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单词 二者
释义 〔idealistic〕Of, relating to, or having the nature of an idealist or idealism.理想主义或理想主义者的,与理想主义或理想主义者有关的,或具有二者之性质的〔divide〕"They want not to divide either the Revolution or the Church but to be an integral part of both"(Conor Cruise O'Brien)“他们既不想分裂革命党也不想分裂教会派,而是想集二者之成”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)〔solitude〕"The beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die" (E.M. Forster). “丧失了于二者而言都意味着生命的与世隔离,野兽与僧人将会死去” (E·M·福斯特)。〔voluntary〕"In life courtesy and self-possession, and in the arts style, are the sensible impressions of the free mind,for both arise out of a deliberate shaping of all things" (William Butler Yeats).“在生活中礼貌和镇定,在艺术风格上是自由思想的明智反映,因为二者均出于对所有事物的有意的塑造” (威廉·巴特勒·叶芝)。〔amphoteric〕from amphō [both] 源自 amphō [二者] 〔act〕The wordsact and action both mean "a deed" and "the process of doing.” However, other senses ofact, such as "a decision made by a legislative body" and of action, such as "habitual or vigorous activity" show that act tends to refer to a deed while action tends to refer to the process of doing. The demands of meaning or idiom will often require one word or the other:class act and class action, for example, are not interchangeable. In cases where either can be used, either is acceptable: myact (or action ) was premature. act 及 action 两者都表示“行为”和“行动的过程”。 然而,act 的其他释义,如“立法机关所做的决定”及 action 的其他释义, 如“惯常的或充满活力的活动”表明act 偏重于指行动而 action 偏重于指行动的过程。 由于意义和习语的需求,通常只能用其中的一个单词,如:class act(出类拔萃的人) 和 class action(共同起诉) 不能互换。 在二者皆可的情况下,二者可通用:我的行为 (或 行动 )太草率 〔between〕According to a widely repeated but unjustified tradition,“between is used for two, and among for more than two.” It is true thatbetween is the only choice when exactly two entities are specified: the choice between (not among ) good and evil, the rivalry between (not among ) Great Britain and France. When more than two entities are involved, however, or when the number of entities is unspecified,the choice of one or the other word depends on the intended sense.Between is used when the entities are considered as distinct individuals; among, when they are considered as a mass or collectivity. Thus in the sentenceThe bomb landed between the houses, the houses are seen as points that define the boundaries of the area of impact (so that we presume that none of the individual houses was hit). InThe bomb landed among the houses, the area of impact is considered to be the general location of the houses, taken together (in which case it is left open whether any houses were hit). By the same token, we may speak ofa series of wars between the Greek cities, which suggests that each city was an independent belligerent, or ofa series of wars among the Greek cities, which allows as well the possibility that the belligerents were shifting alliances of cities. For this reason,among is most appropriate to indicate inclusion in a group: 根据重复多次但没什么根据的传统看法,“between 用于两者之间,而 among 用于二者以上。” 当只提到两个实体时,between 确实是唯一的选择: the choice between (而不用 among ) good and evil(善与恶之间的选择),the rivalry between (不用 among ) Great Britain and France(英法间的对抗)。 当牵涉到两个以上实体时,如果实体的数目不确定,选择其中之一则取决于倾向性。当实体被看作不同的个体时用between ; 当其被看作整体或集合时用among 。 因此在句子The bomb landed between the houses 中,房屋被看作一个限定了中弹地区的界限( 所以我们假设一所所单独的房子未被击中)。在The bomb landed among the houses 中,被中弹地区被看作是房屋的整体地区( 在这种情形下房屋是否被击中并未说明)。同样的表示法,我们可以说a series of wars between the Greek cities, 表示每个城市是独立的参战者,我们也可以说a series of wars among the Greek cities, 表示存在某些城市做为联合参战者的可能性。 因此,among 最适合表示包括在一群成一组人之内: 〔complement〕Either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually complete each other.补数:组成一个整体的两部分中的一个或二者互相补充〔brigade〕A U.S. Army administrative and tactical unit composed of a headquarters unit, at least one unit of infantry or armor or both, and designated support units. A brigade can be commanded by a brigadier general or by a colonel.旅:美军的行政和战略单位,包括一个指挥部,至少一个单位的步兵或装甲兵或二者兼有,以及指派的支援部队。可由陆军准将或由上校统领的一个旅〔alternative〕Some traditionalists hold thatalternative should be used only in situations where the number of choices involved is exactly two, because of the word's historical relation to Latinalter, "the other of two.” H.W. Fowler, among others, has considered this restriction a fetish.The Usage Panel is evenly divided on the issue, with 49 percent accepting the sentenceOf the three alternatives, the first is the least distasteful. · Alternative is also sometimes used to refer to a variant or substitute in cases where there is no element of choice involved, as inWe will do our best to secure alternative employment for employees displaced by the closing of the factory. This sentence is unacceptable to 60 percent of the Usage Panel. ·Alternative should not be confused with alternate. Correct usage requiresThe class will meet on alternate (not alternative ) Tuesdays. 有些持传统观点的人认为alternative 只能严格地用在二者择一的情况下, 因为这个词来源于拉丁语alter ,意思是“二者中的另外一个”。 包括H.W.福勒的其他人认为这种限制是一种迷信。用法专题小组中持这两种意见的人各占一半,49%的人都接受这句话在三个选项中,第一个是最不让人讨厌的。 · Alternative 如果没有供选择的成分存在,其有时也指一个变体或替换的事物, 如我们将尽全力保证因工厂倒闭而离开岗位的雇员以某种方式就业。 语言用法专题小组中60%的人不接受这句话。Alternative 不能和 alternate混淆。 正确的用法要求全班每隔 (不是 alternative ) 星期二 见一次面。 〔Tange〕Japanese architect. He designed the Peace Center and Park (1949-1956) as part of the rebuilding of Hiroshima after World War II. His other designs include the National Gymnasium for the 1964 Olympic Games and St. Mary's Cathedral (1963), both in Tokyo.丹下健三:日本建筑师。作为二战后广岛重建的一部分,他设计了和平中心公园(1949年-1956年)。他的其它设计包括为1964年奥运会建设的国家体育馆和圣玛莉大教堂(1963年),二者均位于东京




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