单词 | 两部分 |
释义 | 〔bisect〕To cut or divide into two parts, especially two equal parts.将…一分为二:把…切割或分为两部分,尤指两个相等的部分〔interferometer〕Any of several optical, acoustic, or radio frequency instruments that use interference phenomena between a reference wave and an experimental wave or between two parts of an experimental wave to determine wavelengths and wave velocities, measure very small distances and thicknesses, and measure indices of refraction.干涉仪:利用基准波和实验波或实验波的两部分之间的干涉现象来断定波长和波速,测量微小的距离和速度和测量折射率的几种光频,声频或无线电频仪器〔harmonic〕A tone produced on a stringed instrument by lightly touching an open or stopped vibrating string at a given fraction of its length so that both segments vibrate. Also called overtone ,partial ,partial tone 和音:指通过轻触展开的或停止颤动的弦乐器琴弦上的特定位置,从而使两部分弦同时颤动而发出的声音 也作 overtone,partial,partial tone〔hyphen〕A punctuation mark ( - ) used between the parts of a compound word or name or between the syllables of a word, especially when divided at the end of a line of text.连字号:用于一个合成词的两部分之间的或一个单词的字节之间的一种标点符号,尤其是一行或一段结束时用〔half〕One of two equal parts that together constitute a whole.一半:一起组成一个整体的相等的两部分中的一个〔everwhere〕Inversion—the reversal of the two halves of a compound word—is a common process in Southern dialects.It affects a number of indefinite pronouns (whichever, whatever, whoever ) ending in -ever, yieldingeverwhich, everwhat, and everwho. The commonly occurringeverwhere can be an example of inversion when it means "wherever" but illustrates elision of an unstressed syllable in its meaning "everywhere.”Other examples of Southern inversion cited by Craig M. Carver inAmerican Regional Dialects are peckerwood, hoppergrass, doll-baby, tie-tongued, doghanged (meaning "hangdog"), and right-out ("outright"). 倒置——一个复合词的两部分的颠倒──是美国南部方言的一种常用方法,它影响到若干以-ever 结尾的不确定性代名词( whichever,whatever,whoever ), 产生出everwhich,everwhat 和 everwho 。 通常出现的everwhere ,当它意为"wherever(即无论何处)”时是倒置的一个例子, 但当它意为"everywhere(各处,到处)”时是省略非重读音节的一例证。克雷格M卡弗尔在美国区域方言 中引用的其它美国南部倒置的例子有 peckerwood , hoppergrass,doll-baby,tie-tongued,doghanged(意思是“下贱的人”)和 right-out (“坦率的”) 〔impedance〕A measure of the total opposition to current flow in an alternating current circuit, made up of two components, ohmic resistance and reactance, and usually represented in complex notation asZ = R + iX, where R is the ohmic resistance and X is the reactance. 全电阻:在交流电路中电流所遇到的所有阻抗的度量单位,由欧姆电阻抗和电抗两部分组成,在复合符号中通常表示为Z = R + iX, 其中 R 是电阻抗, X 是电抗 〔ombudsman〕The wordombudsman looks as if its constituents would be familiar, judging from the element man, but it is difficult to think of whatombuds could mean. Ombudsman is from Swedish, a Germanic language in the same family as English, andman in Swedish corresponds to our word man. Ombud means "commissioner, agent,” coming from Old Norseumbodh, "charge, commission, administration by a delegacy,” umbodh being made up of um, "regarding,” and bodh, "command.” In Old Norse anumbodhsmadhr was a "trusty manager, commissary.” In Swedishanombudsman was a deputy who looked after the interests and legal affairs of a group such as a trade union or business. In 1809 the office ofriksdagens justitieombudsman was created to act as an agent of justice, that is, to see after the interests of justice in affairs between the government and its citizens.This office of ombudsman and the wordombudsman have been adopted elsewhere, as in individual states in the United States.The term has also been expanded in senseto include people who perform the same function for business corporations or newspapers.从ombudsman 这个词的 man 这一组成部分看,它的构成似乎很眼熟, 但接下去就很难令人想起ombuds 到底是什么意思了。 Ombudsman 这个词源于和英语同属于日耳曼语族的瑞典语, 而man 这个词在瑞典语中的意思恰好和英语中的 man相对应。 Ombud 的意思是“调查团成员,代表”, 源于古斯堪的纳维亚语umbodh, 意为“由代表团负责,调查,管理”, umbodh 是由 um, 即“注视”和 bodh “命令、管理”两部分所构成。 在古斯堪的纳维亚语中,umbodhsmadhr 指一个“值得信任的管理者或代表”。 在瑞典语中,ombudsman 曾指一个管理一个群体如工会、商行的利益和法律事务的人。 1809年成立了司法巡查局 ,它是一司法机构, 即专门管理调查政府和公民之间事务的司法权益。巡检局和ombudsman 这个词也被其它地区采用, 如美国一些个别的州。现在这个名词术语的使用范围比以前更广,还包括在商务或报纸新闻业负有此项职能的人〔landau〕A four-wheeled carriage with front and back passenger seats that face each other and a roof in two sections that can be lowered or detached.