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单词 传播
释义 〔tremble〕An infectious viral disease of sheep that is transmitted by the tickIxodes ricinus and affects the nervous system, causing galloping and trotting by little leaps and often prolonged trembling. Also called louping ill 震颤病:一种在绵羊身上发作的病毒性传染病,由虫螨 传播并能影响神经系统,绵羊得病后会小步飞跑和疾走,经常伴有长时间的颤抖 也作 louping ill〔wiretap〕A concealed listening or recording device connected to a communications circuit.搭线窃听装置:一种与传播线路相连藏起来的窃听或录音装置〔slander〕To communicate a slander about.See Synonyms at malign 中伤:传播…的谣言 参见 malign〔evangelical〕Evangelical Of, relating to, or being a Protestant church that founds its teaching on the gospel. Evangelical 福音派的:属于或关于传播、宣讲福音的,福音派新教会的〔broadcast〕To send a transmission or signal; transmit.发送传递信号;传播〔Beecham〕British conductor who founded the London Philharmonic (1932) and the Royal Philharmonic (1947) orchestras and helped popularize the works of Frederick Delius.比彻姆,托马斯:(1879-1961) 英国作曲家,他创建了伦敦爱乐乐团(1932年)和皇家爱乐交响乐团(1974年),并对弗德里克·德留斯的作品传播起了重要作用〔disseminate〕To scatter widely, as in sowing seed.传播,散布,如种子〔medium〕media (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The group of journalists and others who constitute the communications industry and profession. media (与单数或复数动词连用)传播业者:组成传媒业或传媒职业的一群新闻记者和其他人〔contagion〕Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact.接触传染:通过直接或间接接触来传播的疾病〔vagility〕The capacity or tendency of an organism or a species to move about or disperse in a given environment.漫游:某机体或种群在特定环境里游移或传播的能力或倾向〔disperse〕To strew or distribute widely:传播:使广大地散布或散发:〔Fabian〕Of, relating to, or being a member of the Fabian Society, which was committed to gradual rather than revolutionary means for spreading socialist principles.费边社的:属于或关于费边社成员的,主张以渐近方式而不是革命方式来传播社会主义原则〔gossip〕A person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts.爱讲闲话的人,三姑六婆:经常传播他人暧昧关系或隐私的谣言或事实的人〔mythos〕The pattern of basic values and attitudes of a people, characteristically transmitted through myths and the arts.主题:人们基本的价值和态度模式,以神话和艺术传播为特征〔clever〕In the 17th and 18th centuries,in addition to its basic sense of "able to use the brain readily and effectively,” the wordclever acquired a constellation of imprecise but generally positive senses in regional British speech: "clean-limbed and handsome,” "neat and convenient to use,” and "of an agreeable disposition.”Some of these British regional senses, brought over when America was colonized,are still found in American regional speech,as in the South, whereclever can mean "good-natured, amiable,” in old-fashioned speech. The speech of New England extends the meaning "good-natured" to animalsin the specific sense of "easily managed, docile.”Perhaps it was the association with animals that gave rise to another meaning, "affable but not especially smart,”applicable to people when used in old-fashioned New England dialects.在17和18世纪时,clever 一词除了其基本含义“能够轻松、有效地用脑”外,还在英国方言中具有大量不准确但明确的含义, “身材匀称且英俊倜傥”、“整洁有序且便于使用”和“令人愉快的个性”。英国方言中的一部分含义是美国被殖民统治时传播开来,在美国方言中至今仍然可见,如在南部的旧式方言中,clever 可以表示“脾气好的、和蔼的”。 新英格兰方言把“脾气好的”意思拓展到动物,表示“易于管理的、温驯的”的特定含义。可能因其与动物有关而导致另一含义“友善但不是特别机敏”的产生,适用于使用旧式新英格兰方言的人〔broadcast〕To transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use.传播传播(电台、电视节目),供大众使用〔bear〕To transmit at large; relate:广泛散布;传播〔definition〕The degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received.清晰度,分解力:接收到电视传播图象或广播信号的清晰程度〔arbovirus〕Any of a large group of viruses transmitted by arthropods, such as mosquitoes and ticks, that include the causative agents of encephalitis, yellow fever, and dengue.虫媒病毒:由节足动物(如蚊及蜱)传播的多种病毒中的一种,包括脑炎、黄热病及登革热〔ax〕To understand the origin of the idiomax to grind, we need to know thatgrind means "to sharpen.” This phrase is said to have come from a story by the 19th-century journalist Charles Miner (alias Poor Robert) about a seemingly friendly manwho was able by flattery to persuade a young boy to turn a grindstone for him.The tale first appeared in the Luzerne, Pennsylvania,Federalist on September 7, 1810, under the title "Who'll Turn Grindstones?” and later in an 1815 book entitledEssays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe. Because "Poor Robert" was confused with "Poor Richard,”the story has often been erroneously attributed to Benjamin Franklin.The idiom itself is an Americanism—a word or expression originating in the United States.It was at first restricted to political contexts,but quotations from James Joyce ("Skin-the-Goat . . . evidently with an axe to grind, was airing his grievances")and George Bernard Shaw ("distinguished statesmen of different nations . . . each with a national axe to grind") attest that the phrase has traveled abroad and,as we know only too well, is no longer found only in political contexts.