单词 | 交叉 |
释义 | 〔expose〕an officer who exposed the troops to enemy crossfire.使军队面临敌人火力交叉的军官〔network〕An openwork fabric or structure in which cords, threads, or wires cross at regular intervals.网:绳、线或铁丝按一定间隔交叉形成的网状织品或结构〔fichu〕A woman's triangular scarf of lightweight fabric, worn over the shoulders and crossed or tied in a loose knot at the breast.披肩式三角形女用薄围巾:一种女用三角形薄围巾,围住肩膀并在胸前交叉松松地打一个结〔spica〕A bandage applied in overlapping opposite spirals to immobilize a digit or limb.人字形绷带,穗形绷带:用来固定关节或肢体的用交叉回旋重叠的方法绑缚的绷带〔decussation〕A crossing in the shape of an X.交叉:X形交叉〔crossfire〕Lines of fire from two or more positions crossing each other at a single point:交叉火力:从两个或多个射击位置射出的火线在某一个点相互交叉:〔network〕A system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect:交通网:相互交叉或连接的线路或水道:〔crossing〕The act or action of crossing.交叉:交叉的行为或动作〔entrechat〕A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.空中交叉跳跃:一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿〔uncross〕To move (one's legs, for example) from a crossed position.使不交叉:把(如交叉的腿)分开〔crisscross〕Crossing one another or marked by crossings.十字形的,交叉的:互相交叉的或以十字形为特征的〔barbicel〕One of the minute, hooked projections extending from and interlocking the barbules of a feather.羽纤支:从一根羽毛的羽小支上延伸或与羽小支交叉的细小钩状凸起之一〔grate〕A framework of parallel or latticed bars for blocking an opening.炉格栅;筛滤栅:由平行或交叉的横木构成的框架,用于封住一个口子〔underpass〕An intersection formed in this way.按此方式形成的交叉段〔latticework〕An open, crisscross pattern or weave.格子细工:开放式交叉结构或编织法〔projection〕A system of intersecting lines, such as the grid of a map, on which part or all of the globe or another spherical surface is represented as a plane surface.棋盘格:相互交叉的线条,如地图的网络系统,在这种系统内部分或全部球体或别的球面被显示为一个平面〔crosstree〕One of the two horizontal crosspieces at the upper ends of the lower masts in fore-and-aft-rigged vessels, serving to spread the shrouds.桅顶横杆:纵帆船只中位于下桅顶部的两根水平交叉的木杆之一,用来张开桅的左右支索〔across〕Crosswise; crossed.成十字形;交叉的〔crossbow〕A weapon consisting of a bow fixed crosswise on a wooden stock, with grooves on the stock to direct the projectile.弩:一种包括有一个交叉固定在木柄上的弓的武器,木柄上有槽以释放弓箭〔intersection〕also [ĭnʹtər-sĕk'-] A place where things intersect, especially a place where two or more roads cross. 也作 [ĭnʹtər-sĕk'-] 十字路口:事物交叉的地方,特指两条或多条道路的交汇处〔dichogamous〕Having pistils and stamens that mature at different times, thus promoting cross-pollination rather than self-pollination.雄雌蕊异时成熟的:雄雌蕊不同时期成熟从而促成交叉授粉而不是自花授粉的〔crossbones〕A representation of two bones placed crosswise, usually under a skull, symbolizing danger or death.交叉骨圆形:描绘两根骨头交叉放置的图形,通常画在骷髅下面,象征危险或死亡〔intense〕The meanings ofintense and intensive overlap considerably, but the two are often subtly distinct.When used to describe human feeling or activity,intense often suggests a strength or concentration that arises from inner dispositions and is particularly appropriate when used to describe emotional states: intense 和 intensive 的意思在相当程度上是交叉的, 但是它们经常有细微的差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心, 它特别适于用来描写感情状态: 〔prophase〕The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes.前期阶:减数分裂的第一个阶段,由一系列的事件组成,包括脱氧核糖核酸的复制,同种染色体结合、交叉,染色体形成以及染色体的收缩〔point〕The vertex of the angle created by the intersection of rails in a frog or switch.辙叉角:在岔心或岔道上,由铁轨交叉而成的角的顶点〔neuropsychiatry〕The combined medical study of neurological and psychiatric disorders.神经精神病学:研究神经紊乱和精神错乱的交叉医学〔crossover〕Often used to modify another noun:跨党派,交叉:常用于修饰另一个名词:〔grid〕A framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; a grating or mesh.格栅,网栅:由交叉或平行的条构成的架子;格栅或网格〔chiasmatypy〕The meiotic twisting between paired chromatids that produces chiasmata.交叉型:产生交叉的成对染色体之间的减数分裂弯曲〔hachure〕from hacher [to cross-hatch] * see hatch 3源自 hacher [作交叉阴影线或截面线] * 参见 hatch3〔decussate〕from decussis [the number ten, intersection of two lines (from the Romans' use of X for the numeral 10), a ten-as coin] 源自 decussis [十这个数,(罗马人所用数字10)是两线交叉而成的,10的创造] 〔crossbill〕Any of various finches of the genusLoxia, having curved mandibles with narrow tips that cross when the bill is closed. 交嘴雀:任一种交嘴 属的雀科鸣鸟,生有带有狭小喙尖的上下鸟喙,当鸟嘴闭上时,它们能相互交叉 〔intersection〕The act, process, or result of intersecting.横断:交叉的行为、过程或结果〔section〕To shade or crosshatch (part of a drawing) to indicate sections.画剖面:通过给(画的一部分)加不同的阴暗色度或画交叉平行线来显示剖面〔crossover〕the crossover vote in California; a big crossover hit.加利福尼亚的跨党派投票;一记交叉重击〔epoxy〕Any of various usually thermosetting resins capable of forming tight cross-linked polymer structures characterized by toughness, strong adhesion, and low shrinkage, used especially in surface coatings and adhesives.环氧树脂:能够形成以耐磨损,强附着力和低收缩率为特征的交叉连结聚合结构的热固树脂中的一种,尤用为表面涂料和粘合剂〔carrefour〕furca [fork] furca [交叉] 〔chiastolite〕From Greek khiastos [crossed] [past participle of] khiazein [to mark with an X] * see chiasma 源自 希腊语 khiastos [交叉的] khiazein的过去分词 [用X作标记] * 参见 chiasma〔crossing〕A place at which roads, lines, or tracks intersect; an intersection.交叉路口:公路、铁路或道路交叉的地点;交叉路口〔across〕Being in a crossed position:成十字形的,交叉的:处于一十字形状的位置: |
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