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释义 〔decimate〕Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions.Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group.Sixty-six percent of the Usage Panel accepts this extension in the sentenceThe Jewish population of Germany was decimated by the war, even though it is common knowledge thatthe number of Jews killed was much greater than a tenth of the original population.However, when the meaning is further extended to include large-scale destruction other than killing,as inThe supply of fresh produce was decimated by the accident at Chernobyl, the usage is accepted by only 26 percent of the Panel.Decimate 最初指杀死每十人中的一个, 用于古罗马军队对反叛军团的一种惩罚。现在这一层意思通常引申为大批杀死。用法专题使用小组中66%的成员认为在德国的犹太人在战争中被大批杀死 一句中该词的这一引申义可接受, 尽管众所周知,被杀的犹太人的数目远比最初人口的十分之一要多。可是,当词义外延至包括大量毁灭而不是戳杀,如在新鲜农产品的供应由于车诺比事故极大地受到了破坏 一句中, 用法专题使用小组中只有26%的成员接受这一用法。




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