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单词 任职
释义 〔establish〕They established me in my own business.他们让我在我自己的公司中任职〔MacArthur〕American general who served as U.S. chief of staff (1930-1935) and commanded Allied forces in the South Pacific during World War II. After losing the Philippines to the Japanese (1942), he regained the islands (1944) and accepted the surrender of Japan (1945). His father,Arthur MacArthur (1845-1912), commanded American troops in the Spanish-American War and thwarted Emilio Aguinaldo's insurgence in the Philippines (1899). 麦克阿瑟,道格拉斯:(1880-1964) 美国将军,曾在美参谋总部任职(1930-1935年),在二战期间统率盟军在南太平洋作战。1942年他在日本的进攻下丢掉了菲律宾群岛,1944年重新夺回该群岛,1945年接受了日本的投降。他的父亲亚瑟·麦克阿瑟 (1845-1912年)在美西战争中指挥美军,挫败了埃米利奥·阿奎那多在菲律宾的起义(1899年) 〔consolidate〕She consolidated her power during her first year in office.她在任职的第一年内巩固了自己的权力〔meaning〕"The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority"(Conor Cruise O'Brien)“他任职教皇的中心意图就是要恢复教皇权力”(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)〔Hastie〕American jurist who served on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (1949-1971), the first Black American to do so.黑斯蒂,威廉·亨利:(1904-1976) 曾任职于美国联邦上诉法院的第一位美国黑人法官(1949-1971年)〔Astor〕American-born British politician. In 1919 she became the first woman to sit in the House of Commons, serving there until 1945.阿斯特,南希·威彻尔·兰霍恩:(1879-1964) 美裔英国政治家。1919年成为第一位下议院女议员,任职至1945年〔fill〕To place a person in:任职:将某人安置于某职务:〔serve〕served four terms in Congress.在国会任职四届〔placeholder〕One who holds an appointed office in a government.任职:在政府机构被委认某职的人〔Menzies〕Australian politician who twice served as prime minister (1939-1941 and 1949-1966).孟席斯,罗伯特·戈登:(1894-1978) 澳大利亚政治家,曾两度任职总理(1939-1941年和1949-1966年)〔service〕Work or duties performed for a superior.效劳:为上级工作或任职〔Livingston〕American Revolutionary leader and diplomat who served in the Continental Congress (1775-1781) and as minister to France (1801-1804). He helped draft the Declaration of Independence, administered the presidential oath to George Washington, and with James Madison purchased the Louisiana Territory (1803).利文斯通,罗伯特R.:(1746-1813) 美国独立革命领导人及外交家,曾任职于大陆会议(1775-1781年)并任驻法外交使节(1801-1804年)。他帮助起草了《独立宣言》,主持了乔治·华盛顿的总统就职宣誓,并与詹姆斯麦迪逊共同购买了路易斯安那地区(1803年)〔Everett〕American clergyman, orator, educator, and diplomat whose many offices included U.S. representative from Massachusetts (1825-1835), minister to Great Britain (1841-1845), and secretary of state (1852-1853).埃弗雷特,爱德华:(1794-1865) 美国牧师、演说家、教育家和外交家,他曾任职的职务包括来自马萨诸塞州的众议员(1825-1835年)、驻英国的公使(1841-1845年)和美国国务卿(1852-1853年)〔Dearborn〕American soldier and politician who fought in the American Revolution and later represented Maine in the U.S. Congress (1793-1797).迪尔波恩,亨利:(1751-1829) 美国军人和政治家,曾参加美国独立革命战争,后代表缅因州在美国国会任职(1793-1797年)〔Sanhedrin〕from sunedros [sitting in council] 源自 sunedros [在议事院中任职] 〔inaugural〕A speech given by a person being formally inducted into office.就职演说:某人正式任职时的就职演说〔service〕Employment in duties or work for another, especially for a government.雇佣:被别人雇佣而任职或工作,尤指被政府雇佣〔Fraser〕Australian politician who was appointed prime minister during the constitutional crisis of 1975 and served until 1983.弗雷泽,(约翰)马尔科姆:(生于 1930) 澳大利亚政治家。1975年宪法危机时被任命为总理,一直任职到1983年〔late〕Having recently occupied a position or place:刚离任的:不久前任职或在位的:〔incumbency〕The term of an office or a benefice.任职或圣职期间〔Caraway〕American legislator. Appointed to fill out her husband's term in the U.S. Senate in 1931, she became in 1932 the first elected woman senator and served until 1945.卡拉维,哈蒂·奥费利娅·怀亚特:(1878-1950) 美国议员。1931年被任命完成她丈夫在美国参议院的任期。1932年当选为第一名女参议员,任职直至1945年〔Madison〕The fourth President of the United States (1809-1817). A member of the Continental Congress (1780-1783) and the Constitutional Convention (1787), he strongly supported ratification of the Constitution and was a contributor toThe Federalist Papers (1787-1788), which argued the effectiveness of the proposed constitution. His presidency was marked by the War of 1812. 麦迪逊,詹姆斯:(1751-1836) 美国第四任总统(1809-1817年)。大陆会议(1780-1783年)和制宪会议(1787年)的成员之一,他坚决支持批准宪法,是《联邦文选》 (1787-1788年)的主要撰稿人之一,在其中他论述了实施宪法的必要性。他的总统任职以1812年战争为标志 〔Volcker〕American economist who served as chairman of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System (1979-1987).沃尔克,保罗·阿道尔夫:美国经济学家,在1979-1987年间任职于联邦储备系统的董事长〔malign〕calumniated and ridiculed the President in whose cabinet he had once served.污蔑并嘲弄那位总统,而他还曾在那位总统的内阁中任职〔volunteer〕an information booth staffed by volunteers; hospital volunteers.志愿者任职的咨询台;医院志愿人员〔Dulles〕American diplomat and politician who as U.S. secretary of state (1953-1959) pursued a policy of opposition to the U.S.S.R. largely through military and economic aid to American allies.杜勒斯,约翰·福斯特:(1888-1959) 美国外交官与政治家,1953-1959年任职国务卿期间坚持反苏政策,主要通过向美国的盟国提供军事与经济援助实施这一政策〔Thurmond〕American politician who served as governor of South Carolina (1947-1951) before entering the U.S. Senate in 1956. In 1998 he became the longest-serving senator in U.S. history.赛蒙德,史壮:美国政治家,1956年进入美国参议院前,任南卡罗来纳州州长(1947年-1951年)。1998年成为美国历史上任职时间最长的参议员.〔generalcy〕The rank, appointment, authority, or tenure of a general.将军的任职或任期:一个将军的官衔、委任权力或保存权〔serve〕serve in the U.S. Air Force; serve on a jury.在美国空军服役;在陪审团任职〔Dollfuss〕Austrian politician who as chancellor (1932-1934) established an authoritarian, one-party state. He was assassinated by Austrian Nazis.陶尔斐斯,恩格尔伯特:(1892-1934) 奥地利政治家,任职总理(1932-1934年)期间建立了独裁的一党专政。被奥地利纳粹分子杀害




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