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单词 中西部
释义 〔Stafford〕A municipal borough of west-central England north-northwest of Birmingham. The birthplace of Izaak Walton, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 55,100.斯塔福德:英格兰中西部一郡首府,位于伯明翰西北偏北艾萨克·沃尔顿的出生地,是制造业中心。人口55,100〔Dudley〕A borough of west-central England west-northwest of Birmingham. It had thriving iron, coal, and limestone industries until the 1870's. Population, 300,700.达德利:英格兰中西部城区,位于伯明翰西北偏西方向,在19世纪70年代前钢铁工业、煤炭工业和石灰工业十分兴旺。人口300,700〔Arak〕A city of west-central Iran southwest of Tehran. It is a transportation hub noted for its carpets. Population, 210,000.阿拉克:伊朗中西部的一个城市,位于德黑兰西南。它是运输中心,以地毯闻名。人口210,000〔Lafayette〕A city of west-central Indiana on the Wabash River northwest of Indianapolis. It is the seat of Purdue University (founded 1869). Population, 43,764.拉斐特:美国印第安纳州中西部一城市,位于印第安纳波利斯西北部的沃巴什可河畔。它是珀德尤大学的校址所在地(建于1869年)。人口43,764〔Masters〕American poet whoseSpoon River Anthology (1915), a collection of free verse epitaphs of the citizens of a small Midwestern town, was acclaimed for its directness and simplicity. 马斯特斯,埃德加·李:(1869-1950) 美国诗人,其代表作《斯蓬河诗集》 (1915年),是一部用自由诗行体写成的中西部小镇人民的碑文诗集,因其直接、挚朴而受到好评 〔Holiday〕A community of west-central Florida on the Gulf of Mexico northwest of Tampa. Population, 15,400.霍里戴:美国佛罗里达州中西部一社区,临近墨西哥湾,位于坦帕西北部。人口15,400〔Piqua〕A city of west-central Ohio north of Dayton. A supply base in the War of 1812, it is now an industrial center. Population, 20,612.平克:美国俄亥俄州中西部的一座城市,位于代顿市北部。1812年战争期间是一个供应基地,现为一工业中心。人口20,612〔Redmond〕A city of west-central Washington, a residential and industrial suburb of Seattle east of Lake Washington. Population, 35,800.雷蒙德:华盛顿州中西部城市,位于华盛顿湖以东西雅图郊区。是住宅区和工业区。人口35,800〔Pune〕A city of west-central India east-southeast of Mumbai (Bombay). It was a Maratha capital in the 17th and 18th centuries and passed to the British in 1818. Population, 2,640,000浦那:印度中西部城市,位于孟买东南偏东。17和18世纪时是马拉地人的首都,1818年转交给英国。人口2,640,000〔Easthampton〕A town of west-central Massachusetts north-northwest of Springfield. It was settled in 1664. Population, 15,537.东汉普顿:美国马萨诸塞州中西部一城镇,位于斯普林菲尔德的西北偏北方向。1664年开始有人定居。人口15,537〔Koblenz〕A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers southeast of Bonn. Founded as a Roman frontier station, the city was prominent during Carolingian times as a residence of Frankish kings. Population, 111,235.科布修林:德国中西部一城市,位于莱茵河和摩泽尔河的交汇口、波恩东南。过去为罗马人的前沿哨所,在卡洛林王朝时期,该城因为法兰克国王们的居住地而闻名。人口111,235〔Salzburg〕A city of west-central Austria near the German border southwest of Linz. Originally a Celtic settlement, it was later a Roman colony and is now a major music center and tourist resort. Population, 139,426.萨尔兹堡:奥地利中西部一城市,位于林茨西南的德国边界附近。原来是凯尔特人居住地,后成为罗马殖民地,现在是一个主要的音乐中心和旅游胜地。人口139,426〔Wiesbaden〕A city of west-central Germany on the Rhine River west of Frankfurt. Founded as a Celtic settlement in the third centuryb.c. , it has been a noted spa since Roman times. Wiesbaden became a free imperial city c. a.d. 1242 and passed to Prussia in 1866. Population, 267,467. 