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单词 享有盛誉
释义 〔Stickley〕American furniture designer. A leader of the Arts and Crafts Movement, he is credited with creating the Mission furniture style.斯帝克利,古斯塔夫:美国家具设计师。艺美术运动的领导者,以其创造的清教徒家具风格享有盛誉〔Marsalis〕American trumpeter. Noted for his technical brilliance, he has won acclaim as both a jazz and classical soloist.马沙利,温顿:美国小号手。因其技艺精湛而闻名,作为爵士和古典独奏者享有盛誉〔Goethe〕German writer and scientist. A master of poetry, drama, and the novel, he spent 50 years on his two-part dramatic poemFaust (published 1808 and 1832). He also conducted scientific research in various fields, notably botany, and held several governmental positions. 歌德,约翰·沃尔夫贡·冯:(1749-1832) 德国作者和科学家。精通诗歌、歌剧和小说。他花了50年时间写了二部戏剧长诗《浮士德》 (出版于1808年和1832年)。他也致力于各个领域的科学研究,在植物学方面享有盛誉,并在几次政府担任职务 〔Callimachus〕Greek sculptor who reputedly designed the Corinthian column.卡利马丘斯:希腊雕塑家,他设计的科林斯式柱享有盛誉〔myself〕These usages have been common in the writing of reputable authors for several centuries: 几个世纪以来,这些用法在享有盛誉的作品中很普遍: 〔Alcaeus〕Greek poet who reputedly invented Alcaic verse.阿乐凯奥斯:希腊诗人,以首创阿尔凯奥斯四行诗而享有盛誉〔Campbell〕British poet and editor best known for his ballad "Lord Ullin's Daughter" (1809).坎贝尔,托马斯:(1777-1844) 英国诗人和编辑,以其叙事诗《尤林地主的女儿》(1809年)而享有盛誉




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