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释义 | 〔Sinclair〕American oil executive who served a nine-month prison sentence for his part in the Teapot Dome scandal (1923).辛克莱,哈里·福特:(1876-1956) 美国石油公司总裁,因与茶壶丘丑闻(1923年)有牵连而入狱九个月〔injury〕escaped from the accident without injury; a scandal that did considerable injury to the campaign.没有受伤地从事故中逃脱;一桩使整个运动深受其害的丑闻〔join〕The chief of police is in no way connected with the scandal.警察局长与丑闻全无关系。〔tumble〕a scandal that tumbled the government.使政府倒台的丑闻〔public〕The president finally had to go public with the scandal.总统最后只有把这桩丑闻公之于众〔sensational〕sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal.对丑闻的耸人听闻的报刊报道〔involve〕evidence that involved the governor in the scandal.州长牵连进丑闻的证据〔hint〕wanted to avoid any hint of scandal.想要避免任何丑闻的迹象〔affair〕A matter causing public scandal and controversy:社会轶闻:引起大众丑闻及争议的事件:〔disgrace〕The family was disgraced by the scandal.这个家庭由于丑闻而失去名望〔Graham〕American newspaper executive who as publisher of theWashington Post (1969-1979) oversaw the controversial publication of the Pentagon Papers (1971) and the exposure of the Watergate scandal (1972-1974). 格雷厄姆,凯瑟琳·梅尔:(生于 1917) 美国报业一位总经理,其任《华盛顿邮报》 发行人时(1969-1979年),监督了受争议的五角大楼文件的出版(1971年)和水门事件丑闻的揭露(1972-1974年) 〔cloud〕Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.丑闻玷污了官员的声望〔cynicism〕the public cynicism aroused by governmental scandals.政府丑闻引起公众的怀疑讥讽〔mood〕The humor of the Cabinet shifted after the scandal was exposed.内阁在丑闻被揭露之后态度发生了变化。〔muckrake〕To search for and expose misconduct in public life.揭丑,揭发:搜集并揭发社会生活中的丑闻〔Watergate〕After Watergate , a building complex in Washington, D.C., the site of illegal activities (1972) that gave rise to such a scandal 源自 水门 ,华盛顿的一建筑群,是导致这件丑闻的非法活动(1972年)的场所 〔injure〕The scandal seriously damaged the senator's reputation.那丑闻严重损害了参议员的名声。〔unsavory〕an unsavory scandal.令人憎恶的丑闻〔Watergate〕A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice.水门事件:包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图妨碍司法的丑闻〔scandal〕A publicized incident that brings about disgrace or offends the moral sensibilities of society:丑闻:带来不光彩或触犯社会道德标准的公开事件:〔disgrace〕Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute.丑闻使这所学校名誉扫地。〔Nixon〕The 37th President of the United States (1969-1974). Vice President (1953-1961) under Dwight D. Eisenhower, he lost the 1960 presidential election to John F. Kennedy. Elected President in 1968, he visited China (1972) and established détente with the U.S.S.R. Although he increased U.S. military involvement in Southeast Asia, he was also responsible for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops. When Congress recommended three articles of impeachment for Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal, he resigned from office (August 9, 1974).尼克松,理查德·米尔豪斯:(生于 1913) 美国第三十七任总统(1969-1974年),在艾森豪·威尔执政时任副总统(1953-1961年),他在1960的总统选举中输给了约翰·F·肯尼迪,1968年为总统候选人,他访问了中国(1972年)并缓和了与苏联的关系。尽管他增加了美国在东南亚的军事介入,但他也对最终在美军从该地区的撤回中起主要作用。当国会因尼克松卷入水门事件丑闻交付三篇弹劾文章时,他辞去了总统职务(1974年8月9日)〔neutralize〕The prime minister addressed the nation in an effort to counteract the damage the scandal had done to his credibility. 首相向全国人民发表演说,以抵制丑闻给他们的荣誉造成损害 〔monger〕a scandalmonger; a warmonger.散布丑闻的人;战争贩子〔opprobrium〕Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy.See Synonyms at disgrace 耻辱:让人从羞辱的行为中感到耻辱,丑闻 参见 disgrace〔Ford〕The 38th President of the United States (1974-1977), who was appointed Vice President on the resignation of Spiro Agnew (1973) and became President after Richard Nixon's resignation over the Watergate scandal. As President, Ford granted a full pardon to Nixon (1974).福特,杰拉尔德·鲁道夫:(生于 1913) 美国第38届总统(1974-1977年),在斯皮罗·阿格纽(1973年)辞职后被任命为副总统并在理查德·尼克松因水门事件丑闻辞职后升为总统。作为总统,他对尼克松(1974年)之过一概不究〔relinquish〕was forced by the scandal to resign the office to which he had been elected.因丑闻而被辞去他已当选的职务。〔Fall〕American politician who as U.S. secretary of the interior (1921-1923) unlawfully transferred ownership of government land to private businessmen in the Teapot Dome scandal.福尔,阿尔贝特·巴昆:(1861-1944) 美国政治家,作为内务秘书(1921-1923年)在蒂波特山丑闻中曾将政府属地非法卖给私有商人〔turn〕News of the scandal turned public opinion against the candidate.关于丑闻的报道使公众舆论都反对候选人〔Irangate〕A scandal occurring during the Reagan administration in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran and illegally used the profits to continue funding an army of rebels in Nicaragua.伊朗军火丑闻:里根主政时期所发生的丑闻,负责执行的分支机构成员贩卖军火给伊朗并非法以贩卖所得的收益持续资助位于尼加拉瓜的反叛军队〔soil〕a reputation soiled by scandal.因丑闻而受玷污的名誉〔scandalmonger〕One who spreads malicious gossip.传播丑闻者:散布恶意中伤言语的人〔clean〕The scandal forced the company to clean house.丑闻迫使公司清理门户〔soleus〕from Latin solea [sandal] * see sole 1源自 拉丁语 solea [丑闻] * 参见 sole1〔blow〕The storm blew over quickly. The scandal will soon blow over.风暴迅速减退。丑闻将很快销声匿迹〔sniff〕a sniff of perfume; a sniff of scandal.一阵香水味;一丝丑闻的踪迹〔foretell〕augured scandal from a distance;在一段时间之前预言丑闻;〔whisper〕whispers of scandal.关于丑闻的窃窃私语〔blare〕headlines blaring the scandal.大标题宣布了丑闻〔blacken〕a scandal that blackened the mayor's name.一件玷污了市长名声的丑闻 |
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