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单词 主动
释义 〔hawker〕One who sells goods aggressively, especially by calling out.小贩:尤指通过吆喝的方式主动兜售货物的人〔active〕Indicating that the subject of the sentence is performing or causing the action expressed by the verb. Used of a verb form or voice.主动的,主动语态的:表示句子主语完成或导致动词表达的动作的。用于动词形态或语态〔recall〕To request return (of a product) to the manufacturer, as for necessary repairs or adjustments.主动收回,调回工厂:因必要的修理或调试等原因而主动要求将(某个产品)回收到制造者手中〔proactive〕Acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty; anticipatory:主动的,抢先的,先发制人的:提前行动以对付预期的困难的;抢先行动的:〔spam〕Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.垃圾电子邮件:主动发出的电子邮件,通常为商业性质,不加选择地将信件寄送至多个电子邮件清单、个人或是新闻群组;垃圾电子邮件〔adultery〕Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.通奸:已婚者与合法配偶以外的异性主动发生的性交〔sponsor〕One who assumes responsibility for another person or a group during a period of instruction, apprenticeship, or probation.发起者,主办者:在开始某项活动、学徒关系及试用期时,主动承担他人责任或一个团体责任的人〔passivity〕The condition or quality of being passive; inactivity, quiescence, or submissiveness.被动性:被动的状态或性质;不主动、沉默或顺从〔hot〕Ready and willing; eager.主动的,愿意的;热切的〔shake〕“[He] so shook Hollywood's tree that . . . all manner of . . . people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage" (Tina Brown)“[他] 是如此震动了好莱坞,以至于各界人士都主动打电话给我,数落他的过失或褒奖他的勇气” (蒂娜·布朗)〔neuter〕Neither active nor passive; intransitive. Used of verbs.不及物的:既不主动也不被动的;不及物的。用于指动词〔accompany〕 However,by is quite commonly used in sentences of the second type, and the usage is grammatically defensible.The phrase introduced withby normally represents the subject of a related active sentence; thus, the sentenceThe salmon was accompanied by a delicious watercress salad is the unexceptional passive of the sentence A delicious watercress salad accompanied the salmon. By the same token,with can be used with persons when they are the instruments of an act of accompanying performed by someone else. We can sayThe Secret Service accompanied the candidate with six burly bodyguards, or we can use the passiveThe candidate was accompanied with six burly bodyguards (by the Secret Service). The choice between the two prepositions really depends on the intended sense.Although the traditional rule may serve as a guide to which sense is likely to feel the most natural,it should not be taken as a categorical stricture.但是by 在第二种形式的句子中也常用, 而且这种用法在语法上是可行的。由by 引导的短语一般表示一相关主动句中的主语; 因此句型伴有可口的水田芥菜色拉的鲑鱼 就是 用可口的水田芥菜色拉来搭配鲑鱼 这类句型的必然被动语态。 同样,当某些人是其他人所安排的陪同活动中的工具的时候,with 也可用于人。 我们可以说特工处派了六个强壮的保镖护随候选人, 或者我们可以用被动态用六个强壮的保镖护随候选人(是由秘密机关安排的)。 事实上是基于使用意图而在这两个介词之间进行选择的。虽然以传统的语法规则为导引可使人感到含义上极为自然,但不能就此认为这是绝对的限制〔poison〕The phrasepoison potion besides being alliterative also consists of doublets, that is, two words that go back ultimately to the same source in another language.The source for both words is Latinpōtiō, which meant "the act of drinking, a drink, or a liquid dose, as of a medicine or poison.”Our wordpotion retains the form of the Latin word (actually the form of the stem pōtiōn- ) and the "dose" sense, although it passed through Old French (pocion ) on its way to Middle English ( pocion ), first recorded in a work composed around 1300.In Old Frenchpocion is a learned borrowing, one that was deliberately taken from Latin in a form corresponding to the Latin form.But the Latin word had also passed through Vulgar Latin into Old French in the different formpoison. This word meant "beverage,” "liquid dose,” and also "poison beverage, poison.”The wordpoison is first recorded in Middle English in a work composed around 1200. Poison potion 这一词组除了押头韵外还是由同源异形词构成的, 也就是两词最终可归结到另一种语言中的同一本源。这两个词的来源都是拉丁词potio , 意为“喝的行为、一种饮品或一定的液体剂量,如药或毒药。”我们今天所使用的potion 保留了这一拉丁词的形式(实际上是词干 potion- 的形式)和“药剂”的意思, 虽然它是经由古法语(pocion )传入中古英语的( pocion ), 该中古英语记录最早见于1300年左右著成的一部著作中。在古法语中pocion 是一个学术性的借词, 该词是以一种和其拉丁文形式对应的形式主动从拉丁文中借用的。但这一拉丁词也已经以另一种形式通过俗拉丁语,即poison ,传入古法语。 