单词 | 不明智 |
释义 | 〔impolitic〕Not wise or expedient; not politic:不明智的或不利的;失策的:〔foolhardy〕Unwisely bold or venturesome; rash.See Synonyms at reckless 莽撞的:不明智的、鲁莽的或冒险的;鲁莽的 参见 reckless〔injudicious〕Lacking or showing a lack of judgment or discretion; unwise.不明智的:缺乏或表现出缺乏判断力或慎重的;不明智的〔fool〕One who acts unwisely on a given occasion:傻子:在一特定时刻做事不明智的人:〔dumb〕Conspicuously unintelligent; stupid:十分不明智的;愚蠢的:〔stingy〕The appropriations committee, suddenly and ill-advisedly parsimonious, cut funds for assistance to the disadvantaged.拨款委员会突然地和不明智地节俭地裁减对生活水平低的人的援助。〔hasty〕Done or made too quickly to be accurate or wise; rash:急躁的:因做或完成得太仓促而不准确或不明智的;急躁的:〔unwise〕an unwise decision.一个不明智的决定〔which〕The antecedent ofwhich can sometimes be a sentence or clause, as opposed to a noun phrase,as inShe ignored him, which proved to be unwise. They swept the council elections,which could never have happened under the old rules. Such examples are unexceptionable,but care should be taken that this usage does not cause ambiguities.The sentenceIt emerged that Edna made the complaint, which surprised everybody may mean either that the complaint was surprising or that it was surprising that Edna made it. The ambiguity can be avoided with paraphrases such asIt emerged that Edna made the complaint, a revelation that surprised everybody. ? In its use to refer to the contents of sentences and clauses,which should be used only when it is preceded by its antecedent. When the antecedent follows,what should be used, particularly in formal style: Still, he has not said he will withdraw, which is more surprising but Still, what (not which ) is more surprising, he has not said he will withdraw. See Usage Note at that ,what ,whose which 的先行词有时可为一个句子或一个从句, 与名词短语相对立,如在句子她忽视了他,结果证明这是不明智的。 他们在委员会选举中一举获胜,这在旧体制下是永远不会发生的。 这样的例子是无懈可击的,但应该小心谨慎以使这种用法不致于引起模棱两可。句子It emerged that Edna made the complaint, which surprised everybody(埃德娜发出了使每个人都很吃惊的怨言) 既可以指怨气让人吃惊也可以指抱怨的是埃德娜而让人吃惊。 用例如It emerged that Edna made the complaint, a revelation that surprised everybody.(埃德娜大加抱怨,这发现让大家都很吃惊) 这样的句子就可以避免模棱两可。 在它被用来指句子或从句内容时,which 只用在先行词在其前面时。 当先行词跟在后面时,就应该用what ,特别是在正式文体中: Still, he has not said he will withdraw, which is more surprising(他依然还是没说他将退出,这更让人吃惊) 但另外一种形式 Still, what (不用 which ) is more surprising, he has not said he will withdraw.(然而,更让人吃惊的是他还是没说他将退出) 参见 that,what,whose〔inadvisable〕Not recommended; unwise:不可取的:不被推荐的;不明智的:〔misrule〕Inept or unwise rule; misgovernment.治理不当:不明智的或不恰当的统治;治理不当〔imprudence〕The quality or condition of being unwise or indiscreet.轻率, 鲁莽:不明智或无礼的性质或状态〔indiscretion〕Lack of discretion; injudiciousness.轻率,鲁莽:不慎重;不明智〔foolish〕Resulting from stupidity or misinformation; unwise:不明智的:由糊涂或错误信息引起的;不明智的:〔unwise〕Lacking or exhibiting a lack of wisdom; foolish or imprudent:不明智的:缺乏智慧的 示出缺乏智慧的;愚蠢的或轻率的:〔misrule〕To rule ineptly, unjustly, or unwisely; misgovern.治理不当:不明智地、无能地或不恰当的统治;治理不当〔inexpedient〕Not expedient; inadvisable:失策的:不适当的;不明智的:〔impractical〕Unwise to implement or maintain in practice:不切实际的;不现实的:不明智地坚持或实行的:〔lure〕Tempt implies the operation of an attraction that disposes or invites one to do something,especially something immoral, unwise, or contrary to one's better judgment: Tempt 暗指一个诱惑物作用于某人,诱使其做某事,尤指做不道德、不明智、与其正常判断相反的事情: 〔reckless〕 Foolhardy implies injudicious or imprudent boldness: Foolhardy 暗指不明智的或不谨慎的莽撞: 〔impolitic〕an impolitic approach to a sensitive issue.对敏感问题不明智的处理方式〔advised〕well-advised; ill-advised.经过周密考虑的;不明智的〔abracadabra〕Foolish or unintelligible talk.胡言乱语:愚蠢或不明智的谈话〔imprudent〕Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent.不明智或不谨慎的;轻率的〔spell〕Their unwise investment could spell financial ruin.他们所作的不明智的投资可能导致经济上的损失〔indiscreet〕Lacking discretion; injudicious:轻率的:不慎重的;不明智的:〔junk〕The wordjunk is an example of the change in meaning known as generalization, and very aptly too, since the amount of junk in the world seems to be generalizing and proliferating rapidly. The Middle English wordjonk, ancestor of junk, originally had a very specific meaning restricted to nautical terminology.First recorded in 1353,the word meant "an old cable or rope.”On a sailing ship it made little sense to throw away useful materialsince considerable time might pass before one could get new supplies.Old cable was used in a variety of ways,for example, to make fenders,that is, material hung over the side of the ship to protect it from scraping other ships or wharves.Junk came to refer to this old cable as well. The big leap in meaning taken by the word seems to have occurred whenjunk was applied to discarded but useful material in general. This extension may also have taken place in a nautical context,for the earliest, more generalized use ofjunk is found in the compound junk shop, referring to a store where old materials from ships were sold.Junk has gone on to mean useless waste as well. Junk 一词是被称为词义扩大化的例子;由于世界上垃圾的数量正在迅速扩散和激增,该词词义的扩大也是很适宜的。 junk 一词源自古英语单词 jonk , 其最初的意思只限于航海术语当中。1353年首次记载下来时,该词义为“旧缆绳或旧绳子”。在帆船上,扔掉有用的东西是不明智的,因为也许要过去好长一段时间才有可能得到新的供应品。旧缆绳可用在很多不同的方面,例如用来做防撞物,即悬在船舷上保护船舷不受其它船只或码头刮擦的材料。Junk 同样也用来指旧缆绳。 当junk 普遍地被用来指丢弃了的然而有用的材料时,该词的词义发生了巨大的变化。 该词的词义延伸也可能已经出现在与航海有关的背景中,因为junk 一词最早的、更为概括性的使用是在 junk shop 这一复合词中发现的。 该词指出售船上旧材料的商店。Junk 仍继续用来指没用的废旧物品 〔imprudence〕An unwise or indiscreet act.轻率的举止:不明智或者礼的举动〔gibber〕Unintelligible or foolish talk.不明智或愚蠢的话 |
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