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单词 以武力
释义 〔honor〕A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms.社会礼法:在某些社会,象封建时期的欧洲以武力维护的正直、尊严和骄傲的准则,主要对男人而言〔cast〕To drive out by force; expel.以武力赶开;驱逐〔carjack〕To commit forcible theft of (a vehicle) from its users.劫车:以武力劫夺车辆〔intervene〕To interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the affairs of another nation.干涉:干涉他国事务,通常以武力或威胁手段〔invade〕To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.侵略:以武力进入以便征服或掠夺〔interfere〕"It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave" (Henry David Thoreau).Totamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way: “他有一个奇特的宗旨,即为了解救奴隶,一个人有绝对权利以武力来干涉奴隶主” (亨利·戴维·梭罗)。tamper 是通过造成未经请求的、不受欢迎、经常为毁坏性的变化或试图通过不恰当的方式影响他人来进行干涉: 〔commandeer〕To take arbitrarily or by force.See Synonyms at appropriate 任意地或以武力获取 参见 appropriate




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