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单词 两只
释义 〔ghost〕"Two young deer ghosted out of the woods"(Nancy M. Debevoise)“两只幼鹿无声无息地跑出树林”(南希M.德比乌斯)〔hammerhead〕Any of several large predatory sharks of the genusSphyrna, having the sides of the head elongated into large, fleshy extensions with the eyes at the ends. 槌头双髻鲨:属于双髻鲨 属的大型食肉鲨鱼中的一种,它们的头部向前延伸得又大又肥胖,两只眼睛位于顶端 〔embrace〕brace [the two arms] * see brace brace [两只胳膊] * 参见 brace〔wink〕To close and open (an eye or the eyes) rapidly.眨(眼):快速闭上或睁开(一只或两只眼睛)〔pair〕Two mated animals.一对动物:成配偶的两只动物〔team〕Two or more draft animals used to pull a vehicle or farm implement.联畜:用来拉车或拉农用工具的两只或更多只挽用牲畜〔trace〕"We came across the recent trails of but two of the animals we were after" (Theodore Roosevelt). “我们遇到了在追寻中的两只动物的最新踪迹” (西奥多·罗斯福)〔pinochle〕from New Latin binoculus [the two eyes] 源自 新拉丁语 binoculus [两只眼睛] 〔either〕rings on either hand.两只手上的都戴着戒指〔pair〕Two animals joined together in work.See Synonyms at couple 套在一起工作的动物:被结合在一起工作的两只动物 参见 couple〔spider〕Any of numerous arachnids of the order Araneae, having a body divided into a cephalothorax bearing eight legs, two poison fangs, and two feelers and an unsegmented abdomen bearing several spinnerets that produce the silk used to make nests, cocoons, or webs for trapping insects.蜘蛛:一种蜘蛛纲蛛形目动物,身体分成长有八足的头胸部、两只毒牙、两条触角以及一个不分节的腹部,腹部上有几个吐丝器,能产生丝来织网、结茧,或结网以捕捉其他昆虫〔run〕He ran two horses in the Kentucky Derby.在肯德基马赛中他让两只马参赛〔neither〕Neither shoe feels comfortable.两只鞋都感觉不舒服〔beat〕beat two eggs in a bowl.在碗里打两只鸡蛋〔catfight〕A fight between or among cats.猫战:两只或一群猫之间的战斗〔far〕felt far better yesterday; eyes that seemed far too close together.昨天感觉好多了;两只眼睛都快对上了




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