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释义 | 〔artifice〕"To this day they always speak of that Reform Bill as if it had been a dishonest maneuver" (Standard). “直到今日,他们常常提起那个选举法修正法案,好像那是一个不诚实的花招” (史坦达得)。〔Chavin〕An early pre-Incan civilization that flourished in northern and central Peru from about 900 to 200b.c., known for its carved stone sculptures and boldly designed ceramics. 查文文化:印加文明之前于今日秘鲁中北部一度兴盛的早期文明(公元前 900年200年),以其石雕像及大胆设计风格的陶器闻名 〔hamburger〕After having eaten countless hamburgers,one may perhaps be interested in knowing more about the origins of the name.By the middle of the 19th century people in Hamburg, Germany,the busiest port in West Germany today,enjoyed pounded beefsteak in some form.Perhaps brought to America by the large numbers of Germans who migrated around that time,this sort of dish with the nameHamburg steak may have appeared on a menu as early as 1836. The first recorded use ofHamburg steak is found in 1884 in the Boston Journal, withhamburger steak being first recorded in a Walla Walla, Washington, newspaper in 1889. A 1902 cookbook contains a recipe for Hamburg steak that is closer to our conception,a recipe using ground beef mixed with onion and pepper.The hamburger was on its way,as was the Americanismhamburger. 在吃完了数不清的汉堡包之后,人们可能会有兴趣更多地知道一些关于这个名字由来的知识。直至19世纪中叶住在德国汉堡,这个今日德国最为繁忙的港口的人们,喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状。也许是被当时的大量德国移民传至美洲,这道以Hamburg steak 命名的菜最早出现在菜单上是在1836年。 Hamburg steak 第一次见诸于铅字是在1884年的 波士顿日报 , 而hamburger steak 第一次见诸于铅字是在1889年华盛顿州的沃拉沃拉市的一家报纸上。 到1902年烹饪书上关于汉堡牛排的调制法与我们今天的概念已经很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋葱与胡椒粉拌在一起。汉堡包已被广泛使用,如美国方式的hamburger 〔zonk〕"zonk their patients with tranquilizers"(Psychology Today)“用镇静剂使病人失去知觉”(今日心理学)〔Duwamish〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting an area of the eastern shore of Puget Sound near present-day Seattle, Washington. The Duwamish became extinct as a people in the 20th century.杜瓦米希族:美洲原住民之一,原居于今日华盛顿西雅图附近的皮尤吉特湾东岸一带。杜瓦米希族此族于20世纪灭绝〔Asculum〕An ancient Roman town of southeast Italy south of present-day Foggia. Pyrrhus of Epirus defeated a Roman force here in 279b.c. but suffered a heavy loss of troops. 阿斯居雅姆:位于意大利东南部今日福查南部的一座古罗马城市。伊庇鲁斯的波洛士于公元前 279年在此打败罗马军队,但自己部队也伤亡惨重 〔set〕"The mental set of an audience is crucial to his performance"(Psychology Today)“观众的先入之见对他的表演来说是残酷的”(今日心理学)〔hall〕Thehalls of academe and city hall remind us that what we commonly mean by the wordhall, "a passageway, an entrance room,” represents a shrunken version of whathall once commonly designated. Going back to the Indo-European rootkel- 1, "to cover,” the Old English wordheall, ancestor of our hall, referred to "a large place covered by a roof, whether a royal residence, an official building, or a large private residence, or a large room in a residencewhere the public life of the household is carried on.”These senses and related ones are still in use,as is attested bytown hall and halls of academe. Our common use of the termhall for a vestibule or a corridor harks back to medieval times when the hall was the main public room of a residenceand people lived much less privately than now.As private rooms in houses took on the importance they have today,the hall lost its function.Hall also had come to mean any large room, and the vestibule was at one time one of the main sitting rooms in a house,but this sort of room has largely disappeared also,andhall has become the designation for the small vestibule of today as well as for an entrance passage or any passageway.halls of academe 以及 city hall 提醒我们注意: 我们通常把hall 这个词定义为“走廊,门厅”, 反映出hall 这词当初设定时的通常含义的种种痕迹。 追溯到该词的印欧语词根kel- 1, 意思是“去覆盖”, 我们hall 这个词的来源是古英语中 heall 这个词, 它指的是“一个有屋顶覆盖的大地方或者属于皇室住宅、政府建筑或是一座大的私人府第或者是一所住宅中的大房子,主人在其中进行社交活动”。这些概念或与之相关的意思直到今天还有,比如说town hall 和 halls of academe 。 我们现在一般所用的,把hall 当作门厅或走廊的用法可以追溯到中世纪, 那时大厅是居住者的最主要的起居室,人们生活还没有今天这么隐私化,于今日个人房间在生活中占主要地位,大厅失去了它当年的功用。Hall 还曾意味着大房间, 而门厅在过去一段时间内曾是房屋中主要的一处起居室,但这样的房子大部分也都消失了,而hall 的意思已经变成指那些当今小的走廊, 或者是进出口处的走廊,或者是随便哪个走廊〔charango〕A ten-stringed mandolin of Andean regions with a sound box traditionally fashioned from the shell of an armadillo or tortoise, now also made of wood.夏朗哥:安第斯山脉地区的十弦曼陀林,其音箱部分,传统上取材自犰狳壳或乌龟壳,但今日也有木制的〔Hamburg〕A city of northern Germany on the Elbe River northeast of Bremen. Founded by Charlemagne as a defensive citadel in the early ninth century, the city quickly grew in commercial importance and in 1241 formed an alliance with Lübeck that became the basis for the Hanseatic League. Today Hamburg is a major port and financial, industrial, and cultural center. Population, 1,592,447.汉堡:德国北部一座城市,位于不莱梅东北部易北河岸,于9世纪早期作为一座防御性的城堡要塞为查理曼大帝所建,这座城市的经济上的重要性迅速提高。在1241年它与吕北克建立联盟,这是后来汉萨同盟的基石。今日,汉堡已成为重要的港口,同时又是金融、工业以及文化中心。人口1,592,447〔Wari〕A pre-Incan empire with links to the contemporaneous civilization at Tiahuanaco, developing around the 10th century in the Peruvian highlands and spreading to encompass more than half of modern-day Peru before collapsing around 1200.瓦里帝国:与同时期的蒂亚瓦讷科文明有关连的前印加帝国,约十世纪在秘鲁高原发展起来,在1200年瓦里帝国瓦解前将大半个今日的秘鲁纳入版图〔Calah〕An ancient city of Assyria on the Tigris River south of present-day Mosul, Iraq. It was probably built in the 13th centuryb.c. 卡拉哈:阿赛里亚的一座古代城市,位于今日伊拉克摩苏尔南部的底格里斯河边。可能建成于公元前 13世纪 |
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