单词 | 两点 |
释义 | 〔go〕To extend between two points or in a certain direction; run:通到:在两点间伸展或沿某一方向展开;延展:〔on〕It was resting on (or upon ) two supports. 它基于(或 upon ) 两点证明。 〔beeline〕[From the belief that a bee returns to its hive in a straight course] [源自蜜蜂回蜂窝选择两点间最短路线的说法] 〔deuce〕A cast of dice totaling two.掷骰子得到两点〔span〕The extent or measure of space between two points or extremities, as of a bridge or roof; the breadth.跨度:两点或两端间的空间或距离,如桥或屋顶;宽度〔node〕Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic.交点:行星的轨道与黄道相交的完全相对的两点中任何一点〔syzygy〕Either of two points in the orbit of a celestial body where the body is in opposition to or in conjunction with the sun.望:天体轨道中该天体与太阳位置相反或会合的两点之一〔syzygy〕Either of two points in the orbit of the moon when the moon lies in a straight line with the sun and Earth.朔望:月球轨道中月球与太阳或地球处于同一直线的两点之一〔open〕Of or relating to an interval containing neither of its endpoints.不包含前后两点的〔endpoint〕Either of two points marking the end of a line segment.端点:标记一条线段两端的两点中的任何一点〔swag〕An ornamental drapery or curtain draped in a curve between two points.彩幕:在两点之间垂成一弧形的装饰性落帷幕或窗帘〔run〕run a pencil line between two points.在两点之间用铅笔画一条线〔chord〕A line segment that joins two points on a curve.弦:将两点用曲线连接起来的曲线段〔node〕Either of two points at which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a planet.轨道交点:卫星的轨道与行星的轨道面相交的两点中任何一点〔southing〕The difference in latitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the south.南向纬度差:向南运动时的前后两点间的纬度差〔prodigious〕No one would now say, as did a character in Fanny Burney'sEvelina (1778), "You are prodigiously kind!”But this utterance, exclamation point and all,illustrates two important points about intensives, linguistic elements,such asextremely or awfully, that provide force or emphasis.One point is that we press words that originally had other meanings into service as intensives.Prodigiously is an adverb formed on prodigious, which meant such things as "ominous, amazing, enormous,” going back to the Latinprōdigiōsus, "portentous, marvelous, unnatural.”Prodigiously, first recorded in 1595, meant "portentously, ominously,”and was later used to mean "wonderfully, astonishingly,”therefore making a perfect candidate for use as an intensive.The other point about intensives illustrated byprodigiously is that they go in and out of fashion. The character inEvelina used prodigiously in a way that was no doubt very stylish; no one would find it so today.Perhaps the main reason for such shifts in the use of these intensives is that once they have been used for a whilethey no longer intensify.现在没有人会象芬妮·伯尼的小说埃维莉娜 (1778年)中的人物那样说, “您真是太好了!”但这种说法,感叹号和全句,说明了关于加强语气的重要两点,如extremely 或 awfully 这样的语言要素, 具有加强语气或表示强调的作用。要点之一是我们把一些最初有其他意思的词当作了加强语气的词来使用。Prodigiously 是在意为“不祥的,惊人的,巨大的”的形容词 prodigious 基础上形成的副词, 可追溯到拉丁词prodigiosus, 意思是“不祥的,奇异的,不自然的。”Prodigiously 最早记录于1595年, 意为“预兆性地,不祥地,”后来意为“奇妙地,惊人地,”因此很适于用作强调词。Prodigiously 说明的关于强调词的另一个要点是这些词流行一时然后就过时了。 埃维莉娜 中的人物使用 prodigiously 的方式无疑是很时髦的; 但今天已没有人这样用了。或许这些强调词用法变换的主要原因是一旦这些词被使用了一段时间后,其加强语气或强调作用就不再明显了〔level〕Plane is principally a mathematical termand refers to a surface containing all the straight lines connecting any two points on it: Plane 主要是一个数学用语,指的是包含所有连接平面上任意两点的直线的平面: 〔thermocouple〕A thermoelectric device used to measure temperatures accurately, especially one consisting of two dissimilar metals joined so that a potential difference generated between the points of contact is a measure of the temperature difference between the points.热电偶:用于准确测量温度的热电子元件,尤指一个热电子元件,由两种连在一起的不同金属组成,这样连结点间产生的电压变化就是两点间温度差异的量度〔deuce〕Probably from Low German duus [a throw of two in dice games, bad luck] 可能源自 低地德语 duus [在掷骰子游戏中掷了两点,倒霉] 〔deuce〕A playing card having two spots or the side of a die bearing two pips.二点:有两个点的纸牌,骰子有两点的一面〔level〕A computation of the difference in elevation between two points by using such a device.测量水准:使用这种装置来测量两点间高度的不同〔direction〕The distance-independent relationship between two points in space that specifies the angular position of either with respect to the other; the relationship by which the alignment or orientation of any position with respect to any other position is established.方向:空间两点间无关距离的关系,其中一点参照另一点表示角度位置;通过这种关系,任何位置的准线和方向可参照任何其他位置而得以建立〔segment〕The portion of a line between any two points on the line.线段:线上任意两点间的部分〔time〕An interval separating two points on this continuum; a duration:一段时间:在这种延续中相隔两点之间的间隔;持续时间:〔volt〕The International System unit of electric potential and electromotive force, equal to the difference of electric potential between two points on a conducting wire carrying a constant current of one ampere when the power dissipated between the points is one watt. See table at measurement 伏特:电势和电动势的国际系统单位,等于当两点间电力为一瓦特时一根导线传导一安培稳定电流两点间的电势之差 参见 measurement〔distance〕The extent of space between points on a measured course.路程:在被测定路线上两点间延伸的距离〔past〕past midnight; a quarter past two.半夜以后;两点过一刻〔say〕The clock says half past two.现在时间是两点半〔two〕Something having two parts, units, or members, especially a playing card, the face of a die, or a domino with two pips.上面有两点者:有两个部分、单元或成员,尤指扑克、骰子的面或两点的多米诺骨牌 |
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