单词 | 习惯于 |
释义 | 〔obsolescent〕solēre [to be accustomed to] solēre [习惯于] 〔chronic〕a confirmed bachelor;习惯于单身的人;〔sponge〕One who habitually depends on others for one's own maintenance.依附他人者:为了自己的生存而习惯于依靠其他人的人〔habit〕has a habit of closing his eyes when he tells a story.他在讲故事的时候习惯于把眼晴闭上。〔bring〕 This usage may sound curious to those who are accustomed to observe the distinction more strictly,but it bears no particular stigma of incorrectness or illiteracy. ·The formbrung is common in colloquial use in many areas, even among educated speakers, but it is not acceptable for use in formal writing.这一用法也许在习惯于严格区分两词的人听来有点怪,但这不能说明这种用法不正确或是语法差错。brung 的形式在很多地区的口语中,甚至在受过教育的人中间,普遍使用。 但在正式的书面文中这是不允许的〔insolent〕solēns [present participle of] solēre [to be accustomed] solēns solēre的现在分词 [习惯于] 〔klezmer〕A traditionally itinerant Jewish folk musician of eastern Europe performing in a small band, as at weddings.犹太乐师:在东欧的小型乐团中演奏(如在婚礼上)的习惯于巡回演出的犹太民间乐师〔used〕also [yo͞ost] Accustomed; habituated: 也作 [yo͞ost] 惯常的,习惯于…的:〔thievish〕Given to thieving.有偷窃习惯的:习惯于偷东西的〔mansuetude〕suēscere [to accustom] * see s(w)e- suēscere [习惯于] * 参见 s(w)e- 〔critic〕One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.爱挑剔的人:习惯于作出严厉的或挑剔评价的人;吹毛求疵者〔prefer〕To choose or be in the habit of choosing as more desirable or as having more value:更喜欢:作为更合意的或更有价值的而选择或习惯于选择…:〔mantis〕The female mantis has the habit of eating the male after mating.In spite of such behaviorthe mantis is graced with a religious name.Mantis is from the Greek word mantis, meaning "prophet, seer.”The Greeks, who made the connection between the upraised front legs of a mantis waiting for its prey and the hands of a prophet in prayer,used the namemantis to mean "the praying mantis.” This word and sense were picked up in Modern Latin and from there came into English,being first recorded in 1658.Once we know the origin of the termmantis, we realize that the species namespraying mantis and Mantis religiosa are a bit redundant. Two other names of this sort that have been used for mantises arepraying locust and orator mantis. To understand the latter,we must keep in mind the obsolete sense oforator, "one who makes a prayer or petition.” 雌性螳螂习惯于在交配后吃掉雄性螳螂。尽管存在着这种行为,螳螂还是被赋予了一个具有宗教色彩的名字。Mantis 来源于希腊语 mantis 一词, 意为“先知,预言家”。希腊人把螳螂捕食前高举的前肢与预言家祷告时的双手联系起来,用mantis 一词来表示“祈祷的预言家”。 新拉丁语吸收了这个词及其意义,英语又从拉丁语中吸取了该词,最早记载见于1658年。我们既然知道了mantis 的来源, 就会发现其属种名praying mantis 和 Mantis religiosa 略有重复。 用来表示螳螂的其它类似名称还有praying locust 和 orator mantis。 要想弄清楚后者,我们必须想到orator 一词的过时的意思“做祷告或祈求的人” 〔constrain〕a life that had been constrained by habit to the same few activities and friends.习惯于被束缚在一成不变的几个活动和朋友中的生活〔accustomed〕I am accustomed to sleeping late.我习惯于睡得很晚〔acclimatize〕To adapt (oneself), especially to environmental or climatic changes.使适应,习惯于:使(某人)适应环境或气候的变化〔mastiff〕The mastiff, which was at one time used in bullbaiting and bearbaiting as well as in dogfights,is ultimately named not for its fierceness but for its tameness.To find this tamenesswe must look back to the ultimate source ofmastiff in the Latin word mānsuētus, "tame, domesticated,” itself derived from the past participle ofmanusuēscere, "to tame,” made up of the rootman- found in the wordmanus, "hand,” and the verb suēscere, "to become accustomed to.” Tame beasts are accustomed to the hand.To explain