威斯巴登:德国中西部一城市,位于法兰克福以西的莱茵河岸。最初在公元前 3世纪作为凯尔特人据点建立,从罗马帝国时代起一直是著名的温泉浴场。从 公元 1242年开始威斯巴登成为一个自由的主权城市,1866年转给普鲁士。人口267,467 〔anymore〕In standard American English the wordanymore is often found in negative sentences: They don't live here anymore. Butanymore is widely used in regional American English in positive sentences with the meaning "nowadays": "We use a gas stove anymore" (Oklahoma informant in DARE).Its use, which appears to be spreading,is centered in the South Midland and Midwestern states—Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Iowa—and the Western statesthat received settlers from those areas.The earliest recorded examples are from Northern Ireland,where the positive use ofanymore still occurs. 在标准美国英语里anymore 一词常出现于否定句里: 他们再也不在这儿住了。 但anymore 在地方美国英语里广泛用于肯定句中,意思是“如今”: “我们现如今使用煤气炉” (美国区域英语词典的俄克拉何马州情报提供者)。它的用法似乎还正扩展,主要集中于中南部和中西部各州--田纳西州,肯塔基州,印第安纳州,俄克拉何马州和依阿华州——以及接收了这些地区移民的西部各州。最早记载的例子来自北爱尔兰,在那里anymore 一词的肯定用法仍在使用 〔Abilene〕A city of west-central Texas west-southwest of Fort Worth. Founded in 1881 with the coming of the railroad, the city first prospered as a shipping center for cattle. Population, 106,654.艾比利尼:美国得克萨斯州中西部一城市。位于沃思堡西南偏西。1881年该市因铁路的发展而建立,并曾作为运牛中心而开始繁荣。人口106,654〔Ajanta〕A village of west-central India southwest of Amravati. Nearby caves dating from c. 200b.c. to a.d. 650 contain remarkable examples of Buddhist art. 阿旃陀:位于印度中西部,阿姆拉瓦蒂西南部的村庄。附近岩洞可追溯到约公元前 200年至 公元 650,藏有辉煌的佛教艺术典范 〔Sidney〕A city of west-central Ohio west-northwest of Columbus. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 18,710.锡德尼:美国俄亥俄州中西部一城市,位于哥伦布西北偏西,是一制造业中心。人口18,710〔hock〕from Hochheim [a town of west-central Germany] 源自 赫希海姆 [德国中西部一城镇] 〔Gaeta〕A city of west-central Italy northwest of Naples on theGulf of Gaeta, an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Gaeta was a favorite resort of the ancient Romans and a prosperous duchy from the 9th to the 12th century, when it was conquered by the Normans. Population, 22,605. 加埃塔:意大利中西部那不勒斯西北的一座濒埃塔湾 的城市,在第勒尼安海海湾处。在9世纪至12世纪期间,即诺曼人统治时期,加埃塔是最受罗马人喜爱的旅游胜地。人口22,605 〔Rome〕The capital and largest city of Italy, in the west-central part of the country on the Tiber River. Traditionally founded by Romulus and Remus, it was ruled first by Etruscans, who were overthrown c. 500b.c. The Roman Republic gradually extended its territory and expanded its influence, giving way to the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus (27 b.c. - a.d. 14). As capital of the empire, Rome was considered the center of the known world, but the city declined when Constantine transferred his capital to Byzantium (323). Alaric I conquered the city in 410, leading to a lengthy period of devastation by barbarian tribes. In the Middle Ages the city revived as the spiritual and temporal power of the papacy increased. During the 1800's Rome was held at various times by the French until it became the capital of Italy in 1871. Vatican City remains an independent enclave within the confines of Rome. Population, 2,830,569. 