单词 | 仿佛 |
释义 | 〔police〕To regulate, control, or keep in order with or as if with a law enforcement agency.维持治安:通过或仿佛是通过一个执行法律的机构来约束、管理或保持秩序〔taste〕A distinctive perception as if by the sense of taste:尝知:仿佛是通过味觉获得的某种特别感觉:〔play〕To perform (a theatrical work) on or as if on the stage.演出:在舞台上或仿佛在舞台上演出(一部戏剧作品)〔canopy〕To cover with or as if with a canopy.用华盖遮蔽或仿佛用华盖来遮蔽〔island〕To make into or as if into an island; insulate:隔离:使…成为或仿佛成为一座岛;隔离:〔unloose〕To set free from or as if from restraints.解放:从限制中或仿佛从限制中解放出来〔refresh〕To revive with or as if with rest, food, or drink; give new vigor or spirit to.恢复精力:通过或仿佛通过休息、食物或饮料得到恢复;给…以新的活力或精神〔mist〕To be or become obscured or blurred by or as if by mist.模糊的:是或变得模糊或被或仿佛被雾弄得模糊的〔enroot〕To establish firmly by or as if by roots; implant.深植,使根深蒂固:仿佛象扎根一样牢固树立;深植〔flash〕"Everything about her shimmered and glimmered softly, as if her dress had been woven out of candle-beams" (Edith Wharton).“她四周的所有物体都发出柔和的光,仿佛她的衣服是由烛光织成的” (埃迪斯·瓦顿)。〔bathe〕To seem to wash or pour over; suffuse:弥漫:仿佛流出来或涌出来;弥漫:〔enshroud〕To cover with or as if with a shroud:掩盖,遮掩:给…盖上裹尸布或仿佛用裹尸布盖上:〔poleax〕To strike or fell with or as if with a poleax:用斧砍:用这种斧或仿佛用这种斧打击或打倒:〔fey〕"She's got that fey look as though she's had breakfast with a leprechaun"(Dorothy Burnham)“她一副超凡脱俗的样子,仿佛刚与小仙人共进过早餐似的”(多萝西·伯纳姆)〔encrust〕To cover or surmount with or as if with a crust:包壳,镶嵌:(仿佛)用一层外壳覆盖或镶饰:〔spotted〕Marked or stained with or as if with spots:有斑点的:被污染或成为标记的点子或仿佛由污物弄脏的:〔foretell〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to tell about something beforehand by or as if by supernatural means": 这些动词共有的中心意思是“通过或仿佛通过超自然的方式预言”: 〔unshackle〕To free from or as if from shackles.把…从锁链中或仿佛从锁链中解放出来〔foggy〕Clouded or blurred by or as if by fog; vague:模糊的,朦胧的:被或仿佛被雾掩盖或弄模糊的;不清晰的:〔ensnarl〕To entangle in or as if in a snarl:使缠绕,使被纠缠,使陷入:使缠结在网中或仿佛陷于网中:〔play〕To discharge or direct in or as if in a continuous stream:发射:以或仿佛以连续的流动发射或引导:〔unleash〕To release or loose from or as if from a leash:解开皮带;放纵:从皮带上或仿佛从皮带上释放或松开:〔inebriated〕Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol; intoxicated.醉的,陶醉的:因(仿佛)喝酒类饮料而兴奋或木然的;醉的〔unsheathe〕To draw from or as if from a sheath or scabbard.拔出:从剑鞘或枪套中或仿佛从剑鞘或枪套中拔出〔unpin〕To open or unfasten by or as if by removing pins.拔去:通过拿去别针或仿佛通过拿走别针来打开或松开〔flying〕Done or performed swiftly in or as if in the air:飞快的:在或仿佛在空中疾速地进行或操做的:〔unmoor〕To release from or as if from moorings.从锚上或仿佛从锚上解开的〔taste〕To perceive as if by the sense of taste.尝到…的滋味:仿佛是通过味觉来感知〔rouge〕To color as if with a facial cosmetic:仿佛用面部化妆品渲染:〔skate〕To glide or move along on or as if on skates.溜冰:用冰鞋或仿佛在用冰鞋在向滑行或移动〔atilt〕Tilting or as if tilting with a lance.冲刺地(的):用长矛刺或仿佛用长矛刺〔unlink〕To separate as if by undoing links:分开:仿佛是通过解开链环来分开…:〔pocket〕To place in or as if in a pocket.放进口袋:放进或仿佛放进口袋里〔encage〕To confine in or as if in a cage.把…关在笼中:被困在或仿佛身处在牢中〔lustrous〕Gleaming with or as if with brilliant light; radiant.See Synonyms at bright 光辉的,杰出的:以或仿佛以亮光闪耀的;光辉的 参见 bright〔splint〕To support or restrict with or as if with a splint.扶植:仿佛用恶化板一样地扶植或限制〔jolt〕To put into a specified condition by or as if by a blow:击入,摇撼:通过打击或仿佛通过打击使…处于一种特定情形中:〔polished〕Made shiny and smooth by or as if by rubbing or chemical action.磨光的,擦亮的:因为或仿佛因为磨擦或化学反应而变得光亮而平滑的〔purge〕To remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleansing.净化:用或仿佛用清洗的方法去掉(不干净的东西或其他东西)〔deliberate〕Unhurried in action, movement, or manner, as if trying to avoid error:谨慎的:行动、移动、举止方面不慌不忙的,仿佛努力避免错误: |
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