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单词 乔治三世
释义 〔uranium〕The element uranium, whose discovery has been so vital to our nuclear age, owes its name to a preceding scientific discovery, that of the planet Uranus.Sir William Herschel, who discovered Uranus in 1781, named the planetGeorgium sidus, "the Georgian planet,” in honor of George III.Some also called itHerschel, but convention prevailed and the planet came to be calledUranus (the form in Modern Latin and English),the name of a heavenly deity like the rest of the planets.Called Uranus in Latin mythology and Ouranos in Greek,this god of the heavens was chosen because he was the father of Saturn (Greek Cronos), the deity of the planet next in line,who was the father of Jupiter (Greek Zeus), the deity of the next planet.The name of this new planet was then used in the name of a new chemical element,uranium, discovered eight years later by M.H. Klaproth. Klaproth, a German scientist, gave it the Latin nameuranium in honor of the discovery of Uranus. Uranium passed into English shortly thereafter, being first recorded in the third edition of theEncyclopedia Britannica, published in 1797. 元素铀的发现对现今的核子时代是至关重要的。它的名称是据在它之前发现的天王星命名的。威廉·赫歇尔爵士于1781年发现了天王星,并起名为Georgium sidus, “乔治的行星”, 用来纪念乔治三世。有人称之为赫歇尔, 但传统的力量更巨大,最终这颗行星被称之为Uranus (现代拉丁文和英语形式),如用其余的行星一样是用天神的名字命名的。在拉丁神话中被称作优拉纳斯神,而在希腊神话中被作优拉诺斯神,之所以选中这个天神因为他是萨图恩(希腊神话中为克洛诺斯)的父亲,而萨图恩是和他临近的行星;他还是朱庇特(希腊神话中的宙斯)的父亲,而宙斯又是下一颗临近的行星。这颗新行星的名字又用来命名一种新发现的化学元素,铀 是由M.H.克拉普罗特八年后发现的。 克拉普罗特这位德国科学家给予它铀 这种拉丁字母是为了纪念 天王星的发现。 Uranium在这之后不久进入英语, 首次出现于1797年出版的大不列颠百科全书 的第三版中 〔Charlotte〕A city of southern North Carolina near the South Carolina border south-southwest of Winston-Salem. Settled c. 1750 and named for the wife of King George III of England, it is the largest city in the state. Population, 395,934.夏洛特:美国北卡罗来纳州南部一城市,位于南卡罗来纳州边界附近、温斯顿-塞勒姆西南偏南,1750年建立,并以英王乔治三世的妻子之名命名,它该州最大的城市。人口395,934〔Herschel〕Family of British astronomers, including SirWilliam Herschel (1738-1822), who discovered Uranus (1781), was astronomer to George III, and cataloged more than 800 double stars and 2,500 nebulae. His sister Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) assisted in his work and published a star catalog. His son Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) augmented William's work with the discovery of 525 nebulae and conducted notable research on light, photography, and astrophysics. 赫歇耳:英国天文学家族,包括发现天王星(1781年)的威廉·赫歇耳 (1738-1822年)爵士,他担任乔治三世的天象观测员并总结归类了800多颗双星和2,500个星云。他的妹妹 凯塞琳·赫歇耳 (1750-1848年),协助他工作并发表了一本星的目录。他的儿子 约翰·弗雷德里克·赫歇耳 爵士(1792-1871年),又发现了525个星云并进行了有关光、摄影和天体物理学的卓有成效的研究,从而扩展了威廉的成就 〔Wilkes〕British political reformer noted for his published attacks on George III and for his support of the rights of American colonists.威尔克斯,约翰:(1727-1797) 英国政治改革家,因发表攻击乔治三世的文章和支持美国殖民地开拓者的权利而著名〔North〕British politician who served as prime minister (1770-1782) under George III and instituted policies that led to the rebellion of the American colonies.诺思,弗雷德里克:(1732-1792) 英国政治家,乔治三世时任首相(1770-1782年),建立了导致美国殖民地反抗的方针




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