罗马:意大利的首都及最大城市,在该国中西部,濒临台伯河。传统上认为罗马由罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯创建,伊特鲁里亚人最先统治罗马,并于公元前 500年被推翻。罗马共和国逐渐扩展领土和扩大势力,在奥古斯都( 公元前 27年- 公元 14年)统治时期成为罗马帝国。罗马作为帝国的首都,被认为是世界的中心,当康斯坦丁把国都迁往拜占庭后(323年),罗马衰落了。阿拉里克一世于410年征服了罗马从而使野蛮部落给罗马带来长期毁灭性的灾难。中世纪时,随着教皇宗教和世俗权力的上升,罗马又恢复了生机。19世纪期间,罗马不时受到法国人的统治,直至1871成为意大利的首都。梵蒂冈仍为罗马境内独立的外国领地。人口2,830,569 〔Waterbury〕A city of west-central Connecticut north-northwest of New Haven. Incorporated as a town in 1686 and as a city in 1853, it is today a manufacturing center. Population, 108,961.沃特伯里市:美国康涅狄格州中西部城市,位于新哈芬西北偏北方向。1686年合并为镇,1853年成为市,今天它是一个制造业中心。人口108,961〔Izhevsk〕A city of west-central Russia northeast of Kazan. Its ironworks date to 1760. Population, 611,000.伊热夫斯克,乌斯提诺夫:俄国中西部一城市,位于喀山东北。其钢铁工业可以追溯到1760年。人口611,000〔Latium〕An ancient country of west-central Italy bordering on the Tyrrhenian Sea. It was dominated by Rome after the third centuryb.c. 拉丁姆:意大利中西部一古国,毗邻第勒尼安海。公元前 3世纪被罗马占领 〔Parkland〕A community of west-central Washington, a residential suburb of Tacoma. Population, 20,882.帕克兰:华盛顿中西部一社区,是塔科马的一个住宅区。人口20,882〔Berar〕A region of west-central India. It was one of the early kingdoms of the Deccan.贝拉尔:印度中西部一地区,是早期德干王国之一〔Bellevue〕A city of west-central Washington on Lake Washington opposite Seattle. It is a manufacturing and residential community. Population, 73,903.贝尔维尤:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于与西雅图遥遥相对的华盛顿湖岸。是制造业和居住社区。人口73,903〔Bocholt〕A city of west-central Germany near the Netherlands border northwest of Essen. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 65,710.波科尔特:德国中西部城市,靠近荷兰边界,在埃森西北。它是一个制造业中心。人口65,710〔Moscow〕The capital and largest city of the U.S.S.R., in the west-central European part of the country on theMoscow River, flowing about 499 km (310 mi) eastward to the Oka River. Inhabited since Neolithic times and first mentioned in Russian chronicles in 1147, Moscow became the capital of the principality of Muscovy and by the 15th century was the capital of the Russian state and the seat of the metropolitan (later patriarch) of the Russian Orthodox Church. The capital was transferred to St. Petersburg in 1712 but returned to Moscow by the Soviets in 1918. It was the site of the 1980 Summer Olympics. Population, 8,408,000. 莫斯科:原苏联首都和最大城市,位于该国欧洲部分的中西部,市区的一部分位于莫斯科河 上,该河流程约499公里(310英里),向东注入奥卡河。自新石器时代有人居住,于1147年在俄国编年史中首次提到,并成为莫斯科公国的首都,到15世纪成为俄罗斯州的首都和俄罗斯东正主教的所有地。首都于1712年移到圣彼得堡,但后来于1918年被社会主义党人又移回莫斯科。1980年夏季奥运会在此召开。人口8,408,000 〔Thana〕A city of west-central India, a manufacturing suburb of Bombay. Population, 309,897.赛纳:印度中西部城市,是孟买的制造业郊区。人口309,897〔Durango〕A city of north-central Mexico north-northwest of Guadalajara. Founded as a mining town c. 1560, it was an important political and religious center during the early history of northern Mexico. Population, 257,915.