单词 | 伊丽莎白 |
释义 | 〔Seton〕American religious leader. A widowed mother of five, she converted to Catholicism (1805), opened a parochial school in Maryland, and founded a religious order, the Sisters of Charity (1809). She was the first native-born American to be canonized (1975).塞丁,伊丽莎白·安·佩雷:(1774-1821) 美国宗教领袖。五个孩子的寡母,她皈依基督教(1805年),在马里兰州开设教区学校,并建立教规,成为查瑞德嫫嫫(1809年)。她是第一个美国本土出生的典范〔Stowe〕American writer whose antislavery novelUncle Tom's Cabin (1852) had great political influence and advanced the cause of abolition. 斯托,哈里艾特(伊丽莎白)·比彻尔:(1811-1896) 美国作家,其反奴隶制小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 (1852年)具有巨大的政治影响力,促进了废奴运动发展 〔Agassiz〕American educator who helped organize the predecessor of Radcliffe College (1879) and served as Radcliffe's first president (1894-1899).阿加西,伊丽莎白·卡伯特·卡里:(1822-1907) 美国教育家,帮助组建拉德克利夫学院的前身(1879年)并担任该院的首任校长(1894-1899年)〔woman〕"Woman feels the invidious distinctions of sex exactly as the black man does those of color"(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)“女人所感受到的歧视待遇,与黑人所受的种族歧视并无差异”(伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿)〔Arden〕Canadian-born American businesswoman whose original beauty salon, founded in 1910, grew into an international cosmetics corporation.雅顿,伊丽莎白:(1884?-1966) 加拿大裔美国女实业家,她创建于1910年的美容院,发展成为一个国际化妆品公司〔Elizabeth〕Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1936-1952) as the wife of George VI.伊丽莎白:大不列颠与北爱尔兰女王(1936-1952年),乔治六世的妻子〔sennet〕A call on a trumpet or cornet signaling the ceremonial exits and entrances of actors in Elizabethan drama.喇叭信号:伊丽莎白一世时期戏剧演出中指示演员退场登场的喇叭或短号的信号〔Gaskell〕British writer noted for herLife of Charlotte Brontë (1857) and her novels depicting the oppression of workers in 19th-century England. 盖斯凯尔,伊丽莎白·克莱·史蒂文斯:(1810-1865) 英国作家,因其《夏洛蒂·勃朗特的一生》 (1857年)和描述英格兰工人19世纪的反抗运动的小说而闻名 〔Hilliard〕English painter who founded a school of miniature painting under the patronage of Elizabeth I and James I.希利亚德,尼古拉:(1547-1619) 英国画家,得到伊丽莎白一世和詹姆斯一世的资助,创建了小型画的一个流派〔drama〕Elizabethan drama.伊丽莎白时期戏剧〔Dodge〕American editor and writer best known for her children's classicHans Brinker, or the Silver Skates (1865). 道奇,玛丽·伊丽莎白·曼普斯:(1831-1905) 美国编辑和作家,以经典儿童小说《汉斯·布林克又名银冰鞋》 (1865年)而闻名于世 〔Dickinson〕American poet who was virtually a recluse at her home in Amherst, Massachusetts, where she wrote more than a thousand verses infused with emotional depth and subtlety. The first volume of her poetry was not published until 1890.迪金森,埃米莉·伊丽莎白:(1830-1886) 美国女诗人,她实际上一直隐居在马萨诸塞州阿默斯特的家中。在那里,她写了上千首充满情感和精美绝妙的诗句。她的第一部诗集直到1890年才出版〔Seaman〕American journalist known for her muckraking articles in theNew York World, particularly an exposé on conditions in mental institutions. She also wrote an account of her 72-day journey around the world. 西曼,伊丽莎白·科克伦:(1867-1922) 美国新闻记者,以其在《纽约世界》 上揭露丑闻的文章而著名,尤其是对疯人院情况的披露性文章。