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释义 〔Huron〕A Native American confederacy formerly inhabiting southeast Ontario around Lake Simcoe, with small present-day populations in Quebec and northeast Oklahoma, where they are known as Wyandot. The Huron traded extensively throughout eastern Canada until the confederacy was destroyed by war with the Iroquois in the mid-17th century.休伦族:美洲土著居民的一个联盟,曾居住于安大略省东南西姆克湖周围,现在人数已很少,主要居于魁北克省和俄克拉荷马东北,在那里他们被称为怀安多特人。休伦人曾在整个加拿大东部广泛地从事贸易,直至17世纪中期与易洛魁人的战争中联盟被摧毁〔Barbary〕A region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by Berbers in the 2nd millenniumb.c. , it fell to the Arabs in the 7th century a.d. From the 16th to the 19th century it was used as a base by pirates who raided ships in the Mediterranean Sea and extracted tribute from the European powers trading in the area. 巴巴里:北非一地区,濒地中海海岸,在埃及与大西洋之间。公元前 2000年时柏柏尔人定居于此。 公元 7世纪时被阿拉伯人占领。从16至19世纪成为海盗的据点。海盗们在地中海上洗劫船只,并从在此地区从事贸易的欧洲列强那里勒索钱财




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