howmansuēscere became mastiff, we must follow it through its Vulgar Latin development,.mansuētīnus, "domesticated,” and the later Old French development, mastin, "mastiff.” While being borrowed into English,mastin was probably blended with the Old French word mestif, "mongrel,” and was possibly influenced by the Medieval Latin wordmastīvus, "mastiff,” probably itself an error formastīnus, which came from the same Vulgar Latin source as the Old French word. Mastiff is first recorded in Middle English (as mastif ) in a work written before 1387. 曾经一度被用于纵狗斗牛、纵狗斗熊以及斗狗的大驯犬,最终并不是因为它的凶狠而是因为它的驯顺命名。要找到这种驯顺,我们必须回溯到mastiff 的最终拉丁语词源 mansuetus 意为“驯服,驯养”, 该词本身源于manusuescere “驯养”的过去分词, 由man- 构成, 始于manus (意为“手”)和动词 suesere “适应,习惯于”。 被驯养的野兽习惯于驯养者的手。要知道mansuecere 如何成 mastiff , 我们必须紧跟它在俗拉丁语中的发展,mansuetinus (“驯服的”)以及后来古法语的发展 mastin “猛犬”。 当mastin 一词借用到英语中时,它可能和古法语词 mestif (“杂种狗”)相混合, 还可能受中世纪拉丁语词mastivus (“大驯犬”)的影响, 但也许这个词本身就是同样作为古法语词来源于俗拉丁语的mastinus 的误写。 Mastiff 在1387年的一部作品中首次出现在中世纪英语里(当时写作 mastif ) 〔tune〕"The average reader, used to seeing the world in three-dimensional color, tunes out"(Carlin Romano)“那些习惯于以三维色彩观察世界的普通读者与环境隔绝”(卡林·罗马诺)〔manner〕Accustomed to a position, custom, or lifestyle from or as if from birth.天生就习惯:习惯于一种地位、习俗或生活方式、或天生的或仿佛是天生的〔netizen〕A person who is a frequent or habitual user of the Internet.网民,网虫:常常或习惯于使用网络的人〔habit〕It is our practice to eat an early dinner.我们习惯于很早就吃晚饭。〔inure〕To habituate to something undesirable, especially by prolonged subjection; accustom:使习惯于:特指经过较长时间的适应而习惯于曾经厌烦的东西;使适应:〔accustom〕I have accustomed myself to working long hours.我已习惯于长时间工作〔condition〕To accustom (oneself or another) to; adapt:使(本身或别人)习惯于;适应:〔recoil〕"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country" (Thomas Paine).“这正是考验人类灵魂的时候,在这个危急存亡之际,那些喜欢枝草茂盛的士兵和习惯于风和日丽的爱国者们将不再为他们的祖国服务” (托马斯·潘恩)。〔periodic〕Periodic has long been used loosely to mean "occasional, intermittent,” but this usage may be confusing for readers who are accustomed to using the word only in its narrower sense of "at regular or predictable intervals.”Thus the writer who saidParker's losses at the track were not covered by his periodic winners invited the (most likely unintended) inference that Parker had a system that enabled him to pick winners at regular intervals. Substitution ofoccasional in this context would have resolved the ambiguity. Periodic 长时间以来不严谨地用于指“时常的,偶而的”, 但这个用法常常使那些习惯于将这个词用于“在有规律或可预测的间歇内”这个狭窄词义的读者迷惑。因此写帕克在赛跑中的失败不如他的胜利多 这句话的作者(主要是无意中)造成帕克有在定期赢得比赛的方法的推论。 在上下文中用occasional 代替应该能解决这种模棱两可的问题 〔pamper〕 Humor implies compliance with or accommodation to another's mood or idiosyncrasies: Humor 指屈从或习惯于别人的情绪或特性: 〔roller〕Any of various Old World birds of the family Coraciidae, having bright blue wings, stocky bodies, and hooked bills. They are noted for their aggressiveness and their habit of rolling and twisting in flight, especially during the breeding season.佛法僧:任一种长有艳丽的蓝色翅膀、粗壮的躯体及钩形喙的佛法科东半球鸟,该鸟以喜好攻击且尤其习惯于繁殖季节在飞行中翻滚旋转而出名〔practice〕To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of:习惯于:习惯性地做或按惯例做或执行;使…成为习惯:〔sedentary〕Accustomed to sitting or to taking little exercise.习惯于坐着或几乎不运动的〔break〕To train or adapt for a purpose.驯服,习惯于:为一目的而训练或使…适应〔disaccustom〕To render (a person) unaccustomed to something to which the person has been previously accustomed; cause to break a habit.