双排座活顶四轮马车:一种四轮马车,设有面对面的前后乘客座,两部分的顶棚可以下降或脱卸〔arachnid〕Any of various arthropods of the class Arachnida, such as spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, characterized by four pairs of segmented legs and a body that is divided into two regions, the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Also called arachnoid 蜘蛛纲动物:一种蜘蛛纲节肢动物们,如蜘蛛、蝎子、小虫及扁虱,特征是有四对分节的腿和分为两部分即头胸部及腹部的身体 也作 arachnoid〔semiconservative〕Of or designating the replication of a nucleic acid molecule, especially DNA, by separation of the two original strands of the molecule so that each acts as a template on which a new, complementary strand is laid down.半保留的:通过分开原来的两部分以使每一部分都掺入到一新的整体中,并作为形成缺失部分的样板的核酸分子的复制的或由之指派的,尤指脱氧核糖核酸的〔automatic〕The wordsautomatic pilot or automatic transmission bring to mind mechanical devices that operate with minimal human intervention. Yet the wordautomatic, which goes back to the Greek word automatos, "acting of one's own will, self-acting, of itself,” made up of two parts,auto-, "self,” and -matos, "willing,” is first recorded in English in 1748 with reference to motions of the body, such as the peristaltic action of the intestines: "The Motions are called automatic from their Resemblance to the Motions of Automata, or Machines, whose Principle of Motion is within themselves.”Although the writer had machines in mind,automatic could be used of living things, a use we still have, although not the primary one. The association ofautomatic chiefly with machinery may represent one instance of many in which we have come to see the world in mechanical terms. 这些单词automatic pilot 或 automatic transmission 带给我们只需最小人力介入即可操作的机械装置的意识。 但这个词automatic, 追溯至希腊单词 automatos, “以个人自身的意志行动,自我行动,” 由两部分组成,auto-, “自我的,”和 -matos, “意愿,” 以作为身体运动的含义于1748年首次记录于英语,如体内的肠蠕动: “这些运动被称为身体内自动的运动,是与机器运动的相似性得出的,其运动原理在于其自身内部。”虽然作者头脑中有机器印象,automatic 可以被用于生物,这种用法虽然不是基本的,但我们仍在使用。 主要将automatic 与机器相联系可能反映了我们眼中的世界越加机械化的情况 〔bipartite〕Latin bipartītus [past participle of] bipartīre [to divide into two parts] 拉丁语 bipartītus bipartīre的过去分词 [分为两部分] 〔complement〕Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.补数:组成一个整体的两部分中的一个或二者互相补充〔temple〕Either of the sidepieces of a frame for eyeglasses that extends along the temple and over the ear.镜腿:沿伸过太阳穴并到耳上的两部分眼镜架之一〔bipartite〕Having or consisting of two parts.两部分的:两部分的或由两部分构成的〔Engadine〕A valley of the Inn River in eastern Switzerland, divided into theUpper Engadine in the southwest and the Lower Engadine in the northeast, it is a noted resort area. 恩格达恩:瑞士东部尹河的一个山谷,分为西南部的上恩格达恩 和东北部的 下恩格达恩 两部分,是著名的游览风景区 〔binary〕Characterized by or consisting of two parts or components; twofold.双重的:以两部分或要素为特色的或由之组成的;两倍的〔dichotomy〕Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions:二分法:通常因矛盾而彼此排斥的两部分或意见的划分:〔bifurcate〕Forked or divided into two parts or branches, as the Y-shaped styles of certain flowers.分叉的:分为两部分或两枝的,如某些花的丫型花柱〔centerline〕A painted line running along the center of a road or highway that divides it into two sections for traffic moving in opposite directions, or, in the case of a divided highway, for lines of traffic moving in the same direction at different speeds.中线:沿马路或公路中间刷的一条线,将公路分为两部分以使车辆双向行驶,或在分速公路上使车辆以相同的方向不同的速度行驶〔highboy〕A tall chest of drawers divided into two sections and supported on four legs.高脚柜:有几个抽屉的橱柜,分为两部分,由四个腿支撑〔dimerous〕Consisting of two parts or segments, as the tarsus in certain insects.由两部分组成的:由两个部分组成的,如某些昆虫的跗节〔setscrew〕A screw, often without a head, used to hold two parts together.固定螺钉:连接两部分的螺钉,通常无头〔cleft〕A split or indentation between two parts, as of the chin.开裂,凹陷:两部分间(如下巴)的裂隙或凹口〔Mercia〕An Anglo-Saxon kingdom of central England. It was settled by Angles c.a.d. 500 and enjoyed its greatest influence during the rule (757-796) of Offa. In 874 the kingdom was overrun by the Danes and split between Wessex and the Danelaw. 麦西亚:英格兰中部的一个盎格鲁-撒克逊王国。盎格鲁人于公元 500年开始定居于此。在奥发统治期间(757-796年)国力达到鼎盛。874年,王国被丹麦人推翻,并分裂成威塞克斯和施行丹族法的地区两部分 〔Serpens〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the northern sky, made up of two parts,Serpens Cauda, the "tail,” and Serpens Caput, the "head,” both near Hercules and Ophiuchus. 巨蛇座:北部天空赤道带的星座,由两部分组成,巨蛇尾 是“尾部”, 巨蛇头 是“头部”,与武仙座和蛇夫座相邻 〔abutment〕The point of contact of two abutting objects or parts.接合点,结合器:两物或两部分相接的那一点〔coronal〕Of, relating to, or having the direction of the coronal suture or of the plane dividing the body into front and back portions.冠状线的:冠状线的或与之有关的,按冠状线方向的,或指把身体分为前后两部分的平面〔commissure〕The point or surface where two parts, such as the eyelids, lips, or cardiac valves, join or form a connection.连合:连合两部分例如眼睑、嘴唇或心脏瓣膜联合或形成连接的点或面 |
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