颠和印度的密切关系。的确,在印度许多英国人的佣人都来自于贱民阶层〔density〕Thickness of consistency; impenetrability.致密度:厚度一致;不可穿透性〔unfathomable〕the unfathomable depths.不可能测量的深度〔impossible〕an impossible goal.不可能达到的目标〔need〕Necessity more strongly thanneed suggests urgency, inevitability, or unavoidable obligation: Necessity 比need 更强, 用来指紧迫的、不可避免的或不可躲避的义务: 〔indistinguishable〕Impossible to discern; imperceptible:不易察觉的:不可能识别的;难以觉察的:〔Harijan〕An Untouchable.贱民,不可接触者〔exceptionable〕Exceptionable and exceptional are not interchangeable. Onlyexceptionable is equivalent to "objectionable" or "debatable"; exceptional is equivalent to "uncommon" or "extraordinary.”Exceptionable 和 exceptional 不可互相替换。 只有exceptionable 同“可反对的”或“可争辩的”相等; exceptional 的含义是“异常的”或“特别的”〔Fields〕American entertainer known for his raspy voice, bulbous nose, and sardonic disposition. His films includeMy Little Chickadee (1940) and Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941). 菲尔兹,W.C.:(1880-1946) 美国表演家,以其刺耳的嗓音、蒜头鼻和爱讥讽的性格而知名。他的电影包括《我的小山雀》 (1940年)和 《你不可欺侮老实人》 (1941年) 〔inviolable〕Impregnable to assault or trespass; invincible:不能征服的:攻不可破的或不可侵占的;不可战胜的:〔kill〕To hit (a ball) with such force as to make a return impossible, especially in a racquet game.大力杀球:用力击(球)使得球不可能返回,尤其指壁球比赛〔ultraviolet〕Of or relating to the range of invisible radiation wavelengths from about 4 nanometers, on the border of the x-ray region, to about 380 nanometers, just beyond the violet in the visible spectrum.紫外光的,紫外线的:刚刚超过可见紫光并在X射线区域边上,从大约4毫微米到380毫微米之间的不可视辐射波长的或与之有关的〔nonrenewable〕That cannot be renewed:不可被更新的:〔resignation〕Unresisting acceptance of something as inescapable; submission.See Synonyms at patience 听任:认为不可逃避而对某物的无抗拒的接受;顺从 参见 patience〔meaningless〕"We must dare to think about ‘unthinkable things’because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes mindless" (J. William Fulbright).“我们必须敢于思考‘不可想的事情’,因为如果事情变得不可想,思想就会停止,行动就会盲目” (J.威廉·富尔布顿特)。〔untouchable〕The class, comprising numerous subclasses, that is excluded from and considered ritually unclean and defiling by the four Hindu classes.贱民;不可接触者:印度的一个种姓,由许多阶层构成,他们被排除在印度的四个种姓之外,并被这几个种姓的人认为是在宗教上不洁的和对人有污损性的〔unknowable〕the unknowable mysteries of life.生活中种种不可知晓的奥秘〔indeterminable〕Impossible to settle or decide with finality:无法决定的,难以解决的:不可能得到最终决定或确定的:〔admit〕a problem that admits of no solution.不可能解决的问题〔ecstasy〕 Rapture originally meant a being caught up in an emotional state,typically involuntary and uncontrollable.In current usagerapture, like ecstasy, simply means great joy: Rapture 原指情绪的高涨状态,常为不自觉和不可自控的。现在的rapture 用法与 ecstasy 近似,只指极度的喜悦: 〔incomprehensible〕Difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible:无法领悟的,不可思议的:很难或不可能了解或理解的;莫名其妙的:〔deconstruction〕"In deconstruction, the critic claims there is no meaning to be found in the actual text, but only in the various, often mutually irreconcilable, ‘virtual texts’ constructed by readers in their search for meaning"(Rebecca Goldstein)“在结构中,评论家宣称在真正的文本中不可能找到含义,只能通过各种各样方式并通常是双方不可互相调和的,读者为了寻找含义而构建起来的‘虚拟文本’上才能找到”(丽贝卡·戈尔茨坦)〔wall〕Something resembling a wall in impenetrability or strength:屏障分界物:在不可穿透性或结实度上与墙相似之物:〔impossible〕Not capable of being accomplished:不可能完成的:〔articulation〕A movable joint between inflexible parts of the body of an animal, as the divisions of an appendage in arthropods.关节联接:动物身体中不可弯曲部分之间可活动的联接,如节肢动物附属物的不同部分〔unfathomable〕Difficult or impossible to measure:难以或不可能测量的:




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