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单词 争辩
释义 〔story〕"He was colorful, he was charismatic, he was controversial, he was a good story"(Terry Ann Knopf)“他多姿多彩、富有魅力,善于争辩,本身就是一个好素材”(特里·安·克诺夫)〔argue〕 argue is to present reasons or facts in an attempt to persuade an adversary in debate or to induce another to espouse a cause or point of view one advocates: argue 指提出理由或事实,试图在争辩中说服对方,或促使他人拥护自己倡导的理由或观点: 〔pettifogger〕One who quibbles over trivia.诡辩者:为小事而争辩的人〔entrench〕arguments that only entrench you more firmly in error.那些只能使你更加坚持错误的争辩〔defense〕An argument in support or justification of something.See Synonyms at apology 辩护:为支持或证明某事的正确性所作的争辩 参见 apology〔war〕To be in a state of hostility or rivalry; contend.同…处于交战状态:处于敌对或竞争的状态;争辩〔unarguable〕Not open to argument or further discussion:毋庸置疑的:无可辩驳的或不容再争辩的:〔have〕To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion.尤指通过争辩或讨论的手段最终解决〔dialectic〕from Greek dialektikē (tekhnē) [(art of) debate] 源自 希腊语 dialektikē (tekhnē) [争辩(的行为)] 〔plead〕To offer reasons for or against something; argue earnestly:辩论,反驳:提出理由以支持或反对某事;认真地争辩〔advocate〕One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender:拥护者:为某项事业而争辩的人;支持者或保护者:〔polemics〕The art or practice of argumentation or controversy.争辩,辩论法:争辩或辩论的艺术或做法〔debate〕A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.辩论:关于相反观点的讨论;争辩〔agon〕The part of an ancient Greek drama, especially a comedy, in which two characters engage in verbal dispute.辩论:古希腊戏剧的一部分,尤指喜剧中涉及两个人物的口头争辩〔polemic〕A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation.辩论者;争辩者:从事或喜欢争辩、辩论或驳斥的人〔raging〕a raging debate; a raging fire.狂暴的争辩;猛烈的大火〔vigor〕arguing with his usual vim;以他往常的精力争辩〔black〕Use of the capitalized form has the advantage of acknowledging the parallel with other ethnic groups and nationalities,such asItalian and Sioux. It can be argued thatblack is different from these other terms because it was derived from an adjective rather than from a proper name.However, a precedent exists for the capitalization of adjectives used to denote specific groups,as in theReds and the Whites (of the Russian Civil War) or the Greens (the European political party). The capitalization ofBlack does raise ancillary problems for the treatment of the term white. Orthographic evenhandedness would seem to require the use of the uppercase formWhite, but this form might be taken to imply that whites constitute a single ethnic group,an issue that is certainly debatable.On the other hand, the use of the lowercase formwhite in the same context as the uppercase form Black will obviously raise questions as to how and why the writer has distinguished between the two groups.There is no entirely happy solution to this problem.In all likelihood, uncertainty as to the mode of styling ofwhite has dissuaded many publications from adopting the capitalized form Black. See Usage Note at color 大写字母的好处在于对于其他种族和民族平等关系的承认,如意大利人 和 苏人。 有人可以争辩说black 与其他词不同, 因为他是由一个形容词而不是专有名词派生而成的。但是,大写形容词意指一组人已有前例,如Reds 和 Whites (俄国内战中)或 Greens (欧洲政党)。 大写的Black 确实引起了该如何对待 White 一词的有关问题。 正字法的公正要求使用White 的大写形式White, 但这种形式可能被认为暗示白人组成了单独的种族,这是会引起争论的问题。另一方面,在有black 大写形式White出现的相同语境中使用 White 的小写形式white, 显然会引起如何及为什么作者要对这两组人区别对待的问题。这一问题尚无令人满意的解决办法。White 书写方式的不确定性很可能已经使许多出版物不再采用大写形式的 Black 参见 color〔Arnold〕British poet and critic whose poems, such as "Dover Beach" (1867), express moral and religious doubts. His classic studyCulture and Anarchy (1869) is a polemic against Victorian materialism. 