单词 | 不精确 |
释义 | 〔miscount〕An inaccurate count.一个不精确的计算〔inexactitude〕Lack of exactitude; inexactness.不准确:缺乏准确性;不精确〔generality〕An imprecise or vague statement or idea.笼统的表述:一种不精确、模糊的陈述或思想〔inaccuracy〕The quality or condition of being inaccurate.不精确:不准确的性质或状况〔imprecise〕Not precise.不精确的;不准确的〔ambiguous〕 vague is unclear because it is expressed in indefinite form or because it reflects imprecision of thought: vague 的意思是不清楚,因为它是用不确定的形式表达的或者因为它反映出思想的不精确: 〔untrue〕Deviating from a standard; not straight, even, level, or exact.不准的:偏离一个标准的;不直的,不平的,或不精确的〔minimal〕Under the strict interpretation ofminimal, this sentence should mean only "Alcohol has an unpleasant effect when I have eaten nothing.”If the looser interpretation is allowed, however,the sentence can also mean “ . . . when I have eaten a bit.”Presented with the sentence, 29 percent of the Usage Panel said that it could have only the "eaten nothing" (that is, the strict) interpretation;34 percent said that it could have only the "eaten a bit" (that is, the looser) interpretation;and 37 percent said that it could have either meaning.Thus the looser sense ofminimal is accepted by 71 percent of the Panel and must be considered acceptable in nontechnical use. · In an analogous shift,the verbminimize is often used to mean "to reduce,” an extension of its strict etymological sense of "to reduce to the smallest possible level.”This looser usage is the result of the imprecision that usually attaches to the use of the verb in most nontechnical contexts.When a manager announces thatThe company wants to minimize the risk of accidents to line workers, we naturally interpret the manager as meaning that the risk is to be reduced to the smallest level consistent with considerations of efficiency and cost,not that risks are to be reduced to the lowest level logically possible.Even when used with allowable imprecision, however, the verbminimize should carry some implication that the relevant quantity is reduced as much as could reasonably be expected in the circumstances.Thusminimize retains at least an approximately superlative sense and so is inconsistent with modification by adverbs such asgreatly or considerably, which imply that the verb is being used as a simple synonym forlessen or reduce. 若句中的minimal 的意思比较严格, 那么这一句就只能理解为“当我什么没吃时喝酒会搞得我很难受。”但是如果比较宽泛的词义得到承认,那么这一句同时也有“…当我吃过一点东西时”这层意思。百分之二十九的用法专题使用小组成员认为这一词只能当“什么都不吃”(即严格意义上的词义)来讲;百分之三十四的成员说它只有“吃过一点”(即宽泛一些的)词义;百分之三十七的成员说两种含义都可适用。所以minimal 宽泛的含义被用法专题使用小组的百分之七十一的成员接受。 与其相类似的是,动词minimize 经常被用来指“减少”, 是其“减少到最可能小的水平”的严格意义上的延伸。这一较宽泛的含义是非技术性文章使用这一动词的不精确性而带来的结果。当一个经理宣称公司试图将生产线上工人面临出事故的风险降至最低, 我们自然会认为经理的意思是工厂的事故风险将被降至一个同时又考虑效率和成本的最小程度,而不是逻辑上可以达到的最低程度。即使在可以允许不精确的程度内使用时,动词mininize 也应有一层隐含的意思, 即其相对数量已被减少到了情况所期望的合理的程度。这样,minimize 至少仍然保留着一种大致为最高级的意思, 因而它与这些副词如greatly 或 considerably 不能搭配使用, 因为这些副词暗示着这一动词被当成了lessen 或 reduce 简单同义词而使用 〔unsound〕Not true or logically valid; fallacious:不精确的:不真实的或逻辑上站不住脚的;错误的:〔couple〕Although the phrasea couple of has been well established in English since before the Renaissance, it has been criticized on several grounds.Grammarians used to insist thata couple of should be used only to refer to things closely linked to one another and so was improperly used in phrases such asa couple of years ago. This objection has not been heard in some time and was never well supported.Modern critics have sometimes maintained thata couple of is too inexact to be appropriate in formal writing. But the inexactitude ofa couple of may serve a useful communicative purpose, suggesting that the writer is indifferent to the precise number of items involved.Thus the sentenceShe lives only a couple of miles away implies not only that the distance is short but that its exact measure is unimportant. Furthermore,a couple of is different from a few in that it does not imply that the relevant amount is relatively small. One might say admiringly of an exceptional center fielder thathe can throw the ball a couple of hundred feet, but not, except ironically,a few hundred feet, which would suggest that such a throw was unremarkable. The usage should be considered unobjectionable on all levels of style.尽管a couple of 这个短语在文艺复兴之前就已在英语中形成, 它仍受到多方面批评。语法学家过去坚持认为a couple of 应该只用于指互相之间紧密相连的东西, 所以在a couple of years ago 这样的短语中用是不适当的。 这样的反对意见长时间没有人提起了,也从未受到太多支持。现代批评家有时也认为a couple of 太不精确,不能很恰当地用于正式的写作中。 但a couple of 的不精确性也有一种很有用的传达交流的意图, 表明作者对于所涉及的事物的精确数目并不太关心。因此她住的只有几英里远 这个句子不仅表明距离很远,同时也表明精确测量是不重要的。 另外a couple of 与 a few 的不同还表现在它不表示有关的数量是相对来说小的。 如果夸赞一个优秀的中外野球手,可以说他能把球抛几百英尺远 , 若非如此的话,排除反意的可能,a few hundred feet 指抛这么远并没什么稀奇之处。 这种用法在各种文体上都是无可辩驳的〔literally〕The practice does not stem from a change in the meaning ofliterally itself—if it did, the word would long since have come to mean "virtually" or "figuratively"—but from a natural tendency to use the word as a general intensive meaning "without exaggeration,”as inThey had literally no help from the government on the project, where no contrast with the figurative sense of the words is intended.This looser use of the wordliterally does not usually create problems, but it can lead to an inadvertently comic effect when the word is used together with an idiomatic expression that has its source in a frozen figure of speech,such as inI literally died laughing. 这一用法并不根源于literally 本身意义的演变——如果是这样的话, 这个词早就会有“几乎”或“比喻地”的意思——而是来源于把这个词用作一个一般的加强词表示“毫不夸张”这样一个自然趋势,正如在事实上他们没有获得政府对这一计划的帮助 中, 并没有与句子的喻意形成任何对比。literally 的这一不精确的用法通常并不会产生什么问题, 但当它与一个源于固定修饰的俗语连用时,会偶尔产生喜剧性效果,如我真的笑死了 〔inexact〕Not strictly accurate or precise; not exact:不精确的:不很准确或精确的;不准确的:〔off〕Not accurate; incorrect:不精确的;不正确的:〔inexact〕an inexact quotation; an inexact description of what had taken place.草率的引用;对所发生之事不精确的描述〔misconstruction〕An inaccurate explanation, interpretation, or report; a misunderstanding.误解:不精确的解释、阐释或报告;误解〔periphery〕A zone constituting an imprecise boundary.包括不精确边界的地区〔off〕Your statistical results are off.你的统计数据不精确 |
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