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单词 东北方向
释义 〔Dvina〕Also Northern Dvina A river, about 748 km (465 mi) long, of northern European U.S.S.R. flowing north and northeast intoDvina Bay, an arm of the White Sea. 也作 Northern Dvina 德维纳河:前苏联欧洲部分北面一河流,流程约748公里(465英里),向东北方向注入白海的一分支德维纳海湾 〔Hegang〕A city of extreme northeast China northeast of Harbin near the U.S.S.R. border. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 325,000.鹤岗:中国东北端的一个城市,位于哈尔滨的东北方向,靠近苏联边界。它是制造中心。人口325,000〔northeastward〕Toward, to, or in the northeast.向东北地(的):向,去,或在东北方向地(的)〔Attawapiskat〕A river, about 748 km (465 mi) long, of northern Ontario, Canada, flowing fromAttawapiskat Lake east and northeast into James Bay. 阿塔瓦皮斯基特河:加拿大安大略湖北部的一条河流,流程约748公里(465英里),发源于阿塔瓦皮斯基特湖 向东及东北方向汇入詹姆斯湾 〔Crotone〕A city of southern Italy on the Ionian Sea northeast of Reggio di Calabria. It was founded c. 708b.c. as a colony of Magna Graecia and reached the height of its power after 510 b.c. Population, 58,281. 克罗同,克罗托纳:意大利南部的一个城市,位于爱奥尼亚海沿岸,累佐·迪卡拉布里亚市的东北方向。它作为大希腊的一个殖民地创建于公元前 708年,并在 公元前 510年以后到达到其权力的顶峰。人口58,281 〔bora〕A violent, cold, northeasterly winter wind on the Adriatic Sea.布拉风:一种亚得里亚海上暴烈、寒冷、向东北方向吹的冬季风〔Lys〕A river rising in northern France and flowing about 217 km (135 mi) northeast along the French-Belgian border to the Scheldt River.利斯河:起源于法国北部的一条河流,沿法国-比利时边境流向东北方向,流程约217公里(135英里),注入斯海尔德河〔Songhua〕A river of northeast China rising near the North Korean border and flowing about 1,850 km (1,150 mi) northwest, east, and northeast to the Amur River.松花江:中国东北的一条河流,发源于与朝鲜交界的附近,流程约1,850公里(1,150英里),向西北、东、和东北方向注入阿穆尔河〔Souris〕A river, about 724 km (450 mi) long, rising in southern Saskatchewan, Canada, and flowing southeast in a great loop into northern North Dakota then north and northeast to the Assiniboine River in southwest Manitoba.苏瑞斯河:一条河流,流程约724公里(450英里),发源于加拿大的萨斯喀彻温省的南部,成巨大的弧形向东南方向流入北达科他北部,然后再向北及东北方向注入位于马尼托巴省西南部的阿西尼布伊恩河〔Tobol〕A river of northeast Central Asian U.S.S.R. rising in the southeast foothills of the Ural Mountains and flowing about 1,690 km (1,050 mi) northeastward to the Irtysh River.托博尔河:前苏联中亚细亚东北部一条河流发源于乌拉尔山脉东南部的山脚下,全长1,690公里(1,050英里)东北方向注入额尔文斯河〔Madeira〕A river of northwest Brazil rising on the Bolivian border and flowing about 3,315 km (2,060 mi) generally northeast to the Amazon River near Manaus. It is the most important tributary of the Amazon.马德拉河:巴西西北部的一条河流,源于玻利维亚边界,大致流向东北方向,流程约3,315公里(2,060英里),在马瑙斯附近注入亚马逊河。它是亚马逊河最重要的支流〔Gasconade〕A river rising in the Ozark Plateau of south-central Missouri and flowing about 426 km (265 mi) generally northeast to the Missouri River east of Jefferson City.格斯肯尼德河:发源于密苏里中南部欧扎克高原的一条河,全长约426公里(265英里),大致沿东北方向注入杰斐逊城东部的密苏里河〔Drummondville〕A city of southern Quebec, Canada, northeast of Montreal. It is an industrial center. Population, 27,374.杜伦蒙德维尔:加拿大魁北克南部,位于蒙特利尔东北方向的一个城市,是工业中心。人口27,374




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