单词 | 之神 |
释义 | 〔Anubis〕A jackal-headed Egyptian god and the son of Osiris. He conducted the dead to judgment.导引亡灵之神,豹头人身神:豹头人身的希腊神,俄赛里斯之子。他引导死者去接受审判〔Hermes〕The god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft, who also served as messenger, scribe, and herald for the other gods.赫尔墨斯:商业、发明、灵巧之神,盗贼的保护神,也是众神的信使、书吏及报信者〔Mithras〕The ancient Persian god of light and guardian against evil, often identified with the sun.太阳神:古波斯的光明之神,是反邪恶之神,经常被认定为太阳之神〔Viracocha〕The creator god of the Incas.维拉科嘉:印加人的创造世界之神〔icon〕"Voyager will take its place . . . alongside such icons of airborne adventure as The Spirit of St. Louis and[the] Bell X-1" (William D. Marbach)“旅行者号会代替它的位置…就象圣路易斯之神号和[那] X—1响铃号那样进行太空冒险” (威廉D.马巴赫)〔Momus〕The god of blame and ridicule.莫摩斯:非难指责与嘲弄之神〔Baal〕Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false idols by the Hebrews.太阳神:古代闪米特人所信奉的当地的丰饶之神和自然之神,希伯来人认为是邪神〔Amen〕The Egyptian god of life and reproduction, represented as a man with a ram's head.亚扪:埃及的生命和繁殖之神,由羊头人身代表〔Lug〕The ancient Celtic god of artisanship and warriors. He was said to be the father of Cuchulain.拉格:古凯尔特的工匠和战士之神。据说他是库丘林的父亲〔Canopus〕An ancient city of northern Egypt east of Alexandria. It was the site of a great temple honoring Serapis.坎努帕斯:埃及北部一座古老城市,位于亚历山大东部。是一座纪念地狱之神塞拉皮斯的宏伟神殿的所在地〔Faunus〕A god of nature and fertility.福纳斯:自然和丰收之神〔Lawes〕English composer who set Milton's masqueComus to music (1634) and wrote several continuo songs. 劳斯,亨利:(1596-1662) 英格兰作曲家,他将米尔顿的假面具剧本《酒宴之神》 谱成音乐(1634年)并著有多首低音歌曲 〔Dionysus〕The god of wine and of an orgiastic religion celebrating the power and fertility of nature. Also called Bacchus 狄俄尼索斯:酒神和宗教狂欢庆祝大自然权力与丰产之神 也作 Bacchus〔Hephaestus〕The god of fire and metalworking.赫菲斯托斯:火和锻冶之神〔Trimurti〕The triad of gods consisting of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer as the three highest manifestations of the one ultimate reality.三神一体:包括创造之神婆罗贺摩、保护之神毗瑟拿及毁灭之神湿婆这三个唯一的终极真理的最高显示合为一体〔Nergal〕The Mesopotamian god of war and plague, and the consort of Ereshkigal.尼尔加:美索不达米亚战争与瘟疫之神,厄里什基迦勒的配偶〔Hades〕The god of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches.哈德斯:冥界之神,人间财富的分发者〔Thor〕The Norse god of thunder.雷神:古代斯堪的纳维亚的雷声之神〔Tiu〕The Germanic god of war and the sky.蒂乌:日耳曼神话中的战争和天空之神〔Tezcatlipoca〕The sun god of the Aztecs and the patron deity of warriors.特兹卡特利波卡:阿兹特克的太阳神及战争之神〔Odin〕The Norse god of wisdom, war, art, culture, and the dead and the supreme deity and creator of the cosmos and human beings.奥丁:挪威的智慧、战争、艺术、文化和死亡之神,被认为是最高级的神、宇宙和人类的创造者〔dryad〕A divinity presiding over forests and trees; a wood nymph.德律阿得斯:森林与树之神;林中女仙〔Nanna〕The Mesopotamian god of the full moon.南纳:美索不达米亚的满月之神〔Silvanus〕A god of forests, fields, and herding.森林、田野和放牧之神〔Vulcan〕The god of fire and metalworking.伍尔坎:火与锻冶之神〔Bes〕The Egyptian god of music and revelry.喜神贝斯:埃及的音乐与狂欢之神〔Aesculapius〕The god of medicine and healing.埃斯科拉庇俄斯:医药与康复之神〔Dagan〕The Babylonian god of the earth.达甘:巴比伦神话中的大地之神〔Zurvan〕The Zoroastrian god of time.佐尔文:琐罗亚斯德教的时间之神〔Thoth〕The Egyptian god of the moon and of wisdom and learning.索斯:埃及的月亮、智慧和学识之神〔Ganesh〕The god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles, son of Shiva and Parvati, depicted as a short fat man with an elephant's head.犍尼萨:智慧之神与横扫障碍者,是湿婆和盘波堤之子,被形容成一个矮胖象头的模样 |
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