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释义 〔tolidine〕Any of several isomeric bases, C14H 16N 2, derived from toluene, one of which is used as a reagent to test for gold and for chlorine in water. 联甲苯胺:C14H 16N 2同分异构体中的任意一种,由甲苯变化而成,其中有一种可用作察看水中是否含金或氯气的试剂 〔parasitoid〕Any of various insects, such as the ichneumon fly, whose larvae are parasites that eventually kill their hosts.拟寄生物:如姬蜂等几种昆虫中的任意一种,它的幼虫便是寄生物且最终会杀死宿主〔tomcod〕Either of two edible marine fishes,Microgadus tomcod of North American Atlantic waters or M. proximus of northern Pacific waters, related to and resembling the cod. 小鳕,近鳕:北美洲大西洋海域的小鳕 和太平洋北部海域的 近鳕 这两种食用海鱼中的任意一种,它与鳕鱼有亲缘关系且外形相似 〔facultative〕Not required or compulsory; optional.任意的:不被要求或强制的;可选择的〔fish〕Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates of the superclass Pisces, characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including specifically:鱼:鱼纲冷血水生脊椎动物中的任意一种,具有鳍、鳃和流线体型,尤指包括:〔constellation〕An arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or design, especially one of 88 recognized groups named after characters from classical mythology and various common animals and objects.星座:一个看上去象图形或图案的任意恒星群系,尤指88个已被确认并以古典文学艺术中的神话人物及各种普通的动物和物体命名的群体中的一个〔parakeet〕Any of various small slender parrots, usually having long tapering tails and often kept as pets.鹦鹉:通常长有锥形尾巴的几种小巧玲珑的鹦鹉中的任意一种,常被作为宠物饲养〔aldose〕Any of a class of monosaccharide sugars containing an aldehyde group.醛糖,醛式糖:含有醛类的单糖中任意一种〔drift〕Variation or random oscillation about a fixed setting, position, or mode of behavior.随意摇动:对固定环境、位置或行为模式的改变或任意摇摆〔run〕Fresh water runs from the spring. Turn on the faucet and let the water run.新鲜的水是从泉中流出的。打开水龙头任意让水流吧〔quebracho〕Either of two South American trees,Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco whose bark is used in medicine, or Schinopsis lorentzii whose wood is one of the richest sources of tannin. 破斧树:两种南美乔木中的任意一种,白坚木 ,其树皮用于制药或 红破斧木 ,其木材是制造丹宁的最丰富的原料之一 〔ground〕A large conducting body, such as the earth or an electric circuit connected to the earth, used as an arbitrary zero of potential.接地:大面积导体,如地面或与地面连结的电路,用做任意零电位〔rasbora〕Any of various tropical fishes of the genusRasbora, of which several brightly colored species are kept in home aquariums. 波鱼:波鱼 属中的任意一种热带鱼,其中某些在色彩鲜艳,被养在家庭鱼缸中供观赏 〔scattershot〕Covering a wide range in a random way; indiscriminate:漫无目的:四下任意散开的;不加区分的:〔smartweed〕Any of various marsh plants of the genusPolygonum, having sheathlike stipules and small, densely clustered pink, white, or green flowers. 水蓼:任意一种蓼属 沼泽生植物,托叶为鞘状且小,有密集成串的粉红、白色或绿色的花朵 〔marguerite〕Any of several similar or related plants having daisylike flowers.雏菊花:任意一种开有类似或与雏菊花相近的花朵的植物〔fiat〕An arbitrary order or decree.任意发布的命令或法令〔shoulder〕The edge or border running on either side of a roadway.路肩:沿着路面任意一侧的边界或边缘〔parallel〕Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.纬线,纬度圈:与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条〔arytenoid〕A muscle connected to either of these cartilages.杓状软骨组织肌肉:与这些软骨组织的任意一个相连的肌肉〔bevel〕Two rules joined together as adjustable arms used to measure or draw angles of any size or to fix a surface at an angle. Also called In this sense, also called bevel square 斜角规:组合在一起作为可调节臂的两把刻度尺,用以测量或描划任意大小的角或以某一角度固定一平面 也作 在此意义上也可称作 bevel square〔trigraph〕Any combination of three letters of an alphabet. Also called In this sense, also called trigram 字母表中任意三个字母的组合 也作 在此意义上也可称作 trigram〔crease〕One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines.位置线,区域线:板球场上标识投球手和击球手位置的线或这些线中任意两条间的区域〔covariance〕A statistical measure of the variance of two random variables that are observed or measured in the same mean time period. This measure is equal to the product of the deviations of corresponding values of the two variables for their respective means.协方差:在观察或测量同一平均时间的两个任意变量的变化的一个统计值。这个值等于这两变量的各自平均值偏离其相应值的乘积〔ilex〕Any of various trees or shrubs of the genusIlex ; holly. 冬青属植物:冬青科的任意树木或灌木冬青 ;冬青属植物 〔free〕Not subject to arbitrary interference by a government:有个人自由的:不受政府的任意干预的:〔quodlibet〕from Latin quod libet [anything at all] 源自 拉丁语 quod libet [任意事物] 〔parietal〕Of or relating to either of the parietal bones.顶骨的:属于或有关两根顶骨中任意一根的〔vagrant〕Moving in a random fashion; not fixed in place:游移不定的:以任意的方式运动;不固定的:〔snipefish〕Any of various small marine fishes of the family Macrorhamphosidae, found in tropical and temperate regions and characterized by a long snout and a very long spine extending from the dorsal fin backward toward the tail.鹬鱼:长吻鱼科中的任意一种小型海洋鱼类,发现于热带和温带地区,特征是口吻长,脊刺极长,从背鳍一直向后延伸至尾部〔pothunter〕One who hunts game for food, ignoring the rules of sport.乱猎者:无视狩猎规则为肉食任意捕杀鸟兽者〔trace〕A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.连动杆:用铰链连接在另一部件任意一端的一横条或杆,可将运动从机器的一部分传送到另一部分〔scatter〕 Scatter usually refers to widespread,often haphazard distribution of components: Scatter 通常指分散很广,经常由不同成分组成的任意分布之意: 〔moiety〕Either of two basic units in cultural anthropology that make up a tribe on the basis of unilateral descent.一个分支:在文化人类学中,在单系血统基础上构成一个部落的两个基本的部落分支的任意一个〔uninhibited〕Free from traditional social or moral constraints.任意的:不受传统的社会或道德限制的〔Paiute〕A member of either of these peoples.派尤特人:这些人当中的任意一个成员〔hardhead〕pl. hardhead or hard.heads Any of several fishes having a bony head, especially the Atlantic croaker.【复数】 hardhead 或 hard.heads 硬头鳟:尤指大西洋石首鱼等头上多骨的几种鱼中的任意一种〔code〕A system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity.密码:给予某一任意意义的符号、字母和单词的系统,用于传输需要保密或简结的信息〔Papuan〕Any of the indigenous languages of New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands.新几内亚、新不列颠和所罗门群岛几种当地语中的任意一种〔scattershot〕"his habit of scattershot comment on whatever issue catches his eye"(Howell Raines)“他对见到的问题作任意评价的习惯”(豪厄尔·雷恩斯)




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