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单词 以色列
释义 〔Manasseh〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Joseph and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.玛拿西:《旧约》故事中约瑟夫的长子,是以色列一个宗族的祖先〔Bloch〕Swiss-born American composer noted for his chamber music, such asQuintet for Piano and Strings (1923), and for works with Jewish themes, including Israel Symphony (1916). 布洛克,欧内斯特:(1880-1959) 瑞士裔美籍作曲家,以其室内乐而著名,如《钢琴和弦乐五重奏》 (1923年),和反映犹太人主题的作品,包括 《以色列交响曲》 (1916年) 〔Negev〕A hilly desert region of southern Israel. Assigned to Israel after the partition of Palestine in 1948, it has various mineral resources.内盖夫:以色列南部的山丘沙漠地区。1948年巴勒斯坦被分割后划给以色列,它有无数矿产资源〔sheqel〕A basic unit of currency in Israel.谢客尔:以色列基本货币单位〔Ahab〕Pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel who, according to the Old Testament, was overthrown by Jehu.亚哈:以色列异教徒国王,耶洗别的丈夫。据《旧约》记载被耶和推翻〔Jehoshaphat〕King of Judah who formed an alliance with the kingdom of Israel.约沙王:与以色列王国建立联盟的犹大国国王〔Barenboim〕Israeli-born pianist and conductor who performed widely with his wife, the cellist Jacqueline du Pré.巴伦布瓦姆,丹尼尔:(生于 1942) 以色列裔钢琴家和指挥家,与他的夫人大提琴手杰奎林·迪普雷联袂广泛演出〔Perlman〕Israeli-born American violinist noted for his technical brilliance.珀尔曼,伊察克:(生于 1945) 以色列裔美籍小提琴家,以其专业才华而著名〔Dayan〕Israeli military leader and politician who directed the 1956 Sinai campaign and the 1967 Six-Day War.戴扬,莫什:(1915-1981) 以色列军事领袖和政治家,他领导了1956年西奈半岛战役和1967年的六日战〔tribe〕Any of the 12 divisions of ancient Israel.古代以色列的几个分支中的任何一个〔Jacob〕In the Old Testament, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. His 12 sons became the progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel.雅各:在《圣经·旧约》中是以撒之子,亚伯拉罕之孙。他的12个儿子后来成为以色列12个部落的祖先〔Israelite〕A native or inhabitant of the ancient Northern Kingdom of Israel.古以色列人:古代以色列北部王国的土著人或居民〔shekel〕A basic unit of currency in Israel. See table at currency 谢克尔:以色列的一种基本货币单位 参见 currency〔Eichmann〕German Nazi official who as head of the Gestapo's Jewish section (1939-1945) was chiefly responsible for the murder of millions of Jews during World War II. After the war he fled to South America, was captured by the Israeli secret service (1960), and was tried and executed in Israel.艾希曼,阿道夫:(1906-1962) 德国纳粹军官,盖世太保的犹太部门的头目(1939-1945年),对于在第二次世界大战中数以百计的犹太人的被杀负有重要责任,战后逃往南美,在1960年被以色列秘密组织逮捕,在以色列被审判和处决〔Sharon〕A fertile plain of western Israel extending along the Mediterranean coast south of Haifa.沙伦平原:以色列西部的一片肥沃平原,沿海法南部地中海海岸线延伸开来〔Eban〕South African-born Israeli politician who served as Israel's first permanent delegate to the United Nations (1949-1959), ambassador to the United States (1950-1959), and foreign minister (1966-1974).伊班,阿巴:(生于 1915) 南非裔的以色列政治家,曾任以色列首位常驻联合国代表(1949-1959年)、驻美大使(1950-1959年)及外交部长(1966-1974年)〔Israeli〕A native or inhabitant of modern-day Israel.以色列人:当今以色列的本地人或居民〔Weizmann〕Polish-born Israeli chemist and politician who was the first president of Israel (1948-1952).魏茨曼,杰姆·阿兹里尔:(1874-1952) 在波兰出生的以色列化学家和政治家。他任以色列第一任总统(1948-1952年)〔nap〕The famous verse 4 in Psalm 121,rendered in the King James Version as "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,”is rendered in a Middle English translation as "Loo, ha shal not nappen ne slepen that kepeth ireal.”The wordnappen is indeed the Middle English ancestor of our wordnap. Lest it be thought undignified to say that God could nap,it must be realized that our wordnap was at one time not associated only with the younger and older members of society nor simply with short periods of rest.The ancestors of our word,Old Englishhnappian and its descendant, Middle Englishnappen, could both refer to prolonged periods of sleep as well as short ones and also, as in the quotation from Psalm 121, to sleepiness.But these senses have been lost.Since the word has become less dignified,we would not findnap used in a translation of Psalm 121 any longer. 圣经诗篇121中著名的第四节,在钦定圣经译本中记为“看吧,他,守卫以色列的人既不能熟睡也不能打盹,”在中世纪英语中被译为"Loo , ha shal not nappen ne slepen that kepeth ireal"。单词nappen 在中世纪英语中就存在, 是单词nap 的前身。 避免人们不尊敬地认为上帝也能打盹,我们必须认识到单词nap 某些时候不只是与社会中的年轻人和老年人相关, 当然它也不仅指短暂的休息。这个单词的前身,古英语中hnappian 及后来它的衍生词, 中世纪英语中的nappen 都能表示延长时间的睡眠及短暂的睡眠, 如同圣经诗篇121中的引语,表示小睡。但这些意思都已经失传了。