为了理解成语ax to grind 的出处, 我们需要知道grind 意思是“磨尖”。 这个短语据说出自19世纪旅行家查尔斯·麦纳(别名穷罗伯特)所写的关于一个似乎很友善的人的故事,他能够奉承地劝说一名男孩为他翻过一块磨光石。这个传说第一次出现在1810年9月7日宾夕法尼亚州的卢泽恩,在1810年9月7日题为“谁将推翻磨石”的联邦制拥护者 中提到, 之后1815年又在名为作家穷·罗伯特文集 一书中提到。 因为"poor Robert和"poor Richard"易被弄混淆,这个故事经常被错误地认为是本杰明·弗兰克林创作的。这个成语本身是美国式的词或表达源于美国。一开始被限于在政治性言词的情况中使用,但是从以下的引文表明这个短语已广泛地传播,一个是引于詹姆斯·琼斯(“这个显然别有企图的披着人皮的狼,正在诉苦”),另一个引自乔治·萧伯纳(“辨认出不同国家的人…每个国家都有自己国家的打算”),正如我们所熟知的,它不会只在政治性言论的上下文间才可以找到的〔convey〕To serve as a medium of transmission for; transmit:传播:作为…的传送或传播媒介;传播〔aedes〕A mosquito of the genusAëdes, including A. aegypti, which transmits diseases such as yellow fever and dengue. Also called yellow-fever mosquito 伊蚊:一种伊蚊属 传播诸如黄热病和登革热等疾病的蚊子,包括 埃及伊蚊 也作 yellow-fever mosquito〔filaria〕Any of various slender, threadlike nematode worms of the superfamily Filarioidea that are parasitic in vertebrates and are often transmitted as larvae by mosquitos and other biting insects. The adult form lives in the blood and lymphatic tissues, causing inflammation and obstruction that can lead to elephantiasis.丝虫:丝虫科一种细长丝状蠕虫,寄生在脊椎动物体内并通常被蚊子和其它咬人昆虫以幼虫的方式传播。成虫寄生在血液或淋巴组织中,导致可以引发象皮病的肿痛发炎和障碍物〔Reed〕American physician and army surgeon who proved that yellow fever was transmitted by theAedes aegypti mosquito. 里德,沃尔特:(1851-1902) 美国医生和军医,他证明黄热病是由“埃及斑蚊” 传播〔bruit〕To spread news of; repeat.传播的消息;散播〔passim〕from passus [past participle of] pandere [to scatter, spread out] * see petə- 源自 passus pandere的过去分词 [散布,传播] * 参见 petə- 〔gossip〕To engage in or spread gossip.传播或散布流言蜚语〔chitchat〕To engage in small talk or gossip.聊天或传播流言蜚语〔vagile〕Characterized by vagility; able to move about or disperse in a given environment:漫游的:以漫游为特征的;能够在给定的环境里游移或传播的:〔malign〕Libel involves the communication of written or pictorial material injurious to the reputation of another: Libel 涉及到对别人名声有害的书面或图形材料的传播〔wilco〕Used especially in radio communications to indicate agreement or compliance.照办:特别用于无线电传播用以指同意或是承诺〔communicate〕a carrier who communicated typhus.传播斑疹伤寒的带菌者〔mission〕A body of persons sent to a foreign land by a religious organization, especially a Christian organization, to spread its faith or provide educational, medical, and other assistance.布道团,传教团:由一个宗教组织,尤其是基督教组织派遣到外国的,传播其信仰或提供教育、医疗或其它方面援助的团体〔Prescott〕American Revolutionary patriot who on April 18, 1775, joined Paul Revere and William Dawes on their ride to spread the news of the British advance on Concord, Massachusetts. Because Revere was captured and Dawes was forced to retreat, only Prescott was able to warn the militias of Lincoln and Concord.普雷斯科特,塞缪尔:(1751-1777?) 美国独立战争中的爱国者。在1775年4月18日,他和保罗·罗维尔和威廉·道斯一起传播了英军向马萨诸塞州的康科德进军的消息,后因里维尔被捕,而道斯义被迫撤退,只有普雷斯科特最终向驻扎在林肯和康科德的民兵报警〔publicity〕Public interest, notice, or notoriety achieved by the spreading of such information.宣传效用:由于这种信息的传播而引起的公众的兴趣、注意或在公众中的恶名〔Macedon〕An ancient kingdom of northern Greece originally occupying territory north of Thessaly and northwest of the Aegean Sea. It was the center of a powerful empire under Philip II and his son Alexander the Great and contributed significantly to the spread of Hellenistic civilization. It became the first Roman province in 146b.c. 马其顿:原为居住地的希腊北部古王国,位于塞萨利以北和爱琴海西北。马其顿在腓力二世及其子亚历山大大帝统治时期是强大帝国的中心,对希腊文明的传播贡献巨大。公元前 146年成为罗马第一个省 〔transmit〕To pass along (news or information); communicate.传播传播(消息或信息);交流〔pass〕To cause to be accepted; circulate fraudulently:使用(伪钞):使…被接受;欺诈地传播〔contact〕Caused or transmitted by touching:由接触引起或传播的:〔fading〕Fluctuation in the strength of radio signals because of variations in the transmission medium.时强时弱:由于传播中介的变化而引起的无线电波信号的强弱波动




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