她还著有关于环游世界72天的报道 〔codetermination〕"The codetermination of labor with management, compulsory in large firms here, was applied to universities as well, with governing committees forced to share representation more evenly between professors, junior staff, and students"(Elizabeth Pond)“大公司强制劳动者与管理者共同做决定,也用于大学,由管理委员会在教授、级别较低的工作人员和学生之间更加平均地强行分配代表”(伊丽莎白·庞德)〔Haldane〕Family of Scottish intellectuals, includingRichard Burdon Haldane (1856-1928), a philosopher and politician; his sister Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane (1862-1937), a writer and Scotland's first woman justice of the peace (1920); their brother John Scott Haldane (1860-1936), a physiologist; and his son John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (1892-1964), a geneticist. 霍尔丹家族:苏格兰的知识分子世家,包括理查·波顿·霍尔丹 (1856-1928年),是哲学家和政治家;他的妹妹 伊丽莎白·桑德森·霍尔丹 (1862-1937年)是作家,并于1920年成为苏格兰第一位女性治安法官;他们的兄弟 约翰·司各特·霍尔丹 (1860-1936年)是生理学家,他的儿子 约翰·波顿·桑德森·霍尔丹 (1892-1964年),是一位遗传学家 〔force〕"I am your anointed Queen. I will never be by violence constrained to do anything" (Elizabeth I).“我是你们尊贵的女王。我决不因被胁迫而做任何事情” (伊丽莎白一世)。〔Fry〕British philanthropist who promoted prison reforms, particularly for women inmates.弗赖依,伊丽莎白·格尼:(1780-1845) 英国慈善家。曾提出监狱改革,尤其针对女囚监狱〔Flynn〕American political radical. A founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, she joined the Communist Party of the United States (1937) and served as its national chairperson (1961-1964).弗林,伊丽莎白·格利:(1890-1964) 美国政治激进分子,她是美国公民解放联合会的创始人,于1937年加入美国共产党并任其全国主席(1961-1964年)〔Hillside〕A community of northeast New Jersey north of Elizabeth. It has varied light industries. Population, 21,044.希尔塞德:新泽西州东北部的一个社区,位于伊丽莎白北部,有各种轻工业,人口21,044〔nonchalance〕"The contemptuous nonchalance of her trailed hand irritated him"(Elizabeth Bowen)“她的懒洋洋的手所显示出的蔑视而又漠不关心的态度激怒了他”(伊丽莎白·鲍恩)〔Dix〕See Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer 参见 伊丽莎白·梅里韦瑟 Gilmer〔age〕the Elizabethan Age.See Synonyms at period 伊丽莎白时期 参见 period〔choice〕"An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. . . . Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do ” (Jane Austen). “伊丽莎白,你面前摆着只有两种令人不快的选择。…如果你不 嫁给柯林斯先生,你母亲会再也不愿见到你,而如果你 要 嫁给他,我会再也不愿见到你” (简·奥斯丁)。〔Clark〕An unincorporated community of northeast New Jersey southwest of Elizabeth. It is mainly residential. Population, 16,699.克拉克:新泽西州东北部的未合并社区,位于伊丽莎白的西南。主要供居住用。人口16,699〔aware〕"as much awake to the novelty of attention in that quarter as Elizabeth herself" (Jane Austen). “在那一季对引人注意的新奇事物的感知象伊丽莎白自己一样多” (简·奥斯汀)。〔Gilmer〕American journalist noted for her syndicated advice column for the lovelorn (1896-1949).吉尔墨,伊丽莎白·梅里韦瑟:(1870-1951) 美国记者,以其为失去爱人或恋人的人作的辛迪加组织建议专栏而出名(1896-1949年)〔visitation〕The visit of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.圣母往见:圣母玛丽亚对她堂亲伊丽莎白的看望〔Charles〕The eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the British throne. He was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969.查尔斯:伊丽莎白二世长子和英国王位的继承人。1969年被确立为威尔士亲王〔Stanton〕American feminist and social reformer. She helped organize the first women's rights convention, held in Seneca Falls, New York (1848), for which she wrote a Declaration of Sentiments calling for the reform of discriminatory practices that perpetuated sexual inequality.