因为这个单词逐渐变得不再神圣,我们已无法再找到nap 用于圣经诗篇121的翻译中的意思了 〔Masada〕An ancient mountaintop fortress in southeast Israel on the southwest shore of the Dead Sea. Ina.d. 73, after a two-year siege, members of the Zealot Jewish sect committed mass suicide rather than surrender to the Romans. 梅察达:古代以色列东南部、死海西南岸的一个山头堡垒。公元 73年,经过历时两年的被围困后,吉拉德犹太教派成员集体自杀,未向进攻的罗马人投降 〔Eli〕In the Old Testament, a judge of Israel who was the teacher of Samuel.以利:旧约全书中记载的一名以色列法官,是撒母尔的老师〔Barak〕Israeli politician. He ended a 35-year military career to enter politics, joining the Labor Party in 1995 and serving that year as interior minister, then foreign minister. He served as Israel's prime minister from 1999 to 2001.巴拉克,奥德:以色列政治家。在经历了35年的职业军人生涯后他转而从政,1995年加入工党并历任内政部长和外交部长。1999年他当选以色列总理〔Gad〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.迦得:旧约圣经中雅各的儿子,他是以色列族一个部落的祖先〔ligure〕A precious stone of ancient Israel.红锆石的宝石:古代以色列的珍贵宝石〔Caesarea〕 or Also Caesarea Pal.e.sti.nae [păl'ĭ-stīʹnē] An ancient seaport of Palestine south of present-day Haifa, Israel. It was founded (30b.c. ) by Herod the Great and later became the capital of Roman Judea. The city was destroyed by Moslems in 1265. 或 也作 Caesarea Pal.e.sti.nae [păl'ĭ-stīʹnē] 卡萨里亚:巴勒斯坦的一个古海港,位于今以色列海法的南部。由希律大帝建于(公元前 30年),后来成为罗马犹地亚的首都。该城于1265年被伊斯兰教徒摧毁 〔Knesset〕The unicameral parliament of Israel.以色列一院制的议会〔Uzi〕Any of various compact submachine guns having a caliber of 9 millimeters, originally designed in Israel in the 1950s.乌兹冲锋枪:1950年代以色列所设计的9毫米口径各种小型冲锋枪〔Samaria〕An ancient city of central Palestine in present-day northwest Jordan. It was founded in the ninth centuryb.c. as the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel, also known as Samaria. Conquered by Sargon II in 721, it was destroyed in the second century and rebuilt by Herod the Great. According to tradition, Saint John the Baptist is buried here. 撒玛利亚:巴勒斯坦中部一古城,位于现今约旦的西北部,该城作为以色列北部王国的首都建于公元前 9世纪,又称 撒玛里亚 ,于721年被二世征服,2世纪时被希律一世大帝推毁并重建,据传说施洗者圣约翰埋葬于此 〔Meir〕Russian-born Israeli politician. After living in the United States (1906-1921), she moved to Palestine and later served as minister of labor (1949-1956), foreign minister (1956-1966), and prime minister (1969-1974) of Israel.梅耶,戈尔达:(1898-1978) 俄国裔以色列政治家。于1906年至1921年居于美国之后,她移居巴勒斯坦。后来历任以色列劳动部长(1949-1956年)、外交部长(1956-1966年)及总理(1969-1974年)〔Acre〕A port of northern Israel on the Bay of Haifa. During the Crusades it changed hands many times between Christians and Moslems. Acre was ceded to the Arabs in the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1948 but was captured by Israel shortly thereafter. Population, 37,700.艾可:以色列北部海法湾上一港口,在十字军东征时期被基督徒和伊斯兰教徒轮番控制。艾可港在1948年被在联合国的巴勒斯坦人的代表割让给了阿拉伯人,但不久之后即被以色列人占领。人口37,700〔resonance〕"It is home and family that give resonance . . . to life"(George Gilder)"Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious resonance and geopolitical significance"(James Wolcott)“正是家庭和家族给予人生以共鸣”(乔治·吉尔德)“以色列,通往麦加的大门,当然是产生具有宗教共鸣与地理政治重要性的地方”(詹姆斯·沃尔科特)〔Netanyahu〕Israeli prime minister (1996-1999). He was elected to the Israeli parliament in 1988, becoming the leader of the conservative Likud party in 1993.纳坦尼亚胡:以色列总理(1996-1999)。1988年入选以色列议会,1993年成为保守的利库德党领袖〔tripwire〕"a demilitarized West Bank, with an Israeli military tripwire on the Jordan"(New Statesman)“非军事化的西岸,在约旦河边上却有一个以色列的军事导火线”(新政治家)〔agora〕A unit of currency in Israel. See table at currency 阿高洛:以色列货币单位 参见 currency〔moshav〕An Israeli cooperative settlement consisting of small separate farms.莫夏夫:以色列合作村落,包括小型的相互分离的农庄〔Eshkol〕Russian-born Israeli politician who served as minister of finance (1952-1963) and prime minister (1963-1969).艾希科尔,莱维:(1895-1969) 俄裔以色列政治家,曾于1952年至1963年任财政部长,于1963年至1969年任副总理〔Joshua〕In the Old Testament, a Hebrew leader who succeeded Moses as leader of Israel.约书亚:《圣经·旧约》中希伯来人的领袖,继摩西作为以色列的领袖〔patriarch〕Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of Jacob's 12 sons, the eponymous progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel.祖先:亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和雅各的十二个儿子等人,是以色列十二个部落的祖先〔Uriah〕In the Old Testament, an officer in the Israelite army and the husband of Bathsheba. He was sent to die in battle so that David could marry his wife.乌利亚:在旧约中以色列军队中的一个军官,是拔示巴的丈夫。大卫送他到战场以致于大卫能娶他的妻子〔Simeon〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.西缅:《旧约全书》中雅各和利亚之子,是以色列一支部落的祖先




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