杜兰哥:墨西哥中西部城市,位于瓜达拉哈拉西北偏北,公元1560年成立时为采煤小镇,在墨西哥北部的早期历史中是一个重要的政治和宗教中心。人口257,915〔Seattle〕A city of west-central Washington bounded by Puget Sound and Lake Washington. First settled in the 1850's, it prospered after the coming of the railroad in 1884 and became a boom town during the Alaskan gold rush of 1897. It is now an important commercial, transportation, and industrial hub and a major port of entry. Population, 516,259.西雅图:美国华盛顿州中西部的一个城市,被普吉特湾和华盛顿湖环绕。19世纪50年代首批居民在此定居,1884年火车开通后开始繁荣起来,在1897年阿拉斯加淘金热潮中成为一个新兴城市。它现在是重要的商业、运输、工业中心及主要进口港。人口516,259〔Mineola〕A village of southeast New York on west-central Long Island. It is a residential community. Population, 18,994.米尼奥拉:美国纽约州东南部一村庄,位于长岛中西部。为一居住社区。人口18,994〔Northampton〕A city of west-central Massachusetts on the Connecticut River north of Springfield. It is the seat of Smith College (founded 1875). Population, 29,289.北安普敦:美国马萨诸塞州中西部斯普林菲尔德北部康涅狄格河上的城市,为史密斯学院(建于1875年)所在地。人口29,289〔Dzerzhinsk〕A city of west-central Russia on the Oka River west of Kazan. It is a chemical manufacturing and industrial center. Population, 272,000捷尔任斯克:俄罗斯中西部城市,位于喀山以西的奥卡河畔。它是化学制造业和工业中心。人口272,000〔Smolensk〕A city of west-central European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River west-southwest of Moscow. First mentioned in the ninth century, it was burned by Napoleon's troops in 1812. Population, 331,000.斯摩棱斯克:苏联欧洲部分中西部的一城市,在第聂伯河上,位于莫斯科西南偏西。在9世纪初次得名,1812年被拿破仑的军队烧毁。人口331,000〔Poitou〕A historical region of west-central France bordering on the Bay of Biscay. A part of the Roman province of Aquitania, it fell to the Visigoths (a.d. 418) and the Franks (507) and was frequently contested by France and England until the end of the Hundred Years' War, when it was incorporated into the French crown lands. 普瓦图:法国中西部一历史地区,濒临比斯开湾。它原是罗马帝国阿奎它尼亚省的一部分,后落入西哥特人(公元 418年)和法兰克人(507年)手中,以后直到百年战争结束这一地区都为英法频繁地争夺,百年战争结束,该地区被并入法国王室的版图 〔Cheshire〕After Cheshire , a county of west-central England 源自 柴郡 ,英格兰中西部一郡 〔Siegen〕A city of west-central Germany east of Cologne. The birthplace of the painter Rubens, it is today heavily industrialized. Population, 107,774.齐根:德国中西部一城市,位于科隆东部,是画家鲁本斯的出生地,现今已高度工业化。人口107,774〔Belorussia〕Also Bel.o.rus.sian Soviet Socialist Republic [-rŭshʹən] A constituent republic of west-central European U.S.S.R. Colonized originally by Slavs, it was controlled at various times by Lithuania and Poland and became part of the U.S.S.R. in 1922. Minsk is the capital. Population, 9,942,000. 也作 Bel.o.rus.sian Soviet Socialist Republic [-rŭshʹən] 白俄罗斯:苏联欧洲部分中西部一个有选举权的共和国。最早为斯拉夫人的殖民地,在不同时期曾为立陶宛和波兰所统治,1922年成为苏联的一部分。明斯克为其首都。人口9,942,000〔Oulu〕A city of west-central Finland on the Gulf of Bothnia at the mouth of theOulu River, about 105 km (65 mi) long. Oulu grew around a castle built in 1590 and was chartered in 1610. Population, 96,525. 奥卢:芬兰中西部城市,濒临波的尼亚湾,位于奥卢河 (约长105公里,合65英里)河口。奥卢是由建于1590年的一座城堡发展起来的,1610年获特许状自治。人口96,525




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