打破习俗,戒除某种习惯:使(某人)不再习惯于以前习惯的事物;使戒除某种习惯〔wean〕To accustom (the young of a mammal) to take nourishment other than by suckling.使断奶:使(幼年哺乳动物)习惯于不吃奶而获得养料〔prayerful〕Inclined or given to praying frequently; devout.常做祷告的:习惯于或喜爱经常祈祷的;虔诚的〔lump〕To tolerate (what must be endured):忍受或习惯于:忍受(必须被容忍的):〔klezmer〕The Jewish folk music played by small, traditionally itinerant bands.犹太民间韵音乐:由小型的习惯于巡回演出的乐团演奏的犹太民间音乐〔wont〕Middle English [past participle of] wonen [to be used to, dwell] * see won 1中古英语 wonen的过去分词 [习惯于,居住] * 参见 won1〔every〕Every is representative of a large class of English words and expressions that are singular in formbut felt to be plural in sense.The class includes, for example, noun phrases introduced byevery, any, and certain uses of some. These expressions invariably take a singular verb;we say Every car has (not have ) been tested. Anyone is (not are ) liable to fall ill. But when a sentence contains a pronoun whose antecedent is introduced byevery, grammar and sense pull in different directions.The grammar of these expressions requires a singular pronoun, as in Every car must have its brakes tested, but people persist in using the plural pronoun,as in Every car must have their brakes tested. Although the latter pattern is common in the speech of all groups,it is still widely regarded as grammatically incorrect in writing. ·The effort to adhere to the grammatical rule leads to various complications, however.The first is grammatical.When a pronoun refers to a phrase containingevery or any that falls within a different independent clause, the pronoun cannot be singular.Thus it is simply not English to sayEvery man left; he took his raincoat with him. Nor can one sayNo one could be seen, could he? Writers unwilling to use plural forms in these examples must find another way of expressing their meaning,either by rephrasing the sentence so as to get the pronoun into the same clause (as inEvery man left, taking his raincoat with him ) or by substituting another word forevery or any (as in All the men left; they took their raincoats with them. ) · The second complication is political.When a phrase introduced byevery or any refers to a group containing both men and women, what shall be the gender of the singular pronoun?This matter is discussed in the Usage Note athe. See Usage Note at all ,any ,each ,either ,he 1neither ,none Every 是一大类英语单词和短语的代表, 它们在形式上是单数的,但在意义上感觉起来却是复数。例如,这一类词中所包括的由every,any 和某些用法中的 some 所引导的名词短语。 这些短语毫无例外的跟单数动词,我们说每辆车都已 (不是 have ) 被测试过。 每个人都(不是 are ) 会生病 。 但是当一个句子中包括一个由先行词every 引导的代词时, 从句法和意义上就要区分不同的情况了。象每一辆车必须测试它的制动器 这样的表达法在语法上要求使用一单数代词, 但人们总习惯于用复数代词,象Every car must have their brakes tested 这样。 虽然后面这种形式在各种团体的讲话中非常普遍,但它在写作中仍广泛地被认为是语法上的错误。无论如何,坚持语法规则的努力总会导致各种各样的复杂问题。首先是语法上的复杂性。当一个代词指代一个短语,而这个短语中包括every 或 any 属于另一个与此代词所在子句不同的独立子句中时, 这个代词不能用单数形式。因此很容易理解英国人为何不说每个人离开时,都拿着各自的雨衣 , 也不说没有人会被看到,不是吗? 。 不愿意在这些例子中用复数形式的书写者必须找到另外一种表达他们意思的方法,或者可以通过重新改变句子的说法以使代词与其指代的短语同属一个从句中(如Every man left, taking his raincoat with him ), 或者通过以另一个词代替every 或 any 的方法(如 All the man left;they took their raincoats with them )。 第二是政治上的复杂性。当一个被every 或 any 引导的短语指代的一个团体中既有男人又有女人时, 单数代词的词性怎么确定呢?这个问题在单词he的用法说明中将被讨论 参见 all,any,each,either,he1neither,none〔mastiff〕suēscere [to accustom] * see s(w)e- suēscere [习惯于,适应于] * 参见 s(w)e- |
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