单词 | 休闲 |
释义 | 〔revel〕She reveled in her unaccustomed leisure.喜爱她尚未习惯的休闲〔sport〕Designed or appropriate for outdoor or informal wear:休闲的,适于运动的:特别设计的或适于户外或非正式的穿着:〔Mead〕A reservoir of southeast Nevada and northwest Arizona formed by Hoover Dam on the Colorado River. It is the center of a large recreational area.米德湖:位于美国内华达州东南部和亚利桑那州西北部,是由科罗拉多河胡佛水坝形成的人工湖。该湖是休闲娱乐是中心〔sportswear〕Clothes designed for comfort and casual wear.运动服装:为舒适和休闲穿而设计的衣服〔greenway〕A corridor of undeveloped land, as along a river or between urban centers, that is reserved for recreational use or environmental preservation.绿色走廊:沿河或在两个城市中心区之间的由未开发土地形成的走廊,为市民休闲娱乐或环境保护而保留〔ease〕A state of rest, relaxation, or leisure:休息、放松或休闲的状态:〔empty〕from ǣmetta [leisure] * see med- 源自 ǣmetta [休闲的] * 参见 med- 〔Cowper〕British poet considered a precursor of romanticism. His best-known work,The Task (1785), praises rural life and leisure. 科伯,威廉:(1731-1800) 英国诗人,被认为是浪漫主义的先锋。他的最杰出的作品《任务》 (1785年)赞美了农村生活和休闲 〔Loafer〕A trademark used for a low leather step-in shoe with an upper resembling a moccasin but with a broad, flat heel. This trademark often occurs in print in lowercase:路夫鞋:一种矮帮休闲皮鞋的商标。这种鞋鞋面类似北美印第安人的鹿皮鞋,只是鞋跟宽而扁。这一商标在印刷中经常以小写字体出现:〔cop〕"copped a quick look at the gentleman in a caramel cashmere sport coat on the right"(Gail Sheehy)“很快地瞥了右边身穿浅褐色羊毛休闲外套的绅士一眼”(盖尔·希伊)〔pajama〕A loose-fitting garment consisting of trousers and a jacket, worn for sleeping or lounging. Often used in the plural.宽松睡衣:由上衣和裤子组成的一种宽松的服装,睡觉或休闲时穿的,经常用复数形式〔leisure〕leisure time; leisure travel.空闲时间;休闲的旅行〔summercater〕Since the Civil War Mainehas been a favorite vacation spot for New Englanders and tourists from farther away.Predictably, certain words in the lexicon of Maine betray a wry Yankee impatience with these outsiders and city folks who come up to Maine only for summer relaxation.Along the coast the summerresident is called asummercater; inland, the word for a nonresident issport. Or the Maine native may merely refer collectively to folksfrom away. Much Maine real estate is designatednonresident — that is, it is set aside for these summer residentson whom Maine's economy is so dependent.自从南北战争结束以后,缅因州成为新英格兰人和更远处的游客们最钟爱的度假胜地。可以预料到,缅因州词汇中有一些单词流露出扭曲的美国式的不耐烦-对这些夏季来缅因州休闲的外来者和城里人。在海滨的夏季,居民被称作度夏的人 ; 而在内陆,表示非居民的词是sport(爱运动的人) 。 或者缅因州的居民干脆统称这些人为from away(远地来的) 。 缅因州的许多房地产是为了非居民 —— 就是说,专为这些夏季住民保留,缅因州的经济很大程度上依赖于他们〔quiet〕Restful; soothing:休闲的;镇定的: |
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