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释义 〔pachysandra〕Any of several plants of the genusPachysandra, especially the evergreen P. terminalis native to Japan, having toothed leaves and inconspicuous white unisexual flowers. Also called Japanese spurge 顶花板凳果:板凳果属 的一种植物,尤指产于日本的常青 顶花板凳果 ,有齿形叶子和不起眼的雌雄异体的花 也作 Japanese spurge〔mistletoe〕Any of several American parasitic shrubs, such asPhoradendron flavescens of eastern North America. 美洲寄生灌木:任何一种美洲寄生灌木,如穗花桑寄生属 ,产于北美洲东部 〔Alderney〕One of a breed of small dairy cattle originally raised in the Channel Islands.奥尔德尼乳牛:原产于海峡群岛中的一种体型小的乳牛〔real〕Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran. See also Synonyms at authentic 世界上大部分的大白鳇鱼子酱产于苏联和伊朗 参见同义词 authentic〔budgerigar〕A parakeet(Melopsittacus undulatus) native to Australia and having green, yellow, or blue plumage. It is a popular cage bird bred in a variety of colors not found in wild populations. Also called shell parakeet 虎皮鹦鹉:一种长尾鹦鹉(虎皮鹦鹉) 属原产于澳大利亚,有绿色,黄色或蓝色的羽衣。是一种良常见的颜色样的笼养鸟,未见有野生 也作 shell parakeet〔gavotte〕from gavot [native of the Alps] 源自 gavot [产于阿尔卑斯山脉的] 〔cranberry〕A mat-forming, evergreen shrub(Vaccinium macrocarpum) of eastern North America, having pink flowers and tart, red, edible berries. 蔓越橘,大果越桔:一种原产于北美洲东部的蔓生常绿灌木(大果越桔 越桔属) ,开有粉红色的花,结红色的可食用酸果 〔native〕the native North American sugar maple.产于北美洲的糖枫。〔sugarbird〕Any of various honeyeaters, especially a South African bird(Promerops cafer) with a long, curved bill that feeds mainly on the nectar of trees of the genus Protea. 卡佛食蜜鸟,蜜鸟:吸食花蜜的各种蜜鸟之一,尤指一种产于南美洲的鸟(帕洛梯属 卡佛食蜜鸟) ,嘴长而弯,主要靠食 山龙眼科 属的树木的花蜜为生 〔sika〕A medium-sized deer(Cervus nippon) native to Japan and China but naturalized in Europe and other countries, having a small head, compact body, and mostly spotted reddish or chestnut coat. Several of its subspecies are endangered in the wild. 梅花鹿:一种中等体型的鹿(梅花鹿 梅花鹿属) ,原产于日本和中国,但欧洲和其它国家也引种饲养了这个品种,该鹿头小、身体结实,大多数的皮上有浅红或粟色的斑点。它的八个野生亚种已濒临灭绝 〔madwort〕A low-growing Eurasian plant(Asperugo procumbens) having rough stems and small blue flowers. 糙草:一种产于欧亚大陆(糙草 糙草属) 的矮生植物,长有粗壮的茎杆并开蓝色的小花 〔spicebush〕An aromatic deciduous shrub(Lindera benzoin) of eastern North America, having clusters of early-blooming small yellow flowers. 美国山胡椒:产于北美洲东部的一种芳香的落叶灌木(黄果山胡椒 山胡椒属) ,有早开的小黄花簇 〔Newfoundland〕Any of a breed of large, strong dog developed in Newfoundland and having a thick, usually black coat.纽芬兰犬:产于纽芬兰的一种大型、强壮的狗,具有厚厚的、不寻常的黑毛〔tamarillo〕A tree(Cyphomandra betacea) native to the Peruvian Andes and cultivated especially in New Zealand for its edible dark red or yellow plumlike fruit. 番茄树:一种原产于秘鲁境内安第斯山脉的树木(树番茄 树番茄属) ,因其结可供食用的深红或黄色李子状果实而在新西兰被广泛种植 〔starflower〕Any of several small plants of the genusTrientalis, especially T. borealis, of northeast North America, having white starlike flowers. 七瓣莲:任一种七瓣莲属 小型植物,尤指产于北美东北部的 美洲七瓣莲 ,开白色星形花朵 〔puccoon〕Any of several North American plants of the genusLithospermum, having orange or yellow flowers and roots that yield a red dye. 紫草:任一种产于北美的紫草 属植物,开橙色或黄色的花,并且其根部可以提炼一种红色染料 〔candlefish〕An oily, edible fish(Thaleichthys pacificus) of northern Pacific waters, formerly dried and used as a torch by Native Americans. Also called eulachon 太平洋细齿鲑:产于太平洋北部海域的一种富含油质的可食用鱼(太平洋细齿鲑 烛鱼属), 起初被美洲土著居民晾干了用作火把 也作 eulachon〔alkanet〕A European perennial herb(Alkanna tinctoria) having cymes of blue flowers and red roots. 紫朱草:产于欧洲的一种多年生草本植物(紫朱草) ,有蓝色聚伞花序和红色根部 〔spinifex〕Any of various clump-forming, perennial Australian grasses, chiefly of the genusTriodia, growing in arid regions and having awl-shaped, pointed leaves. 三齿稃:一种产于澳大利亚的四季常青的丛生草,主要是三齿稃 属,生长在干旱地区,叶子呈钻状尖形 〔skunkweed〕A dioecious, ill-smelling, dichotomously branched annual plant(Croton texensis) of the central and southwest United States. 臭菘:一种雌雄异株的,气味难闻的,两分叉的一年生植物(巴豆属 特克萨斯巴豆) ,产于美国中部和西南部 〔turnip〕A widely cultivated Eurasian plant(Brassica rapa) of the mustard family, having a large, fleshy, edible yellow or white root. 