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单词 五颜六色
释义 〔swallowtail〕Any of various colorful, widely distributed butterflies of the family Papilionidae, usually having an extension at the end of each hind wing that resembles the tails of certain swallows.凤蝶:蝴蝶科的五颜六色、分布广泛的蝴蝶,通常在每一个后翅的顶端有类似某些燕尾的延展部分〔harlequin〕Having a pattern of brightly colored diamond shapes.指具有五颜六色的钻石形状〔thistle〕Any of numerous weedy plants, chiefly of the generaCirsium, Carduus, or Onopordum of the composite family, having prickly leaves and variously colored flower heads surrounded by prickly bracts. 蓟:主要为菊科蓟属,飞廉属 或 大翅蓟属 的众多草本植物,长有刺状叶和由刺状苞片围绕的五颜六色的花头 〔luminaria〕In recent yearsit has become commonplace to see entire American neighborhoods decorated during holiday seasons withluminarias lining driveways, sidewalks, or rooftops. A luminaria is a votive candle set inside a small decorative paper bag weighted with sand.The bags are usually colored and often perforated with designsthrough which the candle inside shows as bright pinpricks of light.The custom of luminarias comes from Mexicoand is associated especially with the southwest United States.The same word is used for a similar holiday custom of the Pueblo peoples in New Mexico.On Christmas Evethey build a bonfire, called aluminaria, outside each house in the pueblo. 近年来,整个美国的住宅区在节日期间沿车道、人行道或屋顶装饰luminarias 变得很平常。 传统圣诞灯是放在放了沙子的装饰性小纸袋中的还愿蜡烛。这些纸袋通常五颜六色而且上面有孔,里面的蜡烛通过小孔发出细细的亮光。传统圣诞灯来源于墨西哥,尤与美国西南部联系在一起。同样的词也用于新墨西哥普艾布洛人类似的节日风俗。在圣诞前夜,他们在每座房屋前燃烧起一堆叫luminaria 的营火




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