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释义 〔athlete〕A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.运动员:具有某种先天或后天才能,如体育锻炼和运动所必须需的体力、灵活和耐力,尤指在竞技中表示现出来的〔winter〕Winter, spring, summer, fall.It is not too difficult to see how the season namesspring and fall came into being, but without some background information it is impossible to tell what the origins of the wordswinter and summer are. Summer goes back to the Indo-European root .sem-, meaning "summer.” From a suffixed form of this root came the prehistoric Common Germanic word.sumaraz, the ancestor of Old Englishsumor and its descendant, Modern English summer. This is the only Indo-European root referring to a season that has survived in an English name for a season.Of the other three,.wesr-, "spring,” has produced words such as vernal; ghyem-, "winter,” has given us words such as hibernate; andesen-, "harvest, fall,” has yielded earn ( from the prehistoric Common Germanic word.aznōn, "to do harvest work, serve"). Winter does, however, go back to the Indo-European root wed-, "water, wet.” From the formwe-n-d- of this root with the nasal infix -n- was derived the Germanic word .wintruz, with the underlying meaning "wet season" and the literal meaning "winter.”The Germanic word is the source of Old Englishwinter, the ancestor of Modern English winter. 冬,春,夏,秋。说出季节名spring 和 fall 的来历不是很难, 但如果没有一些背景知识,不可能知道winter 和 summer 的词源。 Summer 可追溯到印欧语中的词根 sem- ,意思是“夏天”。 给这个词根加后缀后又转化为史前的普通日尔曼词sumaraz, 这是古英语中sumor 的前身,由此又发展来现代英语中的 summer。 这是印欧语中表季节的词根在英语中作为季节名保留下来的唯一一个。另外三个wesr- “春”产生了象 vernal这类的词; ghyem-“冬”又给了我们单词 hibernate; esen- “收获,秋天”衍生出 earn ( 从史前的普通日尔曼词aznon “做收获的工作,服务”而来)。 然而winter 得追溯到印欧词根 wed- “水,湿的”。 由这个词根的we-n-d 形式和鼻音中缀 -n- 衍生出日尔曼语词 wintruz, 其隐含的意思是“湿润的季节”和字面意义“冬天”。这个日尔曼词是古英语中winter 的前身,也是现代英语 winter 的前身 〔banquet〕The linguistic stock of the wordbanquet has been fluctuating for a long time. The Old French wordbanquet, the likely source of our word, is derived from Old Frenchbanc, "bench,” ultimately of Germanic origin. The sense development in Old French seems to have changed from "little bench" to "a meal taken on the family workbench" to "feast.”The English wordbanquet is first recorded in a work possibly composed before 1475 with reference to a feast held by the god Apollo, and the word appears to have been used from the 15th to the 18th century to refer to the feasts of the powerful and the wealthy.Perhaps this association led a 19th-century newspaper editor to label the word "grandiloquent"because it was being appropriated by those lower down on the social scale.单词banquet 的词根很长时间来一直有变化。 古法语中的词banquet 可能是我们所使用的词的来源, 是由古法语banc 一词衍生而来的,在日耳曼族语中表“长凳”之意。 而在古法语中其意已由“小椅子”演变为“全家围坐在一起吃的一顿饭”,再演变为“宴席”。英语中的banquet 一词首次记载于1475年前一部描写阿波罗神举行的一次宴席的作品中。 从15世纪至18世纪该词一直用于特指权贵们举行的筵宴。也许正是由于这个原因,19世纪一位报纸编辑将该词归为“大言不惭的”一类,因为当时一些中下层人士也开始使用该词了




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