芜菁,芜菁甘蓝:一种广泛地种植的产于欧亚大陆的植物(芜菁 芸苔属) ,属十字花科,有大块的、多肉的、可食用的根,呈黄色成白色 〔sassafras〕A deciduous eastern North American tree(Sassafras albidum) having irregularly lobed leaves and aromatic bark, leaves, and branches. 檫树:一种产于北美东部的落叶树(美洲檫木) ,生有不规则瓣状叶和带香味的树皮、树叶和树枝 〔echeveria〕Any of numerous tropical American plants of the genusEcheveria, having thick, succulent leaves often clustered in a showy rosette. 拟石莲花属植物:任一种产于美洲的拟石莲花属 热带植物,叶厚实并多汁,丛生为引人注目的莲座型 〔corbina〕A food and game fish(Menticirrhus undulatus) of North American Pacific waters and especially coastal California. 无鳔石首鱼:一种食用和垂钓鱼(波纹无鳔石首鱼) ,产于北美大西洋水域,尤其是加利福尼亚沿岸的水域中 〔soybean〕A southeast Asian annual leguminous plant(Glycine max), widely cultivated for forage and soil improvement and for its nutritious seeds. 大豆:一种产于亚洲东南部的年生豆科植物(大豆 大豆属) ,作为饲料和土壤肥料而被广泛种植,其种子富含营养 〔coot〕Any of several dark-gray aquatic birds of the genusFulica of North America and Europe, having a black head and neck, lobed toes, and a white bill. 白骨顶:任一种原产于北美洲和欧洲的白骨顶属 深灰色水鸟,头颈均为黑色,足有瓣蹼,喙呈白色 〔coltsfoot〕A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara) in the composite family, naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large, hoof-shaped basal leaves. 款冬:一种菊科低矮的多年生欧亚草本植物(款冬 款冬属) ,原产于北美部分地区,长有蒲公英状花序和巨大的蹄状基生叶 〔spikenard〕An aromatic perennial herb(Nardostachys jatamansi) of the Himalaya Mountains, having rose-purple flowers. Also called nard 甘松:一种四季常青的芳香草本植物(匙叶甘松 甘松属) ,产于喜马拉雅山脉,有玫瑰紫色的花 也作 nard〔shortia〕Any of various eastern North American and Asian evergreen stemless herbs of the genusShortia, having glossy basal leaves and white, pink, or blue nodding flowers on long stalks. 岩扇:一种产于北美洲东部和亚洲的岩扇 属无茎草本常绿植物,有平滑基生叶,长花柄上有白色、粉色或蓝色的下垂花朵 〔sunbird〕Any of various small, tropical Old World passerine birds of the family Nectariniidae, having a slender, downward-curving bill and often brightly colored plumage in the male.太阳鸟,日鳽:产于欧洲的一种鸟雀目热带小鸟,嘴纤细且向下弯曲,雄鸟羽毛颜色一般都十分艳丽〔goa〕A gazelle(Procapra picticaudata) native to Tibet and having backward-curving horns in the male. 藏原羚:一种(原羚 羚羊属) 的瞪羚,原产于西藏,雄性有一对后弯的角 〔coralberry〕A North American deciduous shrub(Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) cultivated for its abundant clusters of coral-red, berrylike fruits. Also called Indian currant 小花雪果:一种产于北美洲的落叶灌木(小花毛核木 毛核木属) ,因其结有大量一簇簇珊瑚红色浆果状果实而被种植 也作 Indian currant〔medaka〕A small Japanese fish(Oryzias latipes) commonly found in rice fields and often used in biological research or in stocking aquariums. 青鳉:日本的小型鱼(青鳉) ,通常产于水稻田里,用来进行生物研究或养于水族馆中 〔lentil〕A leguminous plant(Lens culinaris) native to southwest Asia, having flat pods containing lens-shaped, edible seeds. 小扁豆,兵豆:一种豆科植物(兵豆 兵豆属) ,原产于亚洲西南地区,长有扁平的豆荚,内含可食用的透镜形种子 〔bitterroot〕A perennial herb(Lewisia rediviva), native to western North America and having showy pink or whitish flowers and an edible, fleshy root. 苦根琉维草,苦根马齿苋:一种多年生草本植物(苦根琉维草 琉维草属) ,原产于北美西部,有鲜艳粉色或白色花朵和可食肉质根 〔souchong〕Any of several varieties of black tea native to China and adjacent regions.小种茶:原产于中国及附近地区的几种不同红茶的任何一种〔Weimaraner〕Any of a large breed of hunting dog having a smooth grayish coat that originated in Germany.威玛狗:一种原产于德国的大型猎犬,有光滑的淡灰色皮毛〔chicory〕A perennial herb(Cichorium intybus) of the composite family, native to the Old World, widely naturalized in North America, and having rayed flower heads with blue florets. Also called succory 菊苣:一种多年生菊科草本植物,(菊苣) 原产于东半球,被广泛引种在北美洲,开有伞形头样花序的蓝花 也作 succory〔springhare〕A burrowing nocturnal rodent(Pedetes capensis) of southern Africa, having long powerful hind legs with which it leaps like a kangaroo. 跳兔:一种产于南部非洲的夜出的小袋鼠状啮齿动物(跳鼠) ,有长而有力的后腿,可如袋鼠般跳跃 〔jewfish〕Any of several large, spotted, olive-brown marine fishes of the family Serranidae, especially the grouperEpinephelus itajara of tropical Atlantic and eastern Pacific waters. 鮨鱼:指若干种大型的、带有斑点的墨绿色鮨科海鱼类的统称,尤指产于热带大西洋和东太平洋水域的大石斑鱼




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