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单词 主张
释义 〔nullifier〕One who believes in nullification as a means by which U.S. states may resist federal laws.主张美国各州可以拒绝联邦法律者:相信把州对国会法令的拒绝执行作为美国各州拒抗联邦法律的方法的人〔Wallace〕American politician. A three-time governor of Alabama (1963-1967, 1971-1979, and 1983-1987), he first came to national attention as an outspoken segregationist. Wallace ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in 1968 and 1972.华莱士,乔治·科雷:(生于 1919) 美国政治家。连续三次任阿拉巴马州长(1963-1967,1971-1979,1983-1987年),他首先在国内知名是因为是一个直言不讳的主张实行种族隔离制者。华莱士于1968和1972年两次竟选总统未成〔silver〕Favoring the adoption of silver as a standard of currency:主张银本位制的:偏向于采用银作货币标准单位的:〔liberalism〕A 19th-century Protestant movement that favored free intellectual inquiry, stressed the ethical and humanitarian content of Christianity, and de-emphasized dogmatic theology.自由主义神学:19世纪一场新教活动,其主张自由的理性研究,强调基督教徒间伦理和人道的一致,而不强调教条的神学理论〔nihilism〕Also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination. 也作 Nihilism 无政府主义运动:发生在19世纪中期俄国的一次革命活动,藐视政权和传统观念,主张理性、物质主义以及通过恐怖手段和暗杀使及社会和政府发生激进性变化〔Foster〕American abolitionist and suffragist who refused to pay taxes on her family's farm because she, not having the right to vote, was not represented politically.福斯特,艾比盖尔·凯利:(1810-1887) 美国废奴主义者和主张扩大妇女参政权者。由于没有选举权而不享有政治代表权,她拒绝支付其家庭农场的捐税〔Rousseau〕French philosopher and writer who held that humanity is essentially good but corrupted by society. His written works includeThe Social Contract and the novel Émile (both 1762). 卢梭,简·雅克:(1712-1778) 法国哲学家和作家,主张人的本性是好的,但被社会腐化了。其著作有《民约论》 和小说 《爱弥尔》 (均写于1762年) 〔Gardiner〕English bishop who defended royal supremacy over the church during the Reformation.加德纳,斯蒂芬:(1483?-1555) 英国大主教,在改革期间曾主张皇室权力应凌驾于教会之上〔moderate〕One who holds or champions moderate views or opinions, especially in politics or religion.温和主义者:持有或主张中庸看法或观点的人,尤指在政治或宗教上〔hoke〕hoked up some phony allegations.拼凑出一些骗人的主张〔abolitionism〕Advocacy of the abolition of slavery.废奴主义:废除奴隶制的主张〔absolutely〕For some time,absolutely has been used informally as a vague intensive, as inan absolutely magnificent painting. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel disapproved of this usage in formal writing.有时候,absolutely 曾被非正式地作为含糊的强调成分而使用, 比如在一幅无与伦比的绘画 中。 在早期的调查中,大部分用法小组的成员不主张在正式书面语中这样使用〔allegation〕Something alleged; an assertion:主张,断言:被宣称的事情;断言:〔laches〕Negligence or undue delay in asserting a legal right or privilege.怠慢罪:忽视或不至鲁莽的延迟以主张某个法律上的权利或是利益〔Wade〕American politician who served as a U.S. senator from Ohio (1851-1869) and jointly authored the Wade-Davis Manifesto (1864), which declared the primacy of Congress in matters of the Reconstruction.韦德,本杰明·富兰克林:(1800-1878) 美国政治家,曾任美国俄亥俄州参议员(1851-1869年),并参与起草韦德-戴维斯宣言(1864年),主张南方的重建问题而与国会冲突〔Anabaptist〕A member of a radical movement of the 16th-century Reformation which believed in the primacy of the Bible, in baptism as an external witness of the believer's personal covenant of inner faith, and in separation of church from state and of believers from nonbelievers.再洗礼派教徒:16世纪宗教改革激进运动的成员,相信《圣经》的权威性,洗礼是对教徒个人内心信仰承诺的外部证明,主张政教分离、信徒和非信徒分离〔liberalism〕A political theory founded on the natural goodness of human beings and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority.自由主义:一种政治理论,它以人性本善为基础,提倡个人自治,强调公民和政治的自由,主张用被统治者所同意的方法进行统治,提倡保护个人使其免受专断权威的迫害〔Kuhn〕American philosopher and historian best known for his workThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), in which he challenged the view that the history of science is a smooth and cumulative process, arguing instead that scientific change occurs through "revolutions" in which one paradigm of inquiry and explanation is replaced by another. 库恩,托马斯·塞缪尔:美国哲学家及历史学家,以其作品《科学革命的结构》 (1962年)著称于世,在书中他质疑科学的历史有着平顺及累积培养过程的观点,取而代之主张科学变化的发生是经过"革命"而来的,一种询问及解释的典范被另外一种所取代 〔insist〕To assert or demand (something) vehemently and persistently:坚持:强烈并持续地主张或要求(某物):〔Thackeray〕British writer whose novels, includingVanity Fair (1847-1848), explore the ethical and social pretensions of largely amoral Victorian characters. 