阿诺德,马修:(1822-1888) 英国诗人和评论家,其诗歌,如“多佛海滩”(1867年),表达了道德和宗教的怀疑。他的古典文学作品《文化与无政府状态》 (1869年)一书是反对维多利亚物质主义的激烈争辩 〔polemic〕Of or relating to a controversy, an argument, or a refutation.辩论的,争辩的:属于或关于一个争论、辩论、或驳斥的〔go〕a debate that will go down as a turning point in the campaign.这次争辩将被作为运动的转折点而被后人铭记〔defend〕To support or maintain, as by argument or action; justify.支持:支持或维护,如通过争辩或采取行动;为…辩护〔diatribe〕Listening to a lengthy diatribe may seem like a waste of time,an attitude for which there is some etymological justification.The Greek worddiatribē, the ultimate source of our word, is derived from the verb diatribein, made up of the prefixdia-, "completely,” and tribein, "to rub,” "to wear away, spend, or waste time,” "to be busy.” The verbdiatribein meant "to rub hard,” "to spend or waste time,” and the noundiatribē meant "wearing away of time, amusement, serious occupation, study,” as well as "discourse, short ethical treatise or lecture, debate, argument.”It is the serious occupation of time in discourse, lecture, and debate that gave us the first use ofdiatribe recorded in English (1581), in the now archaic sense "discourse, critical dissertation.”The critical element of this kind of diatribe must often have been uppermost,explaining the origin of the current sense ofdiatribe, "a bitter criticism.” 听唠唠叨叨的絮语也许好象是浪费时间,这是一种态度,一些词源对此有所表明。该词的终源希腊单词diatribe 起源于由动词 diatribein ; 而后者是由前缀dia- “完全地”和 tribein (“消磨、消逝、花费或浪费时间”,“忙于”)所构成的。 动词diartibein 意思是“难熬”、“花费或浪费时间”, 而名词diatribe 意思是“时间消逝、消遣、热衷消遣,研究”, 还有“论文、伦理学论文,伦理学论文或讲演,争辩,论据”。在(1581年)英语中记载的第一次使用diatribe 是热衷于把时间消磨在论文、讲演和争辩中, 现在古体文含义是“论文,批评式的学术演讲”。这种论文所含批评因素必须常常占最主要的,它解释了diatribe 现代含义“尖刻批评”的词源 〔spar〕To bandy words about in argument; dispute.在辩论中争执言辞;争辩〔gladiator〕A person engaged in a controversy or debate, especially in public; a disputant.争论者,辩士:进行争辩或辩论的人,尤指在公共场合;辩论者〔controversy〕The act or practice of engaging in such disputes:争辩:进行这种争论或辩论的行为或实践:〔contention〕The act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate.See Synonyms at discord 争辩:在讨论或辩论中据理力争的行为或实例 参见 discord〔polemic〕A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine.辩论,激烈的争辩:一场争辨性的讨论,尤指用来驳倒或攻击某一特定观点或信条的争论〔confront〕"She got no child support.[She] didn't argue or confront" (Gail Sheehy)“她没有得到孩子的抚养费。 既未争辩也没有反抗” (盖尔·希伊)〔argue〕To put forth reasons for or against something:争辩:提出理由以表示(赞成)或反对某事:〔debatable〕Being such that formal argument or discussion is possible.可争辩的:可导致正式争辩的或讨论的〔argue〕"It is time to stop arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them"(Paul Craig Roberts)“现在该是停止关于减少税率的争辩,而是把它们付诸实施的时候了”(保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨)〔decide〕To settle conclusively all contention or uncertainty about:解决:就…的争辩或不确定性做出最后的决定:〔disputable〕disputable testimony.有争辩余地的证据〔learn〕learned that it was best not to argue.意识到最好不要争辩〔arguable〕Open to argument:争辩的:可争论的:〔obstinate〕 Obstinate implies unreasonable rigidity,as in the face of argument, persuasion, entreaty, or attack: Obstinate 暗含不合理的僵化,例如在面对争辩、劝说、恳求或袭击时: 〔wrangle〕To win or obtain by argument.争得,取得:通过争辩羸得或获得〔kick〕To oppose by argument; protest.See Synonyms at object 通过争辩反对;抗议 参见 object〔debate〕To discuss or argue (a question, for example) formally.正式讨论:正式地讨论或争辩(例如,一个问题)




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