这个词意为“饮料、”“液体剂量”以及“毒性的饮料、毒药。”Poison 这个词最早是在一部大约在1200年写成的著作中记进中古英语的。 〔deponent〕Being a verb of active meaning but passive or middle form, as certain Latin and Greek verbs.异相的:具有主动意义,但同时又有被动或中间形式的动词的(就如同某些拉丁语和希腊语中的动词)〔get〕The use ofget in the passive, as inWe got sunburned at the beach, is generally avoided in formal writing.In less formal contexts, however,the construction does provide a useful distinction in attributing a more active role to its subject than would the corresponding passive withbe. Thus if Jones has committed a flagrant breach of law in order to test a particular statute,the situation might best be described by the sentenceJones got arrested by the police; whereas if Jones did nothing to provoke the police action,the sentenceJones was arrested by the police would be preferred. 在被动语态使用get , 如我们在海滩上晒黑了 , 渐渐在正式写作中避免。但在非正式上下文中,这个结构为使其比相应被动形式be 给予其主语更为主动的角色提供了极为有用的区别。 因此,如果琼斯为了验证特殊法律条文而严重违犯了某法律,最好用以下句子来描绘Jones got arrested by the police, 但如果琼斯没有反抗警察的行为,句子Jones was arrested by the police 比较合宜 〔absolutive〕A nominal having an absolutive form.主动格形式的名词性词〔infix〕An inflectional or derivational element appearing in the body of a word. In the Tagalog wordsinulat, "written,” the infix -in- appears as the marker of a passive form that contrasts with the active form sulat, "write.” 中缀,中加成分:一个单词中表示屈折变化或派生关系的成分。在他加禄语中,sinulat 一词表示“书面的”,中缀成分 -in- 表示被动的形式,与主动形式的动词 sulat “书写”相对 〔advance〕advances Opening approaches made to secure acquaintance, favor, or an agreement; overtures. advances 主动姿态:为保证相识,利益或协议而提出的初步建议;主动的表示〔participle〕The "dangling participle" is quite common in speech,where it often passes unremarked;but its use in writing can lead to unintentional absurdities,as in He went to watch his horse take a turn around the track carrying a copy of the breeders' guide under his arm. Even when the construction occasions no ambiguity,it is likely to distract the reader,who will ordinarily be operating on the assumption that a participle or other modifying phrase will be associated with the noun phrase that is immediately adjacent to it.Thus the sentenceTurning the corner, the view was quite different would be better rewritten as The view was quite different when we turned the corner or Turning the corner, we saw a different view. · A number of expressions originally derived from active participles are now well established as prepositions of a kind,and these may be used freely to introduce phrases that are not associated with the immediately adjacent noun phrase.Such expressions includeconcerning, considering, failing, granting, judging by, and speaking of. Thus one may writeSpeaking of politics, the elections have been postponed or Considering the hour, it is surprising that he arrived at all. “不连结分词”在口语中十分常见,只是常常被忽略;但它在书面中却会无意地导致语义模糊,如:他胳膊下夹着一本饲养员指南书去看他的马转过跑道的拐弯处。 即使这种结构不会产生语义不清,它也很可能迷惑读者,他们通常会假定分词或其它的修饰性短语会跟其紧接的名词性短语相联系。这样,最好把句子转弯后,景色大为不同 写成 我们一转弯就发现景色大为不同 或 转弯后我们看到景色大为不同。 · 一些最初由主动分词派生出来的表达方式现在已经作为某类介词而被固定下来,这些表达方式可以用来引入一些与紧接的名词短语没有联系的短语,这些表达方式包括concerning,considering,failing,granting,judging by 和 speaking of。 由此我们就可以这样写考虑到政治因素,将选举延期了 或 就时间来说,他在任何情况下到来都令人惊讶 〔energy〕from energos [active] 源自 energos [积极的,主动的] 〔gift〕Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.礼物,赠品:主动给予并不要报偿的东西〔accord〕The children returned on their own accord.孩子们主动回来了〔accord〕Spontaneous or voluntary desire to take a certain action:自愿,主动:自愿或主动采取一行动的愿望:〔acknowledge〕"There are some faults which men readily admit, but others not so readily" (Epictetus). “虽然有人承认了一些错误,但另一些不是这么主动” (爱比克泰德)。〔spring〕An actuating force or factor; a motive.主动力或主动因素;动机〔hawk〕To peddle (goods) aggressively, especially by calling out.通过叫卖主动兜售(货物)〔unsolicited〕an unsolicited manuscript; unsolicited opinions.一份被主动提供的手稿;主动提出来的意见〔love〕She volunteers at the hospital for love.她出于爱心主动要求在医院工作〔spam〕To send unsolicited e-mail to.向…主动寄送电子邮件




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