萨克雷,威廉·梅克皮斯:(1811-1863) 英国作家,他的小说包括《美丽的虚荣》 (1847-1848年),研究了维多利亚时期人物基本上与道德无关的伦理和社会主张 〔conservatism〕Conservatism The principles and policies of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom or of the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada. Conservatism 保守党政策:英国的保守党或加拿大的进步保守党的主张或政策〔Belmont〕American socialite and suffragist who won acceptance into New York's high society through extravagant spending and entertaining. She later promoted women's suffrage and was president of the National Women's Party (1921-1933).贝尔蒙,阿尔瓦·埃特斯金·史密斯·范德比尔特:(1853-1933) 美国社会名流和主张扩大参政权者,通过奢侈的花费和款待得以进入纽约上层社会。后来她促进妇女参政并成为“美国妇女党”的主席(1921-1933年)〔preemption〕Prior seizure of, appropriation of, or claim to something, such as property.先占:对某物如财产的抢先占有、占用或权利主张〔Tolstoy〕Russian writer and philosopher whose great novelsWar and Peace (1864-1869) and Anna Karenina (1873-1876) offer extraordinary detail and profound psychological insights. His later theories of ethics and morality recommended nonparticipation in and passive resistance to evil. 托尔斯泰,利奥:(1828-1910) 俄国作家和哲学家,其著名小说《战争与和平》 (1864-1869年)和 《安娜·卡列尼娜》 (1873-1876年)情节细致,具有深奥的哲学见解。他后期道德伦理学上的理论主张不要参与邪恶,对邪恶必须进行消极的抗争 〔Muhammad〕American activist and leader of the Black Muslims (1934-1975) who favored political, social, and economic independence for Black Americans.穆罕默德,以利亚:(1897-1975) 美国运动家和黑人回教领袖(1934-1975年),他主张美国黑人在政治、社会和经济上的独立〔right〕The opinion of those advocating such measures.右翼主张:支持右翼措施的人的主张〔postulate〕To assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of, especially as a basis of an argument.主张…为事实,断言…为必要:假定或断言…为真实、存在或必要,尤指作为论述基础而作的假定〔individualist〕One that asserts individuality by independence of thought and action.强调个性的人:主张通过思想和行动的独立来保持个性的人〔coccidium〕-idium [n. suff.] from Greek -idion [diminutive suff.] -idium [主张扩大参政者] 源自 希腊语 -idion [小后缀] 〔return〕"Not the poem which we have read, but that to which we return . . . possesses the genuine power, and claims the name of essential poetry ” (Samuel Taylor Coleridge). “不是我们已读 过的诗,而是我们 重新阅读的那些诗, …获得真正的力量并主张 本质诗的名称 ” (塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治)。 〔inflationist〕An advocate of the policy of deliberate inflation achieved by increasing the supply of available currency and credit.通货膨胀支持者:支持通货膨胀政策的人,即主张有意增加可利用的货币量和信用量〔lay〕To put forward as a demand or an assertion:提出:提出要求或主张〔Cooper〕British-born American chemist and pamphleteer. A strong advocate of states' rights, he favored nullification and was an early supporter of the doctrine of secession.库珀,托马斯:(1759-1839) 英国裔的美国化学家和小册子作家。他是各州权力的坚决拥护者,主张拒绝执行联邦政府的法令,是脱离联邦主义的早期支持者〔Gallicanism〕A movement originating among the French Roman Catholic clergy that favored the restriction of papal control and the achievement by each nation of individual administrative autonomy.教会自主论主义:最初在法国罗马天主教士中产生的一次运动,主张各国的罗马天主教会脱离教皇控制而在管理上独立〔error〕An act, an assertion, or a belief that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true.错误:无意识地偏离正确的行为、主张或信念〔argue〕To attempt to prove by reasoning; maintain or contend:坚持,主张:列举证明极力列举理由以证明;坚持或主张〔liberalism〕Often Liberalism Abbr. Lib.The tenets or policies of a Liberal party. 常作 Liberalism 缩写 Lib.自由党的主张或政策〔creed〕laws banning discrimination on the basis of race or creed; an architectural creed that demanded simple lines.法律禁止在种族或宗教基础上的岐视;一个主张粗线条构勒的建筑学派〔Kant〕German idealist philosopher who argued that reason is the means by which the phenomena of experience are translated into understanding. His classic works includeCritique of Pure Reason (1781) and Critique of Practical Reason (1788), in which he put forward his system of ethics based on the categorical imperative. 康德,伊曼纽尔:(1724-1804) 德国唯心主义哲学家,主张经验现象通过理性转变成知性。其经典著作包括《纯粹理性批判》 (1781年)和 《实践理性批判》 (1788年)。在这些著作中他提出了基于绝对命令的伦理学体系 〔vindicate〕To defend, maintain, or insist on the recognition of (one's rights, for example).维护:主张、维护或坚持对(如某人的权利)的确认




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