斯坦顿,伊丽莎白·卡迪:(1815-1902) 美国女权主义者和社会改革家,在纽约州的塞讷卡瀑布,她曾帮助组织并召开了第一次妇女权利大会(1848年),为此她起草了《感情宣言》,号召改革那些长久存在的不平等的性别歧视行为〔inactive〕"The Honorable Mrs. Jamieson . . . was fat and inert, and very much at the mercy of her old servants" (Elizabeth C. Gaskell).“高贵的贾米逊夫人…身材肥胖,行动迟钝,非常需要她的老仆人们的帮助 (伊丽莎白·C·盖斯凯尔)。〔history〕"History has a long-range perspective"(Elizabeth Gurley Flynn)“历史必须长远地看”(伊丽莎白·格利·弗林)〔unless〕"Exceptional talent does not always win its reward unless favored by exceptional circumstances"(Mary Elizabeth Braddon)“除非得到特殊的情况的护佑,否则有特殊才能的人并不总能赢得对其才能的回报”(玛丽·伊丽莎白·布雷登)〔Nash〕English writer noted for his witty, often invective literary criticism and forThe Unfortunate Traveller (1594), possibly the best Elizabethan narrative work. 纳什,托马斯:(1567-1601) 英国作家因他的诙谐,通常是猛烈抨击的文学评论以及《倒霉的旅行家》 (1594年)而闻名,可能是伊丽莎白时期最好的叙述作品 〔Peabody〕American educator and writer who founded the first kindergarten in the United States (1860).皮博迪,伊丽莎白·帕尔默:(1804-1894) 美国教育家和作家,1860年在美国创办了第一家幼儿园〔Ford〕First Lady of the United States (1974-1977) as the wife of President Gerald R. Ford. She supported the Equal Rights Amendment, the arts, and programs for disabled children.福特,伊丽莎白·布罗默:(生于 1918) 美国第一夫人(1974-1977年),总统拉德杰尔·R·福特的妻子。她支持平等权利法案,倡导为残疾儿童举行的艺术活动及计划〔Seneca〕Roman Stoic philosopher, writer, and tutor of Nero. His works include treatises on rhetoric and governance and numerous plays that influenced Renaissance and Elizabethan drama.塞内加,卢西乌斯·安奈乌斯:(4) 罗马斯多葛派哲学家、作家、尼禄的私人教师,他的作品包括关于修辞学和统治的论文和大量的戏剧,曾影响了文艺复兴和伊丽莎白女王一世时代的戏剧〔Union〕A community of northeast New Jersey west-northwest of Elizabeth. Settled c. 1749 by colonists from Connecticut, it is a manufacturing center. Population, 50,024.尤宁:位于伊丽莎白西北以西、新泽西东北面的一个社区。由康涅狄格殖民地开拓者于1749年建立,是制造业中心。人口50,024〔heroine〕The wordhero should no longer be regarded as restricted to men in the sense "a person noted for courageous action,”thoughheroine is always restricted to women. The distinction betweenheroine and hero is still useful, however, in referring to the principal character of a fictional work, in as much as the virtues and qualities that become a traditional literary heroine like Elizabeth Bennet or Isabel Archer are generally quite different from those that become a traditional literary hero like Tom Jones or Huckleberry Finn.单词hero 不应该仅限于指男人, 因为它有“因勇敢行为而出名的人”的意思,尽管heroine 仅用于女人。 heroine 与 hero 之间的区别用于区分虚构的作品中的主要人物仍然有用, 因象伊丽莎白·贝内特或伊莎贝拉·阿彻这样的传统文学上的女主角与象汤姆·琼斯或哈克贝利·费恩这样的传统的文学上的男主角的美德与品质,一般说来,有很大不同〔Blackwell〕British-born American physician who was the first woman to be awarded a medical doctorate in modern times (1849). She founded (1853) an infirmary for women and children in New York City that her sisterEmily Blackwell (1826-1910), also a physician, directed (1869-1910) and built into an accredited medical school. 布莱克威尔,伊丽莎白:(1821-1910) 英裔美籍内科医生,是现代(1849年)第一个获医学博士的女性。她于1853年在纽约创办了一个妇女和儿童诊所。她的妹妹《埃米莉·布莱克韦尔》 (1826-1910年),也是一个内科医生。她在1869-1910年期间管理和创建一个合乎标准的医学院 〔Dee〕English mathematician, alchemist, and astrologer who was a favorite of Elizabeth I, for whom he did both scientific and astrological studies.迪,约翰:(1527-1608) 英国数学家,炼金术士和星相家,曾得宠于伊丽莎白一世。为了女王,他既做科学研究又做星相研究 |
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