单词 | 予以 |
释义 | 〔unload〕To dispose of, especially by selling in great quantity; dump.处理;倾销:处理,尤其通过大量地予以销售;倾销〔commit〕To put into a place to be kept safe or to be disposed of.担保:放在保持安全或予以处理的位置上〔unstructured〕Lacking a definite structure or organization; not formally organized or systematized.非正式的:缺乏一个明确的结构或组织的;没有正式地予以组织或使之系统化的〔table〕Up for discussion:被提出予以讨论:〔emphatic〕Standing out in a striking and clearly defined way.引人注目的,显著的:以显著和明确定义的方式予以突出的〔tilt〕"pitilessly illuminates the inaccuracies and tilts of the press"(Nat Hentoff)“毫不留情地对新闻界的失误和偏见予以曝光”(纳特·亨托福)〔succor〕To give assistance to in time of want, difficulty, or distress.See Synonyms at help 救济,援助,帮助:在处于困难、贫困或苦难中时予以帮助 参见 help〔force〕His playing compels respect, if not enthusiasm.如果不是狂热的话,他的表演就是强迫他人予以敬重。〔serious〕I'm serious: we expect you to complete the assignment on time. She has posed a serious question that deserves a thoughtful response.我不是在开玩笑:我们希望你能接时完成任务。她提出了一个严肃的问题,应好好思索予以答复〔insurance〕Coverage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid.保险:保险公司根据与另一方签订得契约进行赔偿,一方遭受的特定损失予以补偿〔afflict〕To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on.折磨:予以…剧烈的肉体或心理打击〔arrowroot〕The arrowroot is just one of many plants that the European settlers and explorers discovered in the New World.The Arawak, a people who formerly lived on the Caribbean Islands and continue to inhabit certain regions of Guiana, named this plantaru-aru, meaning "meal of meals,” so called because they thought very highly of the starchy, nutritious meal made from the arrowroot.The plant also had medicinal value because its tubers could be used to draw poison from wounds inflicted by poison arrows.The medicinal application of the roots provided the impetus for English speakers to remakearu-aru into arrowroot, first recorded in English in 1696. Folk etymology—the process by which an unfamiliar element in a word is changed to resemble a more familiar word,often one that is semantically associated with the word being refashioned—has triumphed once again,thus denying us the direct borrowing ofaru-aru and giving us arrowroot instead. 竹芋仅是欧洲探险家和拓荒者在新大陆发现的多种植物中的一种。曾居住在加勒比海各岛,现仍在圭亚那部分地区居住的阿拉瓦克人把这种植物称为aru-aru 意思是“餐中餐”, 这样称呼是因为他们非常看重这种用竹芋粉做成的淀粉状的,非常有营养的食物。这种植物同时还有医疗价值,因为其块茎可用来从毒箭箭伤处把毒吸出来。这种植物的医疗作用促使讲英语的人重新将aru-aru 命名为 arrowroot ,1696年首次在英语中予以记载。 词的通俗变化就是比较陌生的词被比较熟悉的词所替代的过程,常常是被一个语义上与被翻新的词有联系的词。这里,通俗词汇学又一次取得胜利,不允许我们直接借用aru-aru ,而是另给了我们一个 arrowroot 。 〔pocketbook〕The link between the senses "billfold, purse,” and "pocket-sized book" of the wordpocketbook can be clarified with a little historical information. The compound is first recorded in 1617 in the sense of "a small book designed to be carried in a pocket.”It is only recently that such books have looked like the paperbound books we are familiar with;these early paperbacks were bound like any book but were smaller in size.The next recorded use ofpocketbook (1685) is again for a book designed to fit in the pocket but this time used for notes or memoranda.The same word was then applied to a case that was shaped like a bookand in which money or papers could be kept.Finally, the wordpocketbook was transferred to yet another container for keeping things, a purse or handbag,rarely fitting in the pocketand not necessarily shaped like a book.Pocketbook 一词的两种词义“钱夹,手袋”和“口袋大小的书”之间的关联通过一点历史知识予以澄清。 这一复合词在1617年被首次记录为“被设计放在口袋里携带的一本小书”的意思。只是到不久前这种书看上去才象我们所熟悉的纸质封皮的书籍;这些早期的纸皮书装订得除了大尺寸上小点之外与其它书都一样。Pocketbook (1685年)的下一个记录下来的用法又是指设计的以适合口袋大小的书, 但这次它却被用来做笔记或便笺。这一词后来又被用来指定形为本书一样的盒子,并且里面可以存放钱或纸张。最后,pocketbook 这个词又转指另一种存放物品的容纳物, 比如一只手袋或手提包,它很少会放得进口袋,形状也不一定象书。〔parole〕The release of a prisoner whose term has not expired on condition of sustained lawful behavior that is subject to regular monitoring by an officer of the law for a set period of time.假释,有条件释放:释放刑期还未满的犯人,由执法人员用一段时间对其进行定期观察,如果其行为连续合乎法律则可予以释放〔unnameable〕Not to be named or identified:无以名状的:不能说出其名称或予以识别的:〔cloture〕A parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion. Also called closure 结束辩论,辩论终结:国会的一种程序,以结束辩论,对讨论的事务予以立即投票表决 也作 closure〔deal〕dealt him a blow to the stomach.在他的腹部予以一击〔up〕a contract that is up for renewal.一份正在被考虑是否予以续签的合同〔formalize〕To give a definite form or shape to.使定形:予以定形或使具有一定的形状〔altruism〕Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness.利他主义,无私:对他人福利予以无私的关注;无私〔extracurricular〕The attorney's work for the legal aid society was extracurricular.律师对社会予